Flood Hotspot Identification and Implications for Flood Preparedness

Source: edition.cnn.com

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


This article presents a comprehensive analysis of flood hotspots, areas highly susceptible to recurrent or severe flooding. It delves into the considerations for identifying these hotspots, focusing on the role of timeframes and frequency thresholds. The article explores various methodologies, data sources, regional variations, and the implications for flood risk mitigation and management, with a specific focus on Malaysia’s flood hotspot scenario until September 2023.


Floods are complex natural phenomena with the potential for catastrophic impacts on human settlements, infrastructure, and ecosystems. Effective flood risk assessment, disaster preparedness, and mitigation strategies necessitate a deep understanding of flood-prone areas, commonly referred to as “flood hotspots.” This article delves into the concept of flood hotspots, emphasizing the importance of timeframes and frequency thresholds in their identification.

I. Identifying Flood Hotspots: A Conceptual Framework

Flood hotspots represent geographical areas exhibiting heightened susceptibility to flooding. These areas are characterized by specific factors, including topographical features, proximity to water bodies, and regional climate dynamics. Discerning these factors is essential for precise hotspot identification.

Topography plays a pivotal role in hotspot identification. Low-lying terrains and regions proximate to rivers, lakes, or coastlines are intrinsically predisposed to flooding due to their vulnerability to rising water levels. Furthermore, areas with dense urban development and impermeable surfaces experience amplified runoff, intensifying flood risks.

Climate patterns and meteorological events significantly contribute to the emergence of flood hotspots. Regions exposed to monsoons, hurricanes, or intense rainfall events exhibit heightened susceptibility to flooding. The historical climate data and patterns within these regions serve as crucial indicators for hotspot identification.

While several factors contribute to hotspot emergence, historical flood data serves as a cornerstone in the identification process. This dataset aids in recognizing regions with a history of recurrent flooding, rendering them prone to future flood events. Analyzing historical data unveils patterns and trends, including seasonal floods or recurrent flood occurrences that may not be encapsulated by traditional long-term return periods.

II. Timeframes and Frequency Thresholds in Hotspot Identification

The conventional method of identifying flood hotspots relies on the application of return periods, encompassing durations like 10-year, 25-year, or 100-year floods. These return periods represent the average likelihood of a flood of a specific magnitude transpiring within a given year. However, there are circumstances where long-term return periods inadequately depict vulnerability to frequent flooding.

In response to the necessity for more precise hotspot assessment, certain studies have explored shorter timeframes. For instance, a 3-year duration, accompanied by a prerequisite of three flood events within that period, can provide insights into areas confronted with frequent flooding. This approach acknowledges that some regions may experience multiple flood events within a concise timeframe, eluding conventional return periods.

III. Methodology and Data Sources

Robust methodology underpins the identification of flood hotspots, entailing the amalgamation of diverse data sources and tools. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) frequently serve as the nexus for assimilating topographical, hydrological, and historical flooding data. Accurate and reliable flood data are paramount and may be sourced from government agencies, research institutions, and satellite observations.

Geospatial data, including digital elevation models and hydrological information, assume critical roles in assessing topographical vulnerability. Historical flood data, featuring records of prior flood occurrences and their magnitudes, offers invaluable insights into hotspot identification. Real-time data sources, inclusive of river gauges and meteorological forecasts, contribute to early warning systems, facilitating timely responses to impending floods.

IV. Case Studies and Regional Variations

The methodologies employed for identifying flood hotspots may exhibit regional variability contingent on distinct geographical, climatic, and socioeconomic attributes. In some regions, traditional return periods align harmoniously with the frequency of flood events, rendering them a pertinent metric. Coastal regions, for instance, predominantly rely on long-term return periods owing to cyclic storm surges intertwined with substantial but infrequent events.

Conversely, regions susceptible to flash floods may derive greater benefit from shorter timeframes, engendering a more accurate depiction of recurrent flooding. Regions typified by rugged terrain, urbanization, or seasonal monsoons often confront numerous floods within abbreviated time spans. The utilization of shorter timeframes facilitates a more accurate portrayal of flood risk in these locales.

Global case studies exemplify these distinctions. Coastal regions predominantly favor traditional return periods to strategize for and mitigate the impacts of storm surges, while arid regions, confronted with infrequent yet intense rainfall events, derive substantial utility from shorter timeframes in addressing flash floods.

V. Implications for Flood Risk Mitigation and Management

The identification of flood hotspots substantiates a pivotal phase in flood risk mitigation and management. These areas necessitate specific attention and resource allocation for disaster preparedness, land-use planning, and infrastructure enhancements.

Disaster Preparedness: Early warning systems represent the bedrock of community alertness in flood-prone regions. Timely information concerning impending floods equips residents with the capacity to institute protective measures and execute evacuations when requisite. Concurrently, authorities can mobilize emergency response teams and distribute resources judiciously.

Land-Use Planning: The astute recognition of flood hotspots underpins sustainable land-use planning. Regulatory frameworks and zoning ordinances may be fine-tuned to either circumscribe or guide development in flood-prone areas. This approach curtails exposure to flood risk and minimizes prospective economic losses.

Infrastructure Improvements: The delineation of flood hotspots directly informs infrastructure investments. Regions prone to recurrent flooding may necessitate fortified flood control systems, including levees, dikes, and retention basins. Additionally, the construction of resilient and elevated infrastructure can abate the impact of flooding.

Community Resilience: Communities situated in flood-prone regions must cultivate adaptation strategies to fortify their resilience. This may entail the elevation of buildings above base flood elevations, structural fortifications, and the promotion of insurance and risk reduction awareness among residents.

VI. Flood Hotspots in Malaysia: Analysis of Flood Preparedness Until September 2023

Expanding on the broader understanding of flood hotspots and their identification, it is imperative to delve into the specific scenario in Malaysia. As of September 2023, the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia (JPS Malaysia) presents critical data regarding flood hotspots within the country.

A. Distribution of Flood Hotspots in Malaysia

According to the data provided by JPS Malaysia, the country accommodates a total of 5,648 flood hotspots. This data portrays the substantial flood risk in Malaysia, underscoring the necessity for proactive flood preparedness measures.

