Pengajaran Tentang Masa dalam Surah Al-Asr & Al-Fajr

Pagi ini, PM Dr Shahidan menyampaikan tazkirah ringkas tentang pentingnya masa. Pengajaran yang dipetik dalam surah al-asr (waktu asar yang sibuk dengan kerja) dan al-fajr (waktu subuh yang susah nak bangun).

Yes, I like my boss PM Shahidan. He is a simple guy – talks like father, full of hikmah and prioritize syura. I can feel that he speaks from heart to others’ heart. Straight forward and sincere.

Dalam surah al-Asr, Allah menerangkan bahawa sesungguhnya demi masa ramai orang yang kerugian – Innal insana la fi Husr. Justeru dalam kehidupan, banyak idioms tentang masa. Ada orang tak cukup masa, ada orang lebih masa, ada orang buang masa, ada orang curi masa, ada orang beri masa. Yang paling bahaya sekiranya masa kita berkait dengan masa orang lain. Contoh paling mudah ialah apabila kita tidak menepati masa dalam mesyuarat, orang terpaksa menunggu untuk mulakan perbincangan – itu namanya kita mencuri masa orang lain (Allahuakhbar baru perasan kita bukan sahaja merugikan masa sendiri tetapi sehingga mencuri masa orang lain). Yang paling bagus ialah kita beri masa – beri masa dengan mendengar masalah orang lain, beri masa kepada masjid dan surau, beri masa untuk membantu orang lain.

Dalam kita cuba menghargai masa – ingat untuk Watawa saubil haq – Berdakwah dengan kecil-kecilan – anak-anak dan suami. Juga jangan lupa Watawa saubis sob – penuh dengan kesabaran

RMC-UTM International Relations Unit

Sila rujuk ke sini bagi mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang International Research Grant. Boleh mendaftar sekiranya berminat di google form ini. The keyword for international grants – please be more proactive and ensure the benefit and giving back research to the society.

Ms Noraziean Hashim (PP) dan Puan Siti Rahimah – boleh hubungi di

Pn Rahimah berkongsi tentang peluang-peluang yang ada semasa menghadiri European Research Day (taklimat pada 27 Ogos 2019 di Universiti Malaysia). Diantaranya ialah:

  1. Euracess -thousand grants from 44 european company.
  2. Newton-Ungku Omar Fund
  3. Erasmus – hubert Curien Partnership Program.

How to build an international research network

  1. Join network – sila berhubung dengan Dr Farahadiana bagi mendapatkan khidmat nasihat tentang network UTM yang sedia ada.
  2. Attend Conference – contact speakers/presenter prior conference
  3. Communication – proactive, approach new contact. Know exactly potential collaborator needs, tolong jangan syok sendiri
  4. Realistic network – look for reachable potential collaborator – thinking of SME too
  5. Increase visibility – update website, blog, publication and citation
  6. Appropriate research – fit research with potential collaboration need, attraction to industry.

How to prepare good research proposal

  1. Interesting ideas – unique and not common
  2. Useful research output – benefits to community not only paper publication (show how we can give back to the society)
  3. Structured proposal – realistic time monetary and output – e.g caps 50K, then the bajet janganlah dekat sangat dengan 50 tu, please be more realistik.
  4. Review – proof read and peer review helps to reduce mistakes
  5. Language – appropriate language and writing style.

Perolehan Kewangan bagi Geran UTM

En Mun’im ialah speaker petang ini. Beliau merupakan pegawai kewangan W41 di RMC, UTM.Beberapa isu cabaran bayaran yang sering berlaku bagi bayaran Geran Universiti ialah:

  1. Aktiviti geran mesti mendapat kelulusan daripada pihak RMC. Nyatakan berapa banyak dan pastikan ikut prosedur terbaru.
  2. Tuntutan pastikan tidak melebihi 3 bulan.
  3. Elakkan membuat pembelian secara pecah kecil
  4. Penyelidik tidak up-to-date terhadap peraturan & garis panduan dari masa ke semasa.
  5. Pastikan maklumat bank penerima lengkap dan aktif – bagi pelajar luar negara, sekiranya tidak renew visa dan tidak dimaklumkan di bank, maka bank akan tutup akaunan
  6. Penyelidik kurang mahir menggunakan sistem kewangan.
  7. Isu terimaan – pemaklumna kemasukan data ke UTM tidak diterima. Follow up ASAP dengan RMC.
    Isu teknikal – sistem TMFin masih belum stabil menyebabkan masalah teknikal untuk agihan dan pelaporan.

