
Steps to Publish an HTML Website Online and Make it Accessible on the Internet

Learn how to put a website online on the Internet for free with GitHub Pages (using a free GitHub Pages domain name). Learn how to buy and set up a custom domain name (like “”). Learn how to set up HTTPS SSL encryption for free. Sample website you can practice with:… Namecheap: Use coupon NEWCOM598 to get a .com domain for $5.98 (33%+ OFF, new accounts only). !!! Note: don’t use the Honey extension because it steals affiliate commissions. !!!… If you purchase your first domain name through the link above (without using Honey) Namecheap will give this […]

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Implikasi dan Pertimbangan Kenaikan Gred Markah 4 dan 9 dalam Sistem Penilaian

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Keputusan untuk menggalakkan pensyarah supaya menaikkan gred markah kursus yang mempunyai angka 4 dan 9 dihujungnya adalah suatu isu yang mempunyai pelbagai sudut pandangan dan pertimbangan. Sebagai contoh, markah keseluruhan pelajar sepanjang semester, iaitu selepas dicampurkan dengan skor kuiz, ujian, tugasan, projek, dan peperiksaan akhir, jika markahnya adalah 64, maka perlu dinaikkan kepada 65. Begitu juga, jika markah pelajar adalah 69, maka perlu dinaikkan kepada 70. Ini akan menjadikan gred markah seolah-olah tidak lagi mempunyai angka 4 dan 9 di dalamnya. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa aspek yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam situasi ini: Kelebihan Kekurangan Pertimbangan Alternatif

Implikasi dan Pertimbangan Kenaikan Gred Markah 4 dan 9 dalam Sistem Penilaian Read More »

Cabaran Sikap Pelajar Universiti Terhadap Kemerosotan Pencapaian Akademik di Era Digital

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Dalam era digital yang penuh dengan kemudahan dan akses kepada maklumat, sikap pelajar universiti terhadap pencapaian akademik telah menunjukkan corak yang mencabar. Walaupun pelajar kini mempunyai pelbagai kemudahan dan sokongan untuk berjaya dalam pengajian mereka, namun masih terdapat pelbagai isu yang perlu diberi perhatian bagi mengatasi kemerosotan pencapaian akademik pelajar terbabit. Artikel ini akan membincangkan beberapa isu utama yang telah dinyatakan dalam konteks sikap pelajar universiti pada masa kini terhadap pencapaian akademik mereka. Salah satu isu yang ketara adalah kurangnya usaha dan keengganan pelajar dalam melaksanakan tugasan yang diberikan oleh pensyarah. Sikap ini seringkali merumitkan proses pembelajaran

Cabaran Sikap Pelajar Universiti Terhadap Kemerosotan Pencapaian Akademik di Era Digital Read More »

Kemerosotan Pencapaian Akademik dan Sikap Pelajar Universiti Pasca Era COVID-19 dan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP)

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pendahuluan Pandemik COVID-19 telah membawa transformasi yang signifikan dalam sistem pendidikan, terutama di peringkat universiti. Era pasca-COVID-19 dan tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) telah memberi kesan mendalam kepada sikap pelajar universiti terhadap pencapaian akademik mereka. Fenomena di mana pelajar kurang berusaha dalam melaksanakan tugasan, kurang hadir ke kuliah, dan suka menangguhkan kerja mengakibatkan kemerosotan pencapaian akademik yang mencemaskan. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang dapat dihubungkan dengan perkembangan ini. Artikel ini membincangkan fenomena kemerosotan dalam pencapaian akademik dan sikap yang kurang berusaha pelajar selepas era COVID-19 dan PKP. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Sikap Pelajar 1. Masalah Kesejahteraan Emosi Pandemik dan

Kemerosotan Pencapaian Akademik dan Sikap Pelajar Universiti Pasca Era COVID-19 dan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) Read More »

Pengaruh Anugerah Pencapaian Cemerlang Terhadap Kecemerlangan Staf Lain dalam Konteks Organisasi