B. State-Wise Breakdown of Flood Hotspots

Scrutinizing the distribution of flood hotspots on a state-by-state basis furnishes crucial insights into regional disparities. The quantity of flood hotspots in each state is as follows:

  • Perlis: 22 hotspots
  • Kelantan: 617 hotspots
  • Kedah: 260 hotspots
  • Pulau Pinang: 241 hotspots
  • Perak: 286 hotspots
  • Selangor: 271 hotspots
  • Kuala Lumpur: 73 hotspots
  • Terengganu: 258 hotspots
  • Pahang: 750 hotspots
  • Putrajaya: 0 hotspots
  • Negeri Sembilan: 120 hotspots
  • Melaka: 124 hotspots
  • Johor: 745 hotspots
  • Sarawak: 1066 hotspots
  • Labuan: 17 hotspots
  • Sabah: 798 hotspots

This scrutiny elucidates significant disparities in the quantity of flood hotspots, manifesting distinct regional risks. States like Sarawak, Sabah, and Johor manifest elevated quantities of flood hotspots, denoting amplified risk levels. In contrast, other states may evidence lower risk levels, although the specter of flood risk endures throughout Malaysia.

C. Definition of Flood Hotspots in Malaysia

The definition of flood hotspots adopted from JPS Malaysia (2023) in this analysis elucidates “kawasan berisiko banjir yang mengalami kekerapan tidak kurang daripada tiga (3) kali dalam tempoh tiga (3) tahun yang terkini”. This definition underscores that these areas recurrently experience floods, warranting distinct flood preparedness and risk management measures. This delineation assumes critical importance in identifying areas necessitating specialized attention in flood preparedness planning.

D. Implications for Flood Preparedness and Management

Analyzing flood hotspots represents an initial and indispensable stride in abating flood impacts. This exercise authorizes local, state, and national authorities to channel resources and preparedness measures toward areas enduring the gravest consequences of floods. Several key implications follow:

1. Preparedness Planning: Flood preparedness necessitates augmentation in areas manifesting an abundance of flood hotspots, including Sarawak, Sabah, and Johor. This expansion incorporates the institution of early warning systems and the execution of preparedness drills.

2. Disaster Management: Effective disaster management, encapsulating the identification of provisional shelter locations and evacuation schematics, must be meticulously formulated.

3. Risk Management: Both public administration and the private sector must partake in actions to diminish flood risk within the ambit of development planning. This may entail the imposition of development constraints within flood hotspot regions.


In synthesis, a profound comprehension of flood hotspots and their identification is paramount in contending with the multifaceted quandaries presented by flooding. Traditional long-term return periods persist as valuable tools, but the assimilation of abbreviated timeframes and frequency thresholds avails a more granular understanding of regions perennially plagued by flooding. Acknowledging the variances in hotspot identification across regions is equally pivotal in crafting bespoke mitigation strategies. Through a multifaceted approach to hotspot identification, we engender enhanced flood resilience and curtail the repercussions of this natural calamity. The data proffered by JPS Malaysia up to September 2023 emphatically underscores the imperative nature of flood preparedness in Malaysia, spotlighting disparate risk gradients across states, rendering flood hotspot analysis an indispensable apparatus in shielding communities and resources.


JPS Malaysia (2023). Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapai Monsun Timur Laut – Hotspot Kawasan Banjir. JPS Malaysia.

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Flood Hotspot Identification and Implications for Flood Preparedness. [Online] Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=7322 (Accessed: 19 October 2023).

Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Banjir di Malaysia: Menganalisa Hotspot Banjir Sehingga September 2023

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin


Banjir adalah satu ancaman semulajadi yang melanda Malaysia dari semasa ke semasa, terutamanya semasa musim monsun timur laut. Kesan-kesan banjir boleh merosakkan harta benda, infrastruktur, dan mengancam keselamatan penduduk. Oleh itu, adalah penting untuk memahami hotspot banjir, iaitu kawasan-kawasan yang berisiko tinggi mengalami banjir secara berulang. Maklumat terkini yang diperoleh dari Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia (JPS Malaysia) mengenai jumlah hotspot banjir dan statistik mengikut negeri memberi gambaran mengenai kesiapsiagaan Malaysia dalam menghadapi ancaman banjir.

I. Persebaran Hotspot Banjir di Malaysia

Menurut data yang disediakan oleh JPS Malaysia sehingga September 2023, terdapat 5,648 lokasi hotspot banjir di seluruh negara. Ia adalah data yang signifikan yang menunjukkan bahawa risiko banjir adalah satu isu serius di Malaysia. Penyelidikan ini melibatkan setiap negeri, dan statistik hotspot banjir mengikut negeri adalah seperti berikut:

  • Perlis: 22 hotspot
  • Kelantan: 617 hotspot
  • Kedah: 260 hotspot
  • Pulau Pinang: 241 hotspot
  • Perak: 286 hotspot
  • Selangor: 271 hotspot
  • Kuala Lumpur: 73 hotspot
  • Terengganu: 258 hotspot
  • Pahang: 750 hotspot
  • Putrajaya: 0 hotspot
  • Negeri Sembilan: 120 hotspot
  • Melaka: 124 hotspot
  • Johor: 745 hotspot
  • Sarawak: 1066 hotspot
  • Labuan: 17 hotspot
  • Sabah: 798 hotspot

Analisis ini menunjukkan perbezaan yang ketara dalam jumlah hotspot banjir mengikut negeri. Negeri seperti Sarawak, Sabah, dan Johor mempunyai jumlah hotspot banjir yang tinggi, yang mencerminkan risiko yang lebih besar di kawasan-kawasan ini. Sementara itu, negeri-negeri lain mungkin mempunyai tahap risiko yang lebih rendah, tetapi risiko banjir tetap relevan di seluruh Malaysia.

II. Definisi Hotspot Banjir

Definisi hotspot banjir yang digunakan dalam analisis ini adalah kawasan berisiko banjir yang mengalami kekerapan tidak kurang daripada tiga (3) kali dalam tempoh tiga (3) tahun yang terkini. Ini bermaksud kawasan-kawasan ini sering terjejas oleh banjir dan memerlukan kesiapsiagaan serta tindakan khusus dalam pengurusan risiko banjir. Definisi ini adalah penting dalam menentukan kawasan-kawasan yang memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam perancangan kesiapsiagaan banjir.

III. Implikasi untuk Kesiapsiagaan dan Pengurusan Banjir

Menganalisis hotspot banjir adalah langkah awal dalam usaha mengurangkan impak banjir. Ia membolehkan pihak berkuasa tempatan, negeri, dan persekutuan untuk menyasarkan sumber dan usaha kesiapsiagaan kepada kawasan-kawasan yang paling terkesan oleh banjir. Beberapa implikasi utama adalah:

  • Perancangan Kesiapsiagaan: Kesiapsiagaan banjir perlu ditingkatkan di kawasan-kawasan dengan jumlah hotspot yang tinggi, seperti Sarawak, Sabah, dan Johor. Ini termasuk pembinaan sistem peringatan awal dan pelaksanaan latihan kesiapsiagaan.
  • Pengurusan Bencana: Pengurusan bencana perlu disusun dengan berkesan, termasuk penentuan lokasi pusat penempatan sementara dan rancangan pemindahan penduduk.
  • Pengurusan Risiko: Pentadbiran awam dan pihak swasta perlu mengambil tindakan untuk mengurangkan risiko banjir dalam perancangan pembangunan. Ini mungkin melibatkan peraturan pembangunan di kawasan hotspot banjir.