Aset, Inventori dan Penyelenggaraan

  1. Harta – B35000
    1. Kos harta bernilai lebih RM3000
    2. Perlu isi Borang Key.PA-2 (warna pink).
    3. Jika alat ditempatkan diluar UTM – ketua projek perlu mengisi KEW.PA-9A) dan borang Pergerakan Harga (KEW.PA-6).
    4. Pembelian melebihan RM5,000 perlu melalui unit perolehan.
  2. Inventori – B36000
    1. Harga bernilai lebih RM500
    2. Perlu isi Borang KEW.PA-
  3. Selenggara – B2800
    1. Daftar Penyelenggaran harta tetap KEW-PA-14

Pelupusan Aset Penyelidikan

  1. Pertukaran hak milik – bagi aset di bawah geran yang masih aktif
  2. Pelupusan – dd
    1. Lupus beli
    2. lupus musnah
    3. lupus hadiah
    4. lupus pindah – serahkan kembali ast penyelidikan kepada penaja diletakkan dikawasan yang dinyatakan dalam proposal geran penyelidikan.
  3. Pemindahan Aset – bagi geran tamat (terutamanya bagi yang nak pencen memang sangat perlu update).

Double Tax Deduction bagi Projek Penyelidikan UTM

Double Tax Deduction adalah satu inisiatif bagi mempertingkatkan kolaborasi diantara research UTM dan Industri. Penyelidikan UTM dapat geran dan real-industry problem dan produk industri pula akan lebih mantap. Bonus paling besar ialah industri (syarikat) dapat DTD.

En Amirul Shahrin memang pandai promo DTD – semenjak diperkenalkan tahun 2018 hingga sekarang – KPI UTM 10 juta untuk tahun 2019 bulan Jun lagi sudah lepas. fuh, hebat!. Antara industri besar yang sudah percaya dengan DTD ialah UMW Corporation dengan lebih 150 anak syarikat di bawahnya. Royal Widad juga antara syarikat terkini yang berminat dengan DTD. Tambahan pula, industri sudah semakin bijak – mereka telah mula percaya dengan universiti berbanding projek konsultansi bagi menambahbaik produk dan perkhidmatan masing-masing.

Bagi pendaftaran di RADIS, jenis geran Contract Research DTD ialah nama yang boleh didaftarkan dalam RADIS UTM bagi projek DTD. Pastikan dalam tajuk projek mesti namakan “Projek Penyelidikan tot tot tot” or else projek akan jadi projek konsultansi. Katanya lagi jangan lupa masukkan honorarium (upah) penyelidik/pensyarah untuk projek DTD kerana bayaran itu juga boleh dapat DTD. Untuk memudahkan urusan kewangan, boleh guna spin-off company untuk memudahkan urusan kewangan yang rumit di RADIS. Selain itu, kriteria DTD pun simple – hanya perlu LOA daripada syarikat sahaja yang diperlukan untuk daftar dalam sistem RADIS. Konsultansi lanjut untuk DTD terutama sekali yang berkaitan dengan urusan LHDNM dan dokumentasi juga disediakan oleh pihak RMC. Pastikan ada komponen research iaitu tempoh yang bersesuaian.

Yang paling best, DTD akan dapat matching grant (sekarang dikenali sebagai IIID) dengan nilai minimum 10k dan maksimum 20k untuk bidang Sains dan Teknologi. Diantara konsep yang boleh dijadikan geran industri (Contract Research) ialah:
1. Latihan Industri.
2. Maintenance Project.
3. Design something – e.g. 21st century learning classroom, Data Center layout.

Basic Structure for English Sentence

The basic sentence structure must contain:

Subject ———————— verb ———————————— object

as simple as:
I love you, he is eating the chicken, Dahlia is reading a book.

According to thought co,the subject is usually a noun—a word that names a person, place, or thing. The verb (or predicate) usually follows the subject and identifies an action or a state of being. An object receives the action and usually follows the verb.

Credit to ESL Goal, the picture taken from 

For more basic grammar, need to know more about nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.



