Factors Affecting Height Accuracy in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), with the Global Positioning System (GPS) as the most prominent example, have transformed the field of geospatial positioning, enabling precise location determination for a multitude of applications. While GNSS provides remarkable accuracy in horizontal position measurements, the accuracy of height measurements remains subject to various influencing factors. This article conducts an in-depth and comprehensive review of the factors impacting height accuracy in GNSS measurements, along with exploring the diverse techniques and technologies deployed to enhance height precision. Additionally, this paper delves into the practical applications of high-precision height measurements in geodesy, […]

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Stereotaip dalam Filem Aksi dan Kejahatan

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Mengapa selalu dalam filem, apabila ada adegan dua kumpulan penjahat yang ingin menjalankan urusan dadah, mereka selalu berjumpa di gudang, pelabuhan, atau landasan kapal terbang? Semuanya jelas, tanpa gangguan daripada polis. Malah, satu pun tidak ada penjagaan kawasan oleh pihak berkuasa. Selain itu, kebiasaannya akan ada bos dalam kumpulan penjahat, iaitu Geng A dan Geng B. Kedua-dua kumpulan ini akan membawa kereta T20 yang mahal. Bos tidak banyak bercakap dan memberikan arahan melalui isyarat mudah atau dengan gerakan kepala. Yang paling menghairankan, anggota kumpulan tersebut sepertinya tahu dengan tepat apa yang perlu dilakukan. Mereka selalunya berbadan sasa

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Mata Angin – Jejak Sejarah di Langit Tanah Melayu

Pernahkah anda memikirkan makna dan sejarah di sebalik arah mata angin? Dalam zaman kanak-kanak kita, mungkin kita terbiasa dengan anggapan bahawa ‘barat’ merujuk kepada ‘Bharat,’ nama kuno India, manakala ‘timur’ adalah merujuk kepada Laut Timor. Namun, sebenarnya, terdapat lebih banyak rahsia yang tersembunyi di dalam petunjuk ini di langit. Tahukah anda bahawa ‘Barat’ dan ‘Timur’ sebenarnya adalah nama angin? Di Malaysia, kita kenal dengan baik monsun barat daya dan monsun timur laut. Walaupun ‘Barat’ dan ‘Timur’ mungkin kelihatan seperti penunjuk geografi, sebenarnya mereka adalah angin yang memberi nama kepada arah tersebut. ‘Barat,’ dalam konteks ini, ada yang berpendapat bahawa ia

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Addressing Common Challenges in Creating Study Area Maps in Thesis Writing

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Geographic Information Systems (GIS) plays an indispensable role in various fields, including environmental science, urban planning, and public health. For GIS students at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), producing a high-quality study area map is a fundamental aspect of their thesis writing. However, this seemingly straightforward task can be surprisingly challenging, especially when it comes to fitting the map within the constraints of an A4 or B5 paper size. As a result, many students resort to using Google Maps as a basemap or backdrop image, rather than creating a map from scratch. In this article, we

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Creating an Effective Study Area Map in GIS

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a pivotal role in modern spatial analysis, helping us understand and visualize complex spatial data. Among the fundamental tasks in GIS, creating a study area map is a common challenge that students often encounter. A well-designed study area map is crucial for any GIS project, as it serves as the foundation for data analysis, decision-making, and communication. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a good study area map and the criteria and strategies needed to design one effectively. The Importance of a Good Study Area Map A study

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Map Elements: The Building Blocks of Spatial Understanding

Maps are powerful tools for conveying information about our world. Whether you’re exploring a city, planning a road trip, analyzing data, or conducting scientific research, maps provide a visual representation of spatial information. To make maps informative and user-friendly, cartographers use various map elements that serve as the building blocks of spatial understanding. In this comprehensive article, we’ll explore these essential map elements and their roles in map design and interpretation. The Fundamentals of Map Elements 1. Title 2. Legend (Key) 3. Scale Bar 4. North Arrow (Compass Rose) 5. Data Source Attribution 6. Inset Map Spatial Representation Elements 7.