Menganalisis hotspot banjir adalah langkah penting dalam usaha meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan dan pengurusan banjir di Malaysia. Data terkini menunjukkan bahawa risiko banjir adalah relevan di seluruh negara, dan ia menggariskan perbezaan dalam tahap risiko mengikut negeri. Dengan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang kawasan-kawasan yang terkesan, Malaysia boleh meningkatkan usaha kesiapsiagaan dan pengurusan bencana untuk mengurangkan impak banjir di masa akan datang.


JPS Malaysia (2023). Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapai Monsun Timur Laut – Hotspot Kawasan Banjir. JPS Malaysia.

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Banjir di Malaysia: Menganalisa Hotspot Banjir Sehingga September 2023. [Online] Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=7313 (Accessed: 19 October 2023).

We will not go down (song for Gaza) by Micheal Heart

A blinding flash a white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die

We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and blood and the pain
You can still hear the voice through the smoky haze

Sejarah HMS Malaya: Peranan Maritim dalam Konteks Empayar British

Kapal HMS Malaya.

Pada tahun 1912, Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu mengambil inisiatif untuk “menghadiahkan” British sebuah kapal perang kelas pertama yang merupakan yang paling canggih pada masanya, di atas cadangan Sultan Perak Sultan Idris. Dana sebanyak £2,945,709 (bersamaan dengan $25,000,000 pada zaman tersebut) telah diperuntukan untuk pembinaan kapal ini. HMS Malaya kemudiannya memainkan peranan penting semasa Perang Dunia Pertama.

Namun demikian, kapal ini juga mempunyai sejarah kontroversial dalam hubungannya dengan kejatuhan Umat Islam. Pada tahun 1922, HMS Malaya digunakan untuk membawa Sultan Mehmed VI, Khalifah terakhir Empayar Uthmaniah, ke Malta sebagai tindakan pembuangan. Pada tahun 1936, kapal ini dihantar ke Palestin untuk menundukkan penentangan rakyat Palestin dalam konteks British yang sedang berusaha menubuhkan negara Israel.

Pada 12 April 1948, HMS Malaya ditamatkan perkhidmatannya dan akhirnya dimusnahkan sebagai besi buruk di Fastlane, Scotland. Namun, locengnya dijadikan sebagai hadiah kepada Sekolah Victoria Institution dan kini ditempatkan di dalam Muzium Angkatan Tentera.

Sumber: The Patriot

Analyzing Student Performance in SBEG3163 System Analysis and Design

By Shahabuddin Amerudin

The grade distribution for the SBEG3163 System Analysis and Design course during Semester 1 of the 2022/2023 academic session, which included a total of 47 students, offers valuable insights into the overall performance of the class.

It’s notable that none of the students achieved the highest grade of A+, which could imply that the course presented significant challenges, and no one attained a perfect score. However, a noteworthy portion of the class, specifically seven students, did manage to secure an A grade, indicating excellent performance and a deep understanding of system analysis and design concepts. Moreover, a substantial number of students, precisely 16, received an A-, demonstrating that they performed well but fell slightly short of the top grade. Eight students earned a B+ and six received a B, signifying above-average and satisfactory performance, respectively. Another eight students were awarded a B-, suggesting a passable understanding of the course material but room for improvement. Additionally, only one student received a C+ grade, while another received a C, indicating below-average performance and a need for significant improvement. Remarkably, there were no students who received a C- grade, implying that those who struggled typically scored below the C level.

In conclusion, the grade distribution reveals a diverse range of performance levels within the class. While a significant portion achieved high grades (A, A-), a substantial number received B and B- grades, indicating satisfactory but not exceptional performance. The presence of C and C+ grades for a few students underscores the importance of providing additional support or intervention for those facing challenges with the course material. Overall, this distribution highlights a mix of high-performing students and those who may benefit from additional efforts to improve their grasp of system analysis and design concepts.

Perjuangan Rakyat Palestin

Palestin adalah sebuah tanah yang kaya dengan sejarah dan budaya yang berusia berabad-abad, tetapi juga menjadi pusat konflik yang berterusan selama puluhan tahun. Rakyat Palestin telah menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dalam usaha mereka untuk mempertahankan martabat mereka, hak ke atas tanah air mereka, serta untuk mencapai kemerdekaan dan negara mereka sendiri.

Sejarah perjuangan Palestin berakar pada akhir abad ke-19 ketika kawasan ini berada di bawah pemerintahan Kesultanan Uthmaniyyah. Walau bagaimanapun, setelah berakhirnya Perang Dunia Pertama, Palestin jatuh ke tangan British sebagai sebahagian daripada mandat Liga Bangsa-Bangsa. Perkara ini mencetuskan ketegangan antara penduduk Arab Palestin dan pendatang-pendatang Yahudi yang tiba di kawasan tersebut, yang akhirnya membawa dampak besar pada perjuangan rakyat Palestin.

Salah satu peristiwa yang paling bersejarah dalam perjuangan Palestin adalah penubuhan Negara Israel pada tahun 1948. Deklarasi kemerdekaan Israel ini menyebabkan pecahnya Perang Arab-Israel pertama, yang membawa kepada ratusan ribu orang Palestin yang terpaksa melarikan diri dari rumah mereka. Ini dianggap sebagai salah satu tragedi terbesar dalam sejarah Palestin yang dikenali sebagai “Nakba” atau “Bencana.”

Sejak itu, penduduk Palestin terpaksa menghadapi berbagai cabaran yang berlarutan, termasuk pendudukan oleh Israel, pengambilan tanah, pembinaan pemukiman secara salah, dan pengepungan Gaza yang menyekat kebebasan dan kebajikan mereka. Walaupun begitu, semangat perjuangan dan keinginan untuk mencapai kemerdekaan tetap berkobar di hati rakyat Palestin.

Intifada, atau pemberontakan, telah menjadi salah satu cara ekspresi perjuangan Palestin. Intifada pertama berlaku pada tahun 1987 hingga 1993, manakala Intifada kedua berlaku pada tahun 2000. Dalam kedua-dua Intifada ini, penduduk Palestin mengecam pendudukan oleh Israel dan menuntut hak mereka untuk memiliki negara mereka sendiri.