Writing Lesson Part 1

A paragraph should have

  • 1 topic sentence
  • a few supporting sentences
  • 1 conclusion for topic sentence

Tips to expand a topic sentence. Supporting sentences must expand the topic sentence. Plese refer to this cartoon and easy to understand graphic

  • Adjectives (summary – key points – gist keep here).
    • Who – main character/entity suppose to be here.
    • Characters
    • Current situation
  • Give settings –
    • When
    • Where
  • How
  • Why
  • Conclude

Tips to use transitions. Please refer to this nice handwriting summary that I found from pinterest.

  • To contrast – despite, however, yet, rather, instead, otherwise, even though. nevertheless, at the same time, yet, in contrast, instead
  • To compare – likewise, as well as, either, similarly, in the same way, comparatively, too, also, along with,
  • To show time – recently, now, after, then, finally, before, first, following, subsequently, next, meanwhile, presently, later, simultaneously
  • to show example – for example, to illustrate, such as, in fact, for instance, in addiction, specifically, for instance, specifically,
  • to show a cause-effect – as a result, consequently, therefore, accordingly
  • Add to – in addition, furthermore, moreover, additionally, next, lastly, also.
  • Result – hence, therefore, in conclusion, as a result, accordingly, thus,
  • to summarize – all in all, as a result, finally.

To hook your reader, use:

  • Description word picture – ‘I peeked out the window at the hot morning sunshine…’
  • For business writing – they like these power words. E.g. easy, effective, facilitate, focus, ignite, impact, boost, active, affect.

Tools to help your writing

  • hemmingway app –


Bengkel Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for SUK Selangor Disaster Risk Reduction

Alhamdulillah, dengan kerjasama SUK Selangor dan Selangor Disaster Management Unit (SDMU), sebanyak 56 agensi yang terlibat hadir untuk FGD. Kajian ini adalah merupakan sebahagian element bagi Geran UTM-RDR 8.1. Big Data Analytics Framework Towards Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction.

Antara tujuan bengkel ialah untuk mengenalpasti data-data yang ada dan diperlukan untuk membuat unjuran bagi mengurangkan risiko bencana di negeri Selangor. Selain itu, adalah penting untuk memahami proses kerja dan wishlist bagi mengurangkan risiko bencana.

Bersama dengan Mdm Yazriwati Yahya, Team 3 bersama ADO Klang dan Tok Penghulu Pulau Indah banyak insight yang dikongsi bersama. Baru kami faham tentang kepentingan SDMU sebagai unit fokus membantu menyelesaikan bencana.

Kazakhtan Potential Collaboration and Conferences

Today, I accompanied PM Dr Rijal to meet the delegation from Institute of Information & Computational Technologies, Al-Faraby University, Kazakhtan at UTM Kuala Lumpur. IICT is sort of like Hi-COE in Al-Faraby University. Their priority research areas are: 

i. Information Security
ii. Robotics System
iii. Big Data Analytics
iv. Artificial Intelligence

I learned from google maps the beautiful place of Al-Maty – the city of Alfarabi. 60% of Kazakhtan are muslims. They are 60% Kazakhs and the rest are russia, turks and Uyghur.

It was like ayam and itik discussion since we have language barrier. Fortunately we have Miss Gula to translate for us. Among the potential collaboration we can do;
i. Post-doctoral 5-10 people from IICT – they sponsor their young scientist to study here
ii. Postgraduate collaboration – they show big interest here
iii. International program – conferences etc – refer to – free for us
iv. Matching grant – CRG UTM
v. Lecturer outbound – suggested by PM Rijal

Teaching Excellency System (TES) UTM

On 11 July 2019 (Wednesday), Dr Nihra share with us about Teaching Excellency System (TES). Basically TES is about compilation for our teaching development. For kenaikan pangkat, the lecturer must get DCP bend more than 2.33 for VK7 and bend more than 2.1 for DS54. You can access TES through on academic module.

For individual, we can access our academic profile through ( Learning boleh akses sini ( -> hanya bos sahaja boleh akses ye (coordinator – in Razak Faculty Dr Syahid).