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pemberian anugerah pencapaian cemerlang kepada staf dalam sesebuah organisasi adalah suatu bentuk pengiktirafan terhadap usaha dan pencapaian individu yang luar biasa. Namun, apabila anugerah ini hanya diberikan kepada segolongan tertentu sahaja, terdapat beberapa isu dan implikasi yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam konteks pengaruhnya terhadap kecemerlangan staf lain di masa hadapan. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa aspek yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam menjawab soalan ini: Pada keseluruhannya, pengaruh anugerah pencapaian cemerlang kepada staf yang hanya diberikan kepada segolongan tertentu dapat mempengaruhi kecemerlangan staf lain di masa hadapan. Penting untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara memberikan pengiktirafan atas prestasi individu dan memastikan bahawa

Pengaruh Anugerah Pencapaian Cemerlang Terhadap Kecemerlangan Staf Lain dalam Konteks Organisasi Read More »

Developing Web Map-Based Applications

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Web map-based applications have transformed how we interact with geographic information, enabling us to explore, analyze, and visualize data on interactive maps. The development of such applications involves a unique set of challenges and considerations, ranging from selecting mapping libraries to optimizing performance for diverse devices. This article delves into the technical intricacies of creating web map-based applications, discussing mapping libraries, geospatial data integration, user experience, and optimization techniques. Choosing Between the Libraries Selecting the right mapping library is crucial for building effective web map-based applications. Two of the most prominent options are Leaflet and Google

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HD GNSS – An Introduction

By Shahabuddin Amerudin HD GNSS, or High-Definition Global Navigation Satellite System, refers to advanced positioning and navigation technology that enhances the accuracy and precision of satellite-based location services. It is an evolution of traditional GNSS systems like GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou, designed to provide more accurate and reliable positioning information. The concept of improving the accuracy of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has been an ongoing endeavor since the inception of GNSS technology itself. Here’s a brief overview of the evolution and context surrounding HD GNSS: Early GNSS Development: The development of GNSS technology began with the launch of

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Enhancing Smartphone GNSS Accuracy with External Receivers

By Shahabuddin Amerudin In an era driven by digital navigation and geospatial accuracy, the fusion of smartphones and external GNSS receivers has revolutionized positioning capabilities. With the proliferation of location-based services, achieving sub-meter accuracy with smartphones has become a tantalizing possibility. In this article, we explore how to realize this feat, including a dive into cost-effective external receivers that can elevate your smartphone’s positioning prowess. Smartphone GNSS: The Foundation Modern smartphones are equipped with built-in GNSS modules that tap into constellations like GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou, providing basic positioning services. However, their inherent limitations, such as susceptibility to signal

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Unleashing Sub-Meter Accuracy with L1 and L5 GNSS Frequencies

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In the realm of modern navigation and geospatial technology, achieving unparalleled accuracy has become a driving force. As industries and individuals seek to unlock the potential of location-based services, the fusion of advanced GNSS technology with smartphones and external receivers has become a game-changer. One of the pivotal benchmarks in this quest is the pursuit of sub-meter accuracy – a feat that was once confined to specialized equipment but is now within reach through innovative approaches. The confluence of two significant GNSS frequency bands, L1 and L5, stands as a beacon of hope for realizing sub-meter

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GIS Applications That Demand Sub-Meter Accuracy

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Sub-meter accuracy is essential for a variety of Geographic Information System (GIS) applications that require precise spatial data collection, mapping, and analysis. Here are some GIS applications that benefit from sub-meter accuracy: While sub-meter accuracy is critical for these applications, it’s important to choose the appropriate level of accuracy based on the specific requirements of the project. In many cases, sub-meter accuracy provides a balance between precision and cost-effectiveness, making it a valuable asset in various GIS applications. Suggestion for Citation: Amerudin, S. (2023). GIS Applications That Demand Sub-Meter Accuracy. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 14 August

GIS Applications That Demand Sub-Meter Accuracy Read More »

Pioneering High-Accuracy GNSS Positioning with Low-Cost Receivers and Smartphones

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In the dynamic landscape of navigation and positioning technology, a remarkable breakthrough has emerged: the accessibility of high-accuracy GNSS positioning through low-cost receivers and smartphones (Marchi et al., 2022). As we delve deeper into this realm, we uncover a transformative era of precision that was once reserved for specialized equipment. This article explores the advancements, implications, and the potential for achieving centimeter-level accuracy through these affordable solutions. Empowering Ubiquity The narrative begins with the widespread adoption of low-cost GNSS technology. This innovation is now not only accessible but also adaptable with minimal investment. The EGSA GNSS