Selain itu, rakyat Palestin telah mencari sokongan daripada komuniti antarabangsa dalam perjuangan mereka. Organisasi seperti Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) telah berusaha untuk menyokong hak-hak penduduk Palestin dan mempromosikan penyelesaian damai untuk konflik ini. Walau bagaimanapun, usaha ini sering kali terbentur oleh politik dan campur tangan geopolitik.

Perjuangan penduduk Palestin juga melibatkan pelbagai kumpulan seperti Hamas di Gaza dan Fatah di Tebing Barat. Walaupun mempunyai pendekatan yang berbeza dalam melawan pendudukan Israel, matlamat mereka tetap sama, iaitu mencapai kemerdekaan dan tanah air mereka.

Seiring berlalunya masa, penduduk Palestin terus menghadapi tekanan yang kuat, termasuk sekatan pergerakan, pengasingan, dan penindasan tentera Israel. Walaupun begitu, semangat perjuangan mereka tidak padam. Penduduk Palestin terus berjuang untuk hak mereka dengan keberanian yang memberi inspirasi kepada ramai di seluruh dunia.

Dalam usaha mereka, penduduk Palestin mendapat sokongan daripada pelbagai pihak, termasuk kumpulan solidariti antarabangsa dan individu yang menyokong hak asasi manusia dan keadilan. Aktivis, seniman, dan tokoh terkenal dari pelbagai negara di seluruh dunia telah berjuang untuk hak penduduk Palestin.

Dalam visi mereka, penduduk Palestin berharap untuk memiliki negara mereka sendiri yang merdeka dan berdaulat di tanah air mereka. Mereka ingin hidup dalam keamanan dan damai, sambil mempertahankan budaya dan identiti mereka yang kaya. Mereka berjuang untuk memelihara maruah mereka serta hak mereka terhadap tanah yang telah mereka diami selama berabad-abad.

Apabila kita mengamati dengan teliti perjuangan berapi-api penduduk Palestin, kita harus mengingati bahawa setiap individu yang terlibat dalam perjuangan ini mempunyai kisah dan pengorbanan mereka sendiri. Perjuangan ini adalah perjuangan untuk keadilan, martabat, dan hak asasi manusia yang asas. Semoga suatu hari nanti, penduduk Palestin akan mencapai impian mereka untuk memiliki negara yang merdeka dan damai di tanah air mereka yang dicintai.

Keris Malela Tulang Belud: Karya Seni Pusaka Warisan Melayu

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin

Keris, senjata tradisional yang sangat istimewa dalam kebudayaan Melayu, telah menjadi bahagian tak terpisahkan dari sejarah dan budaya Melayu selama berabad-abad. Salah satu jenis keris yang amat dihargai dan penuh dengan keunikan adalah Keris Malela Tulang Belud. Keris ini mempunyai ciri-ciri yang memukau dan kecantikan yang menjadikannya sebagai salah satu karya seni yang amat dihargai dalam warisan budaya Melayu. Artikel ini akan mengulas dengan terperinci tentang Keris Malela Tulang Belud, dengan memberi tumpuan kepada beberapa elemen penting yang menjadikannya begitu istimewa.

1. Bilah Malela Tulang Belud Luk 5

Bilah keris Malela Tulang Belud ini mempunyai kepanjangan sekitar 10 inci, menjadikannya sebagai ukuran yang sesuai untuk pelbagai kegunaan. Panjang yang sederhana ini membolehkan keris ini berfungsi dengan baik sebagai senjata tajam dan juga sebagai objek seni yang cantik. Keris luk 5 adalah istilah yang merujuk pada jumlah lengkung atau goresan pada bagian bilah keris. Luk-luk ini mengacu pada bentuk dan jumlah alur-alur yang terukir pada bilah keris. Dalam hal ini, setiap luk pada keris mewakili salah satu dari lima rukun Islam.

2. Ukiran Sampir Kusriwa yang Anggun

Salah satu ciri yang membezakan Keris Malela Tulang Belud adalah sampir kusriwa yang diukir dengan indah. Sampir adalah hiasan pelindung yang terletak di bahagian atas sarung keris. Ukiran yang rumit dan halus pada sampir ini mencerminkan tahap kepandaian yang tinggi dari pembuat keris. Motif-motif ukiran pada sampir seringkali menggambarkan unsur-unsur alam, mitologi, atau bentuk seni yang berbeza, menambah nilai estetika pada senjata ini.

3. Hulu Pekaka yang Menarik

Hulu pekaka adalah bahagian pegangan keris yang terdapat pada hujung sarung. Keris Malela Tulang Belud mempunyai hulu pekaka yang direka dengan penuh perhatian terhadap butiran. Hulu ini sering kali diperbuat daripada bahan-bahan berharga dan dihiasi dengan hiasan atau ukiran yang menawan. Selain berfungsi sebagai pegangan, hulu pekaka juga merupakan elemen dekoratif yang memperkukuh keindahan keris ini.

4. Pemanis Tanduk Kerbau

Tanduk kerbau adalah bahan yang sering digunakan untuk membuat bahagian pegangan keris. Keunikan Keris Malela Tulang Belud terletak pada pemilihan tanduk kerbau berkualiti tinggi. Tanduk ini diolah dengan teliti sehingga memberikan penampilan yang indah dan tahan lama. Pemanis tanduk kerbau ini boleh berbentuk hiasan atau ukiran, menambah unsur estetika pada keris ini.

Keris Malela Tulang Belud adalah bukti nyata akan seni dan kemahiran tinggi para pandai keris Melayu. Setiap unsur dalam pembuatan keris ini menunjukkan perhatian terhadap butiran dan usaha untuk mencipta karya seni yang luar biasa. Selain sebagai senjata tradisional, keris ini juga menjadi simbol budaya dan identiti Melayu.

Keris Malela Tulang Belud adalah satu contoh gemilang dari warisan budaya Melayu yang patut dijaga dan diwarisi. Kemahiran para pandai keris yang mewarisi tradisi ini perlu dihargai, dan peranan keris dalam budaya Melayu perlu diteruskan agar kekal hidup dan berkembang. Keris bukan sekadar senjata, tetapi juga merupakan warisan budaya yang berharga yang mencerminkan keindahan dan kekayaan sejarah Melayu.

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Keris Malela Tulang Belud: Karya Seni Pusaka Warisan Melayu. [Online] Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=7253 (Accessed: 10 October 2023).