Basically there are two elements within TES – teaching portfolio (as a platform untuk maklumat pencapaian serta keupayaan staf akademik untuk menguasai kompetensi asas (KA) dan kompetensi dibezakan (KD) dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Another one is about a platform untuk memasukkan penilaian pengajaran daripada pakar dan rakan setugas bagi tujuan kenaikan pangkat. Terdapat 7 modul dalam TES iaitu:

Module 1 – Blended Learning.
Sila rujuk sini untuk faham eLearning

Module 2 – OBE.
OBE lebih lanjut sila rujuk sini

  1. CAR buat Manual – hantar kepada KJ
  2. Buat melalui sistem – Course Analysis using OBE (

Module 3 – NALI HIEPS
Sila klik sini untuk faham HIEPS
atau klik sini untuk faham tentang active learning

  1. Tanya student (access from ePPP) – ditanya daripada 3 perspektif – penyampaian, generic skill dan NALI. Selalunya pelajar tak berapa paham – so I need to explain to students every semester during the course.
  2. Dapatkan evidence daripada pensyarah (upload ke sistem)

Module 4 – Teaching Using Technology
Sila klik sini untuk faham teachning and technology
atau klik sini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang active learning dengan penggunaan technology

Module 5 – eCONTENT (e-kandungan asli terbuka) bonus for eLPPT
Boleh guna teknologi seperti di atas untuk membangunkan e-Content

Syarat diterima sebagai e-Content:

  1. Perlu dibangunkan sendiri oleh pensyarah.
  2. Tidak melanggar copyright license
  3. perlu open (online and can be access to everyone) – wordpress, youtube, padlets, facebook cannot only friends.
  4. Boleh apply untuk markah eLPPT melalui online……
  5. Tahap bahan kandungan
    1. Reseptif – pelajar hanya menerima kandungan pengajaran – 1 marks. e.g. pdf, teks, ppt yang pelajar boleh download sahaja.
    2. Interactive dalaman antara pelajar dan komputer – 2 markah
    3. Ada ciri sumbangsaran-5marks
      • Cooperative
  6. Mestilah education content/learning
    • can – video during our class
    • cannot be tazkirah, consultation, teaser bengkel dsb
    • cannot be double count (already got in eLearning – hence eLearning UTM )

Module 6 – Teaching Portfolio (modul 6) – end date July 2019 [new!!!]

Teaching portfolio – myutm UTMACAD > TESDCP
Idea asal daripada Royal Academy of Engineering

  1. Teaching Portfolio Course File (CAR File) – masukkan every semester (start this semester by July 2019). Masukkan CAR according to these:
  2. Self-Assessment & Reflection (upload sekali sahaja setahun – mptambil contoh daripada elearning Dr Nihra & benchmark based on rubrics yanng disediakan (Bend 1- Bend 4) – peringatan untuk key-in within 20 minutes duration before timeout.
  3. Professional Activities. Tarik from system. At least 40 credits untuk kenaikan pangkat.
    1. Formal professional activities -Appointed as teaching speaker, appointed as expert panel related to that subject.
    2. Informal professional activities – need to do report –
      • boleh guna pptx or docs untuk explain semua activities yang dijalankan. e.g. Dr Nihra used flipgrid (untuk flipclassroom) and show the evidence – activities, pictures, certificate involved.
      • Siapa rajin menulis sila buat karangan like teaching methodology – explain all about class session, active learning, dsb.
  4. Testimony and testimony (from others) – IMPACT
    1. Measures of student learning  – feedback and testimony. Gambar, makan, dsb.

Module 7 – Teaching Observation 

Need more info for this.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking has been define as the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.  Based on [1], there are 5 elements within critical thinking.

i. Gather information

ii. Express thoughts

iii. Problem solving

iv. Analysis

v. Application of knowledge

The technology forces change and change is uncomfortable as it pushes people out of their comfort zone. McCain and Jukes 1 believed that the future success does not lie within the technology but rather on the mind-set of people who use the technology. Due to those, school systems need to change to adapt to such mind-set development. McCain and Jukes 1 also added that educators should teach students higher order thinking skills –  the skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation that are important to effective problem solving. Thus, teachers, as the mechanism of skills, need to be equipped with the necessary skills before they could convey the skills to students

[1] Kamarulzaman, W. (2018). Primary School Teachers’ Understanding of Critical Thinking in KSSR Classroom and Its Importance to Students. International Journal of Engineering & Technology.