Archives for November 2017

Don’t let the past burdens you

The future of cellular network

Imagine using drones to provide your mobile network coverage. In Puerto Rico, for the first time an LTE cell site on a drone has been successfully deployed to connect residents after a disaster.

“As we work to permanently restore our network, this experimental technology is providing data, voice, and text services to customers,” AT&T said in an announcement today. “This is the first time an LTE cell site on a drone has been successfully deployed to connect residents after a disaster.”

Failure is your friend

KLESF 2017

5 Nov 2017

UTM Razak School and MJIIT made their presence felt in the Kuala Lumpur Engineering and Science Fair at The Mines Exhibition Centre. This is the first time we participated in such events and we came with several activities aiming to increase STEM awareness to the visitors of our booth.We also took this opportunity to gain exposure and learn from other more experienced IPTAs that have attended this events several times. Surely we will come again next year with more preparation and with more content to increase STEM awareness to school going children.

Better days are coming

But only if you keep moving forward.

A visit to Kg Rening, Cameron Highlands

On 26th October 2017 we went for a visit to an Orang Asli kampung in Cameron Highlands. Kampung Rening is an Orang Asli kampung located at Pos Telanok, Cameron Highlands about 40 km from Ringlet. Its inhabitants are made up of the Semai people who lived in this village since the time of their ancestors. Kampong Rening consists of 150 people of Semai community. Out of these 150, 6 people have converted to Islam.

A resort at Kampung Rening called PEKA Resort was built by the Orang Asli under the guidance of Persatuan Kembara Amal (PeKA), a registered NGO. This resort is now managed by the Orang Asli guided by PeKA members.