Hakikat Mati Sebelum Mati

Kesufian adalah sebuah aliran kerohanian yang mendalam, penuh dengan makna-makna tersembunyi dan pemahaman mendalam tentang hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan. Dalam aliran ini, ada satu konsep yang sangat penting yang dikenal sebagai “mati sebelum mati.” Istilah ini merujuk pada perubahan batiniah yang sangat dalam yang dialami oleh seorang Sufi dalam perjalanan kerohanian mereka.

Mati sebelum mati bukanlah kematian jasad, tetapi lebih merupakan proses perubahan dalam pemikiran dan perasaan. Ini adalah pemahaman bahawa hidup kita di dunia ini hanyalah sementara, dan yang sejati adalah keberadaan roh kita yang abadi. Dalam konteks ini, mati sebelum mati adalah proses mengalahkan ego, mengendalikan hawa nafsu, dan mengalami pemahaman yang mendalam tentang Tuhan yakni Allah.

Dalam perjalanan ini, kesadaran akan keberadaan diri yang lebih tinggi adalah kunci. Ini melibatkan mengatasi ego, mengendalikan nafsu amarah, dan mengabaikan kepentingan diri sendiri demi kepentingan Ilahi. Ini bukanlah tugas yang mudah, dan seringkali berkomitmen untuk menjalani latihan rohani yang ketat, termasuk bersembahyang, berpuasa, dan berzikir secara terus-menerus.

Salah satu aspek penting dari hakikat mati sebelum mati adalah pemahaman bahawa Allah adalah satu-satunya yang benar-benar ada. Ini adalah pengalaman yang mendalam di mana seseorang merasakan keberadaan diri mereka sendiri hampir menghilang, digantikan oleh kesedaran akan Allah yang Maha Esa. Dalam kata lain, individu tersebut berusaha untuk menjadi seperti cermin bagi Allah, mencerminkan kebesaran-Nya.

Seseorang yang mencapai tingkat pemahaman ini sering disebut sebagai “Wali Allah.” Mereka adalah orang-orang yang telah mencapai makrifat, yaitu pengenalan yang mendalam akan Tuhan. Mereka adalah hamba Allah yang sejati, yang hidup dalam kesedaran akan Allah dalam setiap aspek kehidupan mereka.

Seseorang yang telah mencapai tingkat ini memiliki doa yang sangat kuat yang dikabulkan oleh Tuhan. Mereka adalah khalifah Allah di dunia ini, menjalankan tugas-tugas Ilahi di bumi. Mereka adalah manifestasi ayat-ayat Allah yang hidup di antara manusia.

Namun, penting untuk diingatkan bahwa untuk mencapai tingkat kesedaran ini bukanlah tugas yang mudah. Ini memerlukan komitmen yang mendalam, latihan rohani yang terus-menerus, dan bimbingan dari seorang Guru yang berpengalaman. Proses mati sebelum mati adalah perjalanan panjang dan penuh cabaran yang memerlukan ketekunan dan kesabaran.

Dalam hakikat ini, mati sebelum mati adalah pintu menuju pemahaman yang mendalam tentang Allah dan pengalaman kerohanian yang luar biasa. Ini adalah proses yang melibatkan perubahan batiniah yang mendalam, yang akhirnya membawa individu lebih dekat kepada Allah. Sebagai manusia, kita dapat belajar banyak dari ajaran dan pengalaman ini, dan mungkin saja menemukan jalan menuju pemahaman kerohanian yang lebih dalam dalam hidup kita.

Peta Bangunan | Building Map | FABU UTM

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin

Pada 1 Julai 2018, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) melihat pencapaian sejarah baru dengan penggabungan dua fakulti yang berprestij, iaitu Fakulti Alam Bina (FAB) dan Fakulti Geoinformasi dan Harta Tanah (FGHT) dalam rangkaian SINERGY UTM. Gabungan ini membentuk Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur (FABU), yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sinergi dalam bidang utama seperti senibina, perancangan, geomatik, geoinformatik dan harta tanah.

Bangunan Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur (FABU) menjadi landasan penting bagi pembangunan ilmu, penyelidikan, dan pembelajaran di universiti ini. FABU mengintegrasikan aset-aset utama dari kedua fakulti yang digabungkan, dan bangunan-bangunan yang menjadi sebahagian daripada fakulti ini memainkan peranan penting dalam memberikan peluang pendidikan dan penyelidikan berkualiti kepada pelajar dan staf akademik UTM.

Fakulti Geoinformasi dan Harta Tanah (FGHT) sebelumnya memiliki sejumlah bangunan utama, antaranya adalah Blok C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, dan B08. Bangunan ini telah berperanan sebagai tempat pembelajaran, penyelidikan, dan pentadbiran bagi fakulti ini. Blok C02 dan seangkatan dengannya menjadi pusat aktiviti akademik, dengan dewan kuliah, bilik makmal, dan ruang-ruang pengajaran yang moden.

Di samping itu, Fakulti Alam Bina (FAB) juga memberikan sumbangan yang signifikan terhadap landskap bangunan FABU. Blok-blok seperti B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, B09, B11, dan B12, semuanya menjadi tempat penyelidikan perancangan dan senibina yang super canggih. Bangunan-bangunan ini adalah lokasi di mana para pelajar menjalani kuliah, melaksanakan eksperimen makmal, dan melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti senibina kreatif dan fantastik.

Sebagai pusat pendidikan tinggi yang berprestij, FABU juga memastikan bahawa bangunan-bangunannya mempunyai pelbagai kemudahan dan utiliti yang berkualiti. Di antara ruang-ruang yang terdapat dalam bangunan ini termasuklah dewan kuliah moden, bilik makmal dengan peralatan termoden dan terkini, bengkel-bengkel yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan senibina, studio senibina yang hidup 24 jam sehari, bilik seminar untuk perbincangan akademik, bilik pelbagai guna yang mandiri, pejabat pentadbiran yang mesra-pelanggan, perpustakaan yang dipenuhi dengan sumber ilmu, serta dewan konvensyen yang sesuai untuk program-program besar dan acara-acara kampus.

FABU dengan pelbagai bangunannya yang berinovasi memainkan peranan penting dalam mendukung misi universiti dalam penyampaian pendidikan, penyelidikan, dan khidmat kepada masyarakat. Dengan gabungan FAB dan FGHT di bawah satu payung FABU, universiti ini terus menjadi pusat keunggulan dalam bidang senibina, perancangan, geomatik, geoinformatik dan harta tanah, dan bangunan-bangunan ini menjadi tempat yang mencerminkan semangat pencapaian dan penyelidikan berkualiti di dalam SINERGY UTM.