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The Marriage of Cartography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Study

In today’s data-driven world, the fusion of technology, data analysis, and spatial understanding has revolutionized how we perceive and interact with our surroundings. This transformation is epitomized in the harmonious relationship between cartography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) study. While cartography is the age-old science and art of mapmaking, GIS is a technology-based system that captures, stores, analyzes, and manages spatial data. Together, they form a powerful alliance that empowers us to explore, comprehend, and make decisions about the world around us. In this article, we delve into the intricate dance of cartography within the realm of GIS study. Visualizing

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Cartography: Navigating the World Through Maps

Maps are more than mere navigational tools; they are the result of the fascinating blend of science and art known as cartography. Cartography, often described as the science and art of mapmaking, encompasses a wide array of skills and knowledge that enable cartographers, those who specialize in this field, to represent our planet’s complex features, spatial data, and geographic information in visually appealing and informative ways. The discipline of cartography has a rich history, and its applications are as diverse as the world it seeks to depict. The Foundations of Cartography Map Design One of the foundational elements of cartography

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A Guide for School Students Interested in Pursuing a GIS Program

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Are you a high school student with a keen interest in geography, maps, and technology? Do you find yourself drawn to the idea of using spatial data to solve real-world problems? If so, a career in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) might be the perfect fit for you. This guide is designed to help school students explore their passion for GIS and make informed decisions about pursuing a GIS program. Discovering Your Interest in GIS Before diving into the world of GIS, it’s essential to explore and understand your interests. Here are some key questions to consider: Choosing

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A Guide for Foundation Students Considering a Career in GIS

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Are you a foundation student contemplating your academic journey and intrigued by the world of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)? If you’re passionate about geography, spatial data, and problem-solving, a career in GIS could be an exciting and rewarding path. To help you navigate your decision, here’s a comprehensive guide to assist you in choosing a GIS program that aligns with your interests and aspirations. Assess Your Interests and Passions Before diving into GIS, it’s essential to understand where your interests lie. Ask yourself the following questions: Educational Pathways Once you’ve identified your interests, it’s time to explore

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Navigating Your GIS Career: Paths to Becoming a GIS Analyst, Developer, Manager, Consultant, or Specialist

By Shahabuddin Amerudin If you’re a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) student with a passion for mapping, spatial data, and problem-solving, you’ve embarked on a journey with exciting possibilities. GIS is a dynamic field offering diverse career paths, each with unique responsibilities and opportunities for growth. In this article, we’ll explore five distinct career options within GIS: GIS Analyst, GIS Developer, GIS Manager, GIS Consultant, and GIS Specialist. 1. GIS Analyst Role: GIS Analysts are the cartographers and data experts of the GIS world. They collect, clean, analyze, and visualize geospatial data to create meaningful maps and reports. Their work aids

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Database Performance at Scale

Database performance at scale is a critical consideration for organizations that handle large volumes of data and require fast and reliable access to that data. Scaling a database means adapting it to handle increased workloads, larger datasets, and higher numbers of concurrent users without compromising performance. This process involves various techniques and strategies, and it’s essential to address multiple aspects of database design and management. Let’s explore the key factors and considerations in detail: Database Architecture Sharding: Sharding involves dividing a large database into smaller, more manageable pieces called shards. Each shard can be hosted on a separate server or

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Exploring the Relationship Between Question Difficulty and Student Performance in GIS Software System Examinations

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This paper investigates the intriguing relationship between question difficulty and student performance in GIS Software System examinations. Utilizing data from 33 students who undertook the SBEG3583 GIS Software System course, we delve into the intricate dynamics of question difficulty, student backgrounds, teaching strategies, and study habits. Employing correlation coefficients and statistical analysis, we examine whether challenging questions are indeed correlated with higher student performance. 1. Introduction In the realm of academia, assessments are designed to gauge a student’s understanding of a subject (Bers and Golden, 2012). They serve as a measure of a student’s grasp of

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Overcoming Challenges in GIS Software System Course: Lessons from Semester 2, 2022/2023

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Hello, exceptional students! As we reflect on Semester 2, 2022/2023 in the GIS Software System course, it’s crucial to recognize the challenges we faced and the valuable lessons we’ve learned. These challenges have provided us with insights that can guide incoming students, helping them avoid repeating the same issues in the upcoming semesters. In this article, we’ll delve into these challenges in more detail, provide concrete examples, and outline how we can share our experiences to ensure a smoother journey for future students. 1. Programming Challenges: Examples and Lessons Let’s begin by discussing the programming challenges

