Peranan Silat dalam Dunia Moden: Warisan Budaya yang Terus Relevan

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pendahuluan Seni bela diri tradisional Melayu, yang dikenali dengan nama “Silat,” merupakan warisan budaya yang kaya dan berpengaruh di kalangan masyarakat Asia Tenggara. Silat telah menjalani perjalanan sejarah yang panjang, terus berkembang dan mempengaruhi kebudayaan dan identiti masyarakat di wilayah ini. Dalam dunia moden yang serba canggih ini, peranan Silat masih memainkan peranan yang penting dan relevan dalam konteks sosial, budaya, dan bahkan dalam aspek kesejahteraan individu. Perkembangan Silat dalam Dunia Moden Dalam era teknologi yang terus berkembang pesat, seni bela diri tradisional seperti Silat mungkin terlihat seolah-olah tertinggal. Namun, realitinya adalah bahawa Silat telah mampu beradaptasi

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Nurturing the Roots of a Tree

In the midst of the arduous task of tending to the verdant stem and foliage, Let us not disregard the labyrinthine roots that lie in the earth’s ravine. They sustain the mass of the entire arboreal realm, Neglect them and they shall wither, perishing from within. Endow the roots with fresh, unblemished streams,And enrich them with the choicest manure, So they may sprout vigorous and towering, In concert with the comely leaves that lure. Though indiscernible to the naked eye, The roots are the underpinning of the tree, If abandoned, the entirety shall frail and die, Incapable of withstanding the

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Akar Pohon

Dalam ketersibukan menjaga teras pohon dan dedaunan Janganlah kau lupa pada akar yang tersembunyi Ia yang menopang seluruh tubuh pohon Tanpa perawatan, ia akan terkubur dalam kelam Siramlah akar dengan air yang segar Bajalah dengan pupuk yang terbaik Biarlah ia tumbuh kuat dan gagah Seiring dengan dedaunan yang merimbun Karena meski tak terlihat oleh mata Akarlah yang menjaga kestabilan pohon Jika terlupakan, maka seluruh tubuh akan rapuh Dan tak bisa tertahan terhadap badai yang menderu Jadi, dalam ketersibukan menjaga teras pohon dan dedaunanJanganlah biarkan akar tersisih dan terlupa Berikanlah perhatian dan kasih sayang Agar pohonmu tumbuh besar dan bersemi rupa.

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Methodology to Analyse the Factors that Contribute to the Underdevelopment of Malay Reserve Land

To analyze the factors that contribute to the underdevelopment of Malay Reserve Land in Malaysia using GIS, the following methodology can be employed: Overall, the use of GIS can provide a powerful tool for analyzing the factors that contribute to the underdevelopment of Malay Reserve Land in Malaysia. By integrating spatial and non-spatial data, GIS can help to identify areas where development efforts are most needed and inform decision-making related to the development of Malay Reserve Land.

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The Student’s Path to Triumph

With every step, you rise above, Conquering challenges, and reaching new heights, For the road to success is full of love, And with Allah by your side, you can’t be beat. For the journey to success is long, With twists and turns, and hills to climb, But with every question, you grow strong, And every test, a chance to shine. So take your place among the stars, And reach for the sky with all your might, For you are a student, proud and smart, And with Allah’s guidance, you’ll reach new light. So on this journey, never look back, And

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A Student’s Journey to Success

A student, proud and true, With knowledge vast and a heart so bright, Ready to face each challenge anew, And showcase skills with all their might. The exam draws near, with questions tough, But fear not, for you have what it takes, With every class and lecture enough, Your mind is sharp and heart won’t shake. For Allah is with you, every step, Guiding and blessing, never apart, So when you’re in the exam room, prep, And put your knowledge to the test with heart. Avoid distractions, focus on the task, And provide accurate answers, nothing less, With every point

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Exam Guides

Attention all students! The moment you’ve been preparing for has finally arrived—it’s time for the big exam! As someone who’s highly prepared, you’re well equipped to tackle any question that comes your way. When it comes to exams, it’s important to stay focused on the task at hand. As a student, your job is to provide accurate and technical answers to the questions posed to you. So resist the temptation to get creative and stick to the facts. But don’t let the pressure get to you! Remember that Allah is always with you, guiding and supporting you every step of

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Be ready for the examination

SBEG3163 Systems Analysis and Design9.00 am – 12.00 pm, Tuesday, 14th Feb. 2023B08 BK13 FABU Alright, folks, let’s get ready to ace this exam! Just remember, as a junior systems analyst, your job is to give straight answers, not write a novel. If you missed some classes or my talks, don’t panic; just pray to God and hope for the best. And for goodness’ sake, don’t start making new friends in the exam hall; it’s not a social gathering. If your neighbour is filling up pages and pages, don’t get nervous; they might just be drawing pictures of dinosaurs. And

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The Importance of User-Centered Design in Product and Service Development

Introduction User-centered Design (UCD) is a design approach where the end-user is placed at the center of the design process. It focuses on understanding user needs, behaviors, and goals to create products or services that meet their expectations and provide a satisfying experience. The UCD process involves user research, prototyping, testing, and iteration to ensure the final product is usable and valuable to the target audience. The Process User-centered Design (UCD) is a design methodology that emphasizes the user’s perspective and needs in the design process. It aims to create products or services that meet the real needs of users

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Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)

Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a spatial statistical method used for predicting outcomes based on geographical data. To conduct prediction using GWR, you can follow these steps: Note: It is essential to validate the GWR results with independent validation data and assess the model performance using appropriate validation metrics. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a powerful statistical tool for predicting outcomes based on geographical data. Its ability to account for spatial heterogeneity in the relationships between independent and dependent variables makes it an attractive alternative to traditional regression methods such as Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The quality of GWR results

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Designing and Developing a Web Map-based Muslim Cemetery System

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction A web map-based cemetery system typically utilizes a GIS (Geographic Information System) to display a map of the cemetery and the location of graves within it. Users can interact with the map to zoom in and out, pan around, and view detailed information about individual graves, such as the name of the deceased, date of birth and death, and other relevant details. Some systems may also include photographs of the graves, and allow users to search for graves by name or other criteria. For cemetery managers, this type of system can be useful for maintaining accurate

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For we are warriors, fighters

We rise from the ashes, like the phoenix, Reborn and ready to take on the world once more. We heal our wounds, mend our hearts, And come out stronger than before. With each step we take, we gain more ground, With each breath, we find new strength to be found. We rise from the ashes, we heal our wounds, And we walk towards the future with heads held high, unbound. Through every fall, every break, every failure, We stand tall and face the next challenge with grace. For we are warriors, fighters, And nothing can keep us down for long.

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Using GIS in the Process of Creating a Green Building Index (GBI) Score for the Elements of the Roof

Inroduction Green Building Index (GBI) is a certification system developed in Malaysia, it is used to assess the environmental performance of buildings in the country. The GBI was created by the Malaysia Green Building Confederation (MGBC) in 2009 as a national green building rating tool to promote sustainable building design and construction practices in Malaysia. The GBI rating system assesses the environmental performance of a building based on six categories: Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Indoor Environmental Quality, Material and Resources, Site and Infrastructure, Water Efficiency and Innovation in Design. Buildings are evaluated based on specific criteria within each category, and

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The Green Building Index (GBI) Certification 

Introduction Green Building Index (GBI) is a rating system that evaluates the environmental performance of buildings in Malaysia. Developed by the Malaysia Green Building Confederation (MGBC), the system aims to promote sustainable building practices and reduce the environmental impact of buildings. GBI assesses buildings based on nine categories: energy efficiency, indoor environment quality, materials and resources, site and surrounding, water efficiency, innovation, environmental management, land use and ecology, and emissions and effluents. Each category is assigned a certain number of points, and buildings must achieve a minimum number of points in each category in order to be certified. One of

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Artikel diterbitkan di MalaysiaGazette

Jarak sosial dalam kelas era Covid-19 Pautan: Jarak sosial dalam kelas era Covid-19 COVID-19 merupakan satu isu pendemik yang amat serius di Malaysia dan di seluruh dunia bermula pada Disember 2019. Pada 26 Ogos 2021, Malaysia telah mencatatkan satu rekod baru untuk kes harian positif Covid-19 yang tertinggi iaitu 24,599 kes. Situasi ini mencetuskan kebimbangan kepada ibu bapa untuk membenarkan anak-anak pergi kesekolah secara umumnya. Peningkatan kes ini menunjukkan terdapat sebahagianmasyarakat yang masih tidak mengikuti prosedur pengendalian standard yang telahditetapkan oleh kerajaan. Secara umumnya, virus Covid-19 disebarkan ketika individu saling berhubung rapat diantara satu dengan yang lain. Dalam usaha

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Artikel diterbitkan di Sinar Harian

  Sejauh mana jarak sosial boleh mengelakkan risiko jangkitan Covid-19? Berikut hasil kajian penuntut UTM Pautan: KITA sedia maklum, penjarakan sosial pada had jarak yang ditetapkan menjadi salah satu prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang wajib dipatuhi. Bukan sahaja di tempat awam, malah di sekolah dan institusi pengajian tinggi juga menekankan SOP sama. Sama ada dengan pendekatan penyusunan meja pada jarak yang ditetapkan atau mengehadkan jumlah pelajar dalam satu-satu kelas. Pun begitu, sejauh mana jarak sosial tersebut boleh mengelakkan risiko jangkitan Covid-19 lebih-lebih lagi pada ruang bilik kelas atau kuliah bersaiz kecil? Persoalan tersebut dibangkitkan dalam kajian yang dijalankan Gan Wei

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Space Demand Analysis for Muslim Cemeteries: Methods, Techniques, and Expectations

Introduction Space demand analysis is a critical process that helps organizations, developers, and architects to determine the amount of space needed for a particular function or activity. The process involves identifying the space requirements of an organization, project, or event, and then determining the amount of space necessary to meet those requirements. This analysis is important for ensuring that the space is efficient, functional, and cost-effective. Space demand analysis for cemeteries is a process used to evaluate the amount of land and burial plots needed to accommodate the deceased. It involves identifying the space requirements of a particular cemetery, and

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Flood Detention Basin: Techniques for Identifying Suitable Locations and Measuring Analysis Accuracy

A flood detention basin is a man-made structure designed to temporarily store stormwater runoff in order to reduce the risk of downstream flooding. The basin typically includes a depression or pond that can hold water during a storm, along with an outlet or spillway that slowly releases the water once the storm has passed. These basins are typically found in urban areas, where they can help to manage the increased volume of runoff caused by impervious surfaces such as roads, buildings, and parking lots. The basin is designed to hold a certain volume of water, known as the “detention volume,”

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