An In-Depth Exploration of the System Analysis and Design Course in Geoinformatics


In the rapidly evolving landscape of geospatial technology and data management, a robust educational foundation is essential for geoinformatics professionals. The System Analysis and Design course offered within the Geoinformatics Programme at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is a testament to the importance of a comprehensive education in this field. This article provides a detailed analysis of how this course prepares students for the multifaceted challenges they will encounter by integrating various key elements. These elements include information system project management, information system development methodologies, needs assessment, user requirement analysis, system modeling, system implementation, testing, support, roles as System Analysts and IT Department Staff, and ethical considerations.

1. Introduction

Geospatial technology and data management play a pivotal role in contemporary society. Geoinformatics, a field at the intersection of geography, information technology, and data science, relies on advanced information systems as its fundamental infrastructure. To navigate this dynamic landscape effectively, students require a comprehensive education that encompasses a wide range of critical components. The System Analysis and Design course within the Geoinformatics Programme at UTM offers such an education, preparing students to excel in geospatial technology and data management. This article aims to elucidate the course’s multidimensional approach by examining its key components and their relevance to geoinformatics professionals.

2. Information System Project Management

Project management is a cornerstone of effective system development, particularly in geoinformatics, where projects often involve complex spatial data and technology integration. Geoinformatics professionals are frequently tasked with leading or contributing to projects that demand meticulous planning, seamless execution, and rigorous monitoring. The System Analysis and Design course equips students with essential project management skills, including project initiation, goal setting, resource allocation, and adherence to timelines. These skills are invaluable in geoinformatics, where projects can range from creating digital urban maps to implementing geospatial solutions for disaster response operations.

3. Information System Development Methodologies

Structured methodologies are imperative in geoinformatics to ensure efficiency and accuracy. This course introduces students to various information system development methodologies, offering them a systematic framework for tackling complex projects. Whether a project necessitates a linear approach, such as the Waterfall model, or an agile methodology for adaptability, students learn to select the most appropriate approach for each geoinformatics project they encounter.

4. Needs Assessment and User Requirement Analysis

Understanding project needs and conducting comprehensive user requirement analysis are fundamental in geoinformatics. This course equips students with the skills required to discern project requirements, encompassing factors like geospatial data accuracy and user interface preferences. By incorporating needs assessment and user requirement analysis into the curriculum, students are well-prepared to initiate projects with a clear understanding of their objectives and stakeholder expectations.

5. System Modeling and Design

System modeling and design are integral phases in geoinformatics, where students translate project requirements into practical, real-world applications. The course empowers students to model systems effectively, considering aspects such as user interfaces, databases, and system infrastructure. These competencies enable students to craft systems tailored to geospatial applications, from designing geodatabases for geographic data storage to creating intuitive user interfaces for interactive maps.

6. System Implementation, Testing, and Support

The System Analysis and Design course also covers critical phases of system implementation and testing. Students learn how to bring their designs to life and subject them to rigorous testing for functionality and reliability. Such preparation is vital in geoinformatics, where precision and dependability are crucial for decision-making processes, including urban land-use planning, environmental monitoring, and disaster response. Furthermore, the course emphasizes the significance of continuous system support and maintenance, ensuring the long-term effectiveness of geospatial solutions.

7. Roles as System Analysts and IT Department Staff

In the geoinformatics field, graduates can assume various roles, including System Analysts and IT Department Staff. This course imparts a comprehensive understanding of these roles, enabling students to bridge the gap between technical expertise and stakeholder needs effectively. This skill is invaluable in geoinformatics, where collaboration between technical experts and domain specialists is commonplace, and effective communication is instrumental in project success.

8. Ethics, Standards, and Procedures

In the geospatial realm, ethical considerations, adherence to standards, and established procedures are non-negotiable. The System Analysis and Design course incorporates these aspects into its curriculum. Students are not merely equipped with technical skills but are also instilled with a profound sense of responsibility and ethics. This ensures that they uphold industry standards and follow established procedures in their geoinformatics careers, contributing to the integrity and professionalism of the field.

9. Conclusion

The System Analysis and Design course within the Geoinformatics Programme at UTM presents a comprehensive and well-rounded educational journey. By integrating key components such as project management, development methodologies, needs assessment, system modeling, and ethical considerations, it empowers students with multidimensional skills. These skills are essential for excelling in the dynamic and multifaceted realm of geoinformatics. As graduates embark on their professional journeys, they are well-prepared to make substantial contributions and meaningful impacts in this ever-evolving field.

Navigating System Analysis and Design Course in Geoinformatics Programme at UTM

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


In today’s ever-evolving technological landscape, the ability to craft advanced information systems is a skill in high demand. The System Analysis and Design course offered as part of the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours programme at the Geoinformation Programme, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, for Session 2023/2024 Semester 1, is a comprehensive journey that equips undergraduate students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this field. This article will explore the course in detail, focusing on its course synopsis, Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) aligned with Bloom’s Taxonomy levels, generic skills, teaching and learning methods, and assessment methods. Additionally, we will discuss how these designed CLOs contribute to achieving the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs).

Course Synopsis

The course synopsis sets the stage for understanding the importance and relevance of System Analysis and Design in contemporary organizations. It emphasizes the fundamental role of information systems, highlighting their harmonious blend of technology, human input, and data management. Moreover, it underscores the pivotal role of systems analysts in guiding students to meticulously plan, construct, and maintain information systems while enhancing their communication skills. The course curriculum covers both system analysis and design, providing a comprehensive understanding of the Systems Development Life Cycle and various development approaches. Upon completion, students are positioned for dynamic roles in information system development and adaptability to industry shifts.

Alignment with Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

The designed Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) align closely with the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs), ensuring that students not only gain technical knowledge but also develop crucial cognitive, practical, communication, and digital skills required in the geospatial field.

  1. CLO1 – Understanding Principles and Methodologies (C3):
  • This outcome aligns with PLO1, focusing on the demonstration of knowledge and understanding in the geospatial field (KW).
  • It corresponds to Bloom’s Taxonomy level C3 (Apply), where students apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  1. CLO2 – Applying Theories and Analytical Skills (C5):
  • This outcome aligns with PLO2, emphasizing the application of knowledge in the form of theory and skill in the geospatial field (CG).
  • It correlates with Bloom’s Taxonomy level C5 (Synthesize), requiring students to integrate technology and human input effectively.
  1. CLO3 – Acquiring Practical Skills (C3D):
  • This outcome aligns with PLO3, which revolves around practical skill development in managing and analyzing data and information for specific purposes in the geospatial field (PS).
  • It corresponds to Bloom’s Taxonomy level C3 (Apply), as students apply practical skills within information system development.
  1. CLO4 – Developing Communication Skills (C3C):
  • This outcome aligns with PLO5, emphasizing the ability to communicate effectively and deliver geospatial technical information (CS).
  • It involves Bloom’s Taxonomy level A3 (Value), as students understand the value of effective communication.
  1. CLO5 – Competent in Using Technology and Software (C3D):
  • This outcome aligns with PLO6, focusing on the ability to use technology and software for geospatial information and application in a competent manner (TH).
  • It correlates with Bloom’s Taxonomy level C4 (Analyze) and C5 (Synthesize), as students analyze and synthesize technical proficiency.