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Challenges in the GIS Software System Course – A Semester 2, 2022/2023 Session Perspective

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction The Semester 2, 2022/2023 session of the GIS Software System course has presented both students and instructors with a unique set of challenges. While the course offers exciting opportunities to delve into the world of geospatial technology, it has become apparent that many students are grappling with several issues that extend beyond the technical aspects of the subject matter. In this article, we will explore some of the key challenges faced by students and the possible factors contributing to these difficulties. 1. The Programming Predicament One of the foremost issues that students are contending with is

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Wujud Ke Dimensi Kelima?

Kenyataan ini merujuk kepada konsep dimensi kelima dalam konteks fizik dan ilmu pengetahuan kuantum. Penjelasan yang diberikan mengenai dimensi kelima dan konsep dimensi tinggi adalah sebahagian daripada spekulasi dan perbincangan yang berterusan dalam komuniti sains. Dimensi Empat: Kenyataan ini bermula dengan penerangan mengenai dimensi empat yang merupakan dimensi ruang dan masa yang kita kenali dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Ia merangkumi tiga dimensi ruang (x, y, z) dan satu dimensi masa (waktu). Dalam dimensi ini, kita terhad dalam pergerakan ruang dan masa. Dimensi Kelima: Penyelidik mencadangkan kemungkinan wujudnya dimensi yang lebih tinggi, seperti dimensi kelima. Idea ini berasaskan pemahaman bahawa jika

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Artikel: Konsep Nur Muhammad

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep Nūr Muhammad dalam pemikiran sufi serta hubungannya dengan kosmologi fizik dan nilai-nilai ketuhanan. Ia merangkumi kajian perbandingan antara perspektif agama dan sains, khususnya dalam konteks kosmologi fizik yang sering kali kurang menekankan aspek ketuhanan. Dalam kajian ini, penulis ingin menghubungkan pemahaman Nūr Muhammad dan pemikiran sufi dengan sains modern, khususnya kosmologi fizik. Artikel ini menyoroti pentingnya keterhubungan antara manusia dan Tuhan melalui konsep Nūr Muhammad. Ia mencuba menjelaskan bagaimana Nabi Muhammad SAW berperanan sebagai pintu yang menghubungkan manusia dengan Tuhan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Pendekatan komparatif antara pemikiran sufi dan kosmologi fizik Barat diusulkan

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Exploring the Quantum Frontier: Quantum Computing’s Transformative Potential in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of computing, quantum technology stands out as a promising frontier that has the potential to reshape how we approach complex problems. One domain where quantum computing shows exceptional promise is Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS encompasses an extensive array of applications, from mapping and spatial analysis to environmental modeling and urban planning. In this article, we delve into the profound implications of quantum computing on the GIS industry, exploring the transformative applications, existing challenges, and the future of this exciting intersection. The Quantum Advantage Central to the astonishing capabilities of quantum computing

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From Quantum GIS to QGIS: The Evolution of a Geospatial Powerhouse

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In the world of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), QGIS stands tall as an open-source software solution renowned for its versatility, user-friendliness, and powerful geospatial capabilities. However, you may be surprised to learn that QGIS did not always go by this name. Originally christened as “Quantum GIS,” the software underwent a transformation in its nomenclature. In this article, we explore the reasons behind this transition and its impact on the GIS community. Simplification for Accessibility One of the primary reasons for dropping the “Quantum” from its name was simplification. By becoming “QGIS,” the software simplified its branding,

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Navigating the Digital Frontier: A Bright Future for Geoinformatics Graduates

By Shahabuddin Amerudin In an age where data is king, and technology continues to shape the way we interact with our world, there’s a field of study that’s becoming increasingly vital and promising: Geoinformatics. For students with a passion for programming and system/application development, pursuing a degree in Geoinformatics can open doors to a world of exciting career opportunities and a future that’s anything but ordinary. Geoinformatics: Where Geospatial Meets Technology Geoinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that bridges the gap between geospatial and technology. It harnesses the power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, data analysis, and programming to

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