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Spatial Analysis Techniques for Unveiling Geographic Patterns and Interactions

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Spatial analysis is a critical discipline within geography and various other fields that deal with spatial data. It involves the examination of geographic patterns, relationships, and dependencies among data points in a given space. This exploration is crucial for understanding the underlying mechanisms driving spatial phenomena and for making informed decisions in urban planning, environmental management, economics, and various other domains. In this article, we delve into several key techniques of spatial analysis, each offering unique insights into the complex interplay between geographical elements. By exploring methods such as autocorrelation, spatial interpolation, spatial regression, spatial interaction,

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History of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Development: An Overview

By Shahabuddin Amerudin The development of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) dates back to the 19th century, when the use of geographic information to address complex issues began. In 1832, French geographer Charles Picquet produced an early version of a GIS by creating a map-based representation of cholera spread in Paris using color gradients. This marked the earliest application of spatial analysis in epidemiology. In 1854, English physician John Snow expanded this concept by mapping a cholera outbreak in London and linking it to contaminated water. This illustrated the problem-solving potential of maps in epidemiology. The groundwork laid during this time

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Exploring the Transformative Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Geospatial Technology

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract Geospatial technology has emerged as a pivotal discipline with far-reaching implications in numerous fields, including environmental science, geography, urban planning, and agriculture. The fusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) with geospatial analysis has ushered in an era of unprecedented advancements, elevating the capabilities of geospatial technology to new heights. This comprehensive academic article delves into the multifaceted applications of AI and ML in geospatial technology, elucidating their roles in land cover mapping, flood prediction and monitoring, precision agriculture, and traffic management. By understanding these innovative applications, readers can contribute meaningfully to the evolution

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Emerging Trends in GIS Software Systems: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Environmental Conservation and Resource Management

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a vital role in environmental conservation and natural resource management. In recent years, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into GIS software has led to revolutionary advancements, enhancing the capabilities and intelligence of GIS applications. This article explores the emerging trends in GIS software systems that leverage AI technologies, focusing on various aspects such as interaction methods, data visualization, predictive modelling, spatial analysis, real-time decision-making, autonomous data collection, data fusion, precision agriculture, and environmental risk assessment. These trends are transforming the way government agencies and organizations address complex environmental challenges, promoting

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The Evolution of GIS Software 

By Shahabuddin Amerudin The evolution of GIS software has been marked by key milestones and advancements that have shaped the current landscape of geospatial technology: 1. Early Beginnings (1960s-1970s): 2. Mainframe and Early Desktop GIS (1980s-1990s): 3. Introduction of Vector Data Models: 4. Integration of Remote Sensing and GPS (1990s): 5. Web-Based GIS (Late 1990s-2000s): 6. Open Source GIS (2000s): 7. Mobile GIS and Location-Based Services (2000s-2010s): 8. Cloud-Based GIS (2010s): 9. Big Data and Spatial Data Science (2010s): 10. Integration of AI and Machine Learning (Present): The evolution of GIS software has witnessed significant milestones and technological advancements, transforming

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Development of A Web Map-Based Muslim Cemetery Application in Kangkar Pulai

Alhamdulillah… Praise be to God, and with His blessings, I am delighted to share the successful completion of another undergraduate dissertation under my supervision. Muhammad Syafiq bin Mat Tahir, a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics during the session 2022/2023, has accomplished a remarkable project titled “Development of A Web Map-Based Muslim Cemetery Application in Kangkar Pulai.” Throughout his project, Muhammad Syafiq skillfully designed a website accessible through the URL: This website serves as an invaluable resource for the public, enabling them to effortlessly search for grave information and precise locations within Kampung Melayu Kangkar Pulai, Johor.

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Revolutionising EV Charging

The introduction of a mobile “EV powerbank” service, such as the EV Charge Go, represents a significant advancement in the realm of electric vehicles (EVs) and their accessibility. This innovative solution seems to address one of the key concerns surrounding EV adoption – the availability of charging infrastructure and the need for fast and convenient charging options. The idea of being able to book a mobile EV powerbank and have it delivered to your doorstep is incredibly convenient. It effectively eliminates the worry of finding a nearby charging station or having to wait in line for an available charging point,

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