Generic Skills

In addition to academic and technical skills, this course also emphasizes generic skills such as critical thinking, adaptability, data analysis, technical proficiency, communication, and problem-solving. These skills are vital for students’ holistic development and future success in the geospatial field.

Teaching and Learning Methods

The course employs a diverse range of teaching and learning methods, including lectures, case studies, group discussions, practical labs, simulation exercises, hands-on workshops, software training, real-world projects, communication workshops, and presentation practice. This approach ensures that students receive a well-rounded education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills and real-world applications.

Assessment Methods

To evaluate students’ learning comprehensively, the course uses various assessment methods, including tests, final exams, assignments, group projects, and group presentations. These assessments are designed to measure different aspects of students’ knowledge and skills, ensuring that they are well-prepared for the challenges they may encounter in their future careers.

The Importance of System Analysis and Design in Geoinformatics

In the evolving landscape of geospatial technology and data management, the role of information systems cannot be overstated. Geoinformatics, a field that bridges GIS and information technology, relies heavily on the effective design and analysis of systems. The System Analysis and Design course at the Geoinformation Programme, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, plays a pivotal role in equipping students with the essential knowledge and skills to thrive in this field.

In this section, we’ll delve into why understanding system analysis and design is paramount in geoinformatics and how this course empowers students to navigate this intricate terrain effectively.

Harnessing the Power of Information Systems in Geoinformatics

Geoinformatics professionals operate at the intersection of geography, data, and technology. They leverage geographical data to solve complex real-world problems, from urban planning and environmental monitoring to disaster management and location-based services. In this context, information systems serve as the backbone that allows geospatial data to be collected, processed, analyzed, and communicated effectively.

The System Analysis and Design course provides students with a solid foundation in the principles and methodologies of crafting information systems. By understanding the intricacies of system analysis, students can identify the specific needs and objectives of geospatial projects. This skill is essential, as it enables professionals to design systems tailored to the unique requirements of each project, whether it’s mapping land use patterns or tracking wildlife migration.

Furthermore, the ability to apply theories and analytical skills acquired during the course is vital in geoinformatics. In this field, students often encounter complex problems that require not only technological expertise but also critical thinking and adaptability. The course’s emphasis on practical labs, simulation exercises, and group projects equips students with the skills to tackle real-world geospatial challenges effectively.

Beyond the technical aspects, geoinformatics professionals must communicate their findings clearly and persuasively. This is where the development of effective communication skills becomes crucial. The System Analysis and Design course, with its focus on communication workshops and presentation practice, ensures that students can convey technical information to diverse audiences, including policymakers, scientists, and the public.


The System Analysis and Design course for the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours programme at the Geoinformation Programme, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, is a well-structured and comprehensive course that effectively aligns CLOs with PLOs, integrates Bloom’s Taxonomy levels, emphasizes generic skills, employs diverse teaching and learning methods, and utilizes varied assessment methods. This holistic approach ensures that students not only acquire technical knowledge but also develop the cognitive, practical, communication, and digital skills needed to excel in the geospatial field. Ultimately, this course prepares students to become adaptable professionals capable of meeting industry demands and contributing significantly to the field of information system development.

Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy to Geoinformatics Education

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


This article explores the practical application of Bloom’s Taxonomy within the field of Geoinformatics, offering detailed examples at various proficiency levels within each of its three domains: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor. Bloom’s Taxonomy, initially developed in the 1950s by Benjamin Bloom and colleagues, classifies educational objectives into these domains, providing a structured approach to designing curricula, assessing student progress, and cultivating comprehensive learning experiences. In Geoinformatics, where spatial data is of paramount importance, integrating Bloom’s Taxonomy into education equips educators with a powerful tool to tailor their teaching methods and shape well-rounded geospatial professionals. This article highlights the significance of Bloom’s Taxonomy as a blueprint for holistic and effective learning, emphasizing its role in fostering ethical awareness and practical expertise within this ever-evolving field.


In the ever-evolving realm of Geoinformatics, where spatial data’s significance is indisputable, the demand for effective educational strategies is paramount. One such strategy, Bloom’s Taxonomy, a hierarchical framework initially devised by Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues in the 1950s, has emerged as a cornerstone in the evolution of contemporary educational practices. This taxonomy meticulously classifies educational objectives into three distinct domains: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor, each with its array of learning proficiency levels. Acquiring a profound comprehension of Bloom’s Taxonomy equips educators with a formidable instrument for curriculum design, student assessment, and the cultivation of comprehensive learning experiences.

The Three Domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy

1. Cognitive Domain: “Think”

The Cognitive domain pertains to intellectual capabilities and encompasses a wide range of thinking skills. It provides a structured approach to developing students’ thinking abilities, from basic knowledge recall to advanced critical thinking. The levels within this domain include:

C1: Recall Data

At the foundational level, students are expected to remember factual information, such as dates, names, and definitions.

Example: Recall the latitude and longitude coordinates of major world capitals.

Significance: Foundational knowledge is essential in Geoinformatics, where location data serves as the backbone of spatial analysis.

C2: Understand

Moving beyond rote memorization, this level requires students to comprehend concepts, principles, and ideas. They should be able to explain and interpret the information.

Example: Explain the concept of spatial data and how it differs from non-spatial data.

Significance: Understanding the fundamental principles is crucial for effective data handling and interpretation.

C3: Apply

At this stage, learners are encouraged to put their knowledge into practice by using it in various situations. They demonstrate their ability to apply learned concepts to real-world problems.

Example: Use GIS software to overlay population data with land use data to identify areas with potential urban expansion.

Significance: Applying knowledge to real-world scenarios fosters practical skills for geospatial analysis.

C4: Analyze

Analytical thinking comes into play here as students break down information into its component parts. They identify patterns, relationships, and structures within the material.

Example: Analyze a topographic map to identify watersheds and determine the flow direction of rivers.

Significance: Analytical thinking is vital for interpreting complex spatial relationships.

