Goodbye Norazmein

My dear friend since our tutor days is transferring to UTM JB. Goodbye Azmein.


500 pages in google search

Another milestone for this page. It has reached 500 pages in google search.

UTM Razak School Bowling Game

The staff of UTM Razak School had a great time playing bowling yesterday at UTMKL brand spanking new bowling alley in UTM Residensi. As a newbie in this sport (this is just my second time playing after a long long time) I as expectedly came last hehe.

Selamat Hari Raya!

From us UTM Razak School.

UTM Razak School Photography Session for Eid 2017

This morning we have a photography session to celebrate the upcoming Eid. Majority of us came wearing our baju raya. Alhamdulillah.

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Testing from web to facebook