C5: Synthesize

Synthesis involves creating something new by combining elements from different sources. Learners at this level integrate knowledge to form new concepts or solutions.

Example: Create a custom web mapping application that integrates data from multiple sources, allowing users to explore environmental factors affecting a specific area.

Significance: Synthesizing data facilitates the creation of advanced tools for spatial decision-making.

C6: Evaluate

The highest level in the Cognitive domain calls for critical evaluation and judgment. Students assess information, make informed decisions, and compare ideas based on set criteria.

Example: Evaluate the suitability of different projection systems for a specific cartographic project, considering factors like distortion and scale.

Significance: Evaluation skills ensure accurate and meaningful representation of spatial data.

2. Affective Domain: “Feel”

The Affective domain addresses emotions, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors. It recognizes that learning is not solely an intellectual endeavor but also a matter of the heart. The levels within this domain include:

A1: Receive (Awareness)

At the initial level, learners become aware of information or stimuli and show openness to receiving it.

Example: Become aware of the ethical considerations and potential privacy issues associated with the collection and use of geospatial data.

Significance: Awareness of ethical dilemmas promotes responsible data handling.

A2: Respond (React)

Responding involves reacting to stimuli with a chosen emotion, attitude, or behavior. It signifies a more active engagement with the information.

Example: Express enthusiasm for the potential of Geoinformatics in disaster management and the ability to save lives through accurate spatial data analysis.

Significance: Positive responses encourage engagement and innovation in the field.

A3: Value (Understand and Act)

At this level, students not only understand but also attach value to the information. They begin to prioritize certain attitudes and behaviors over others.

Example: Recognize the importance of open data policies in Geoinformatics and actively support initiatives that promote data transparency.

Significance: Valuing ethical principles drives advocacy and participation in ethical practices.

A4: Organize Personal Value System

Learners start organizing their values and beliefs into a coherent system, aligning their actions with their chosen values.

Example: Integrate the principles of sustainability and environmental stewardship into personal and professional practices within the Geoinformatics field.

Significance: Organizing values aligns individual behavior with broader societal and environmental goals.

A5: Internalize Value System (Adopt Behavior)

The highest level in the Affective domain represents a deep and lasting change in behavior. Students internalize their values, and these values guide their actions and decisions.

Example: Demonstrate consistent ethical behavior by refusing to participate in projects that misuse or misrepresent geospatial data.

Significance: Internalized values guide ethical decision-making in complex situations.

3. Psychomotor Domain: “Do”

The Psychomotor domain focuses on physical and manual skills. It recognizes that learning involves not only thinking and feeling but also doing. The levels within this domain include:

P1: Imitation (Copy)

At the basic level, learners imitate and replicate actions demonstrated to them.

Example: Copy the process of digitizing a paper map into a digital format using a GIS software package.

Significance: Imitation lays the groundwork for mastering practical skills in geospatial data handling.

P2: Manipulation (Follow Instructions)

This level involves following specific instructions to perform tasks or skills accurately.

Example: Follow instructions to create a map overlay that displays weather data on a GIS map in real-time.

Significance: Manipulation skills allow for the accurate execution of specific geospatial tasks.

P3: Develop Precision

As learners progress, they refine their skills to achieve a higher level of precision and accuracy.

Example: Develop precision in using GPS equipment to collect high-accuracy location data for geospatial research.

Significance: Precision ensures the reliability of geospatial data in research and decision-making.

P4: Articulation (Combine, Integrate Related Skills)

Articulation requires the integration of various related skills to accomplish complex tasks effectively.

Example: Combine skills in remote sensing, GIS, and statistical analysis to perform land cover change detection over time.

Significance: Articulation leads to the development of advanced capabilities for complex geospatial analyses.

P5: Naturalization (Automate, Become Expert)

The pinnacle of the Psychomotor domain signifies the mastery of a skill, where it becomes almost second nature, allowing for expert-level performance.

Example: Automate geoprocessing tasks using Python scripting to streamline data analysis workflows.

Significance: Naturalization signifies expertise, where geospatial tasks become almost second nature.


In conclusion, Bloom’s Taxonomy offers educators in the field of Geoinformatics a powerful and versatile framework for designing curricula and assessing student progress. By incorporating the Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor domains, educators can nurture individuals who possess a multifaceted skill set. This approach empowers students to think critically, articulate their values, and master practical skills essential for spatial analysis. The enduring relevance of Bloom’s Taxonomy in education underscores its significance as a blueprint for holistic and effective learning, equipping Geoinformatics professionals to excel in a complex and ever-evolving field while ensuring a strong foundation in ethics and practical expertise.

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Applying Bloom's Taxonomy to Geoinformatics Education. [Online] Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=7212 (Accessed: 27 September 2023).

Revolutionizing Geospatial Data Analysis Through Generative AI


In recent years, Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force in various industries, transforming the way data is analyzed, interpreted, and leveraged for actionable insights. Nowhere is this transformation more evident than in the realm of geospatial data analysis. The integration of Generative AI into the analysis of sensor and machine datasets has ushered in a new era of efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. This article explores the groundbreaking role of Generative AI in geospatial analytics and its ability to simplify complex tasks while exponentially increasing productivity.

Generative AI Unleashes the Power of Geospatial Data

Geospatial data analysis has always presented a unique set of challenges due to the inherent complexity of spatial relationships and the vastness of the datasets involved. Traditionally, analysts have relied on specialized software and manual coding to process and interpret these datasets, a process that is often time-consuming and error-prone. Generative AI, however, is changing the game by providing advanced capabilities that simplify the authoring of sophisticated geospatial algorithms against massive datasets.

One of the most remarkable advancements in this field is the ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand and execute complex geo-joins, ST_Geometry functions, and geo-graph solvers by simply expressing the question in plain English. This means that analysts no longer need to be experts in geospatial software or programming languages to perform intricate geospatial analyses. They can now communicate their requirements in natural language, and Generative AI takes care of the rest, executing the tasks within seconds.

The Efficiency and Productivity Revolution

The integration of Generative AI into geospatial data analysis has had a profound impact on efficiency and productivity. Here’s how:

  1. Rapid Analysis: Generative AI can process vast amounts of geospatial data at lightning speed. This enables analysts to conduct analyses that would have previously taken weeks or months in a matter of hours or even minutes. As a result, decision-makers can access critical information more quickly, allowing for faster responses to evolving situations.
  2. Error Reduction: Human errors are a common pitfall in geospatial analysis, especially when dealing with complex coding and software. Generative AI significantly reduces the risk of errors by automating the analysis process and ensuring consistency in results. This leads to more accurate and reliable insights.
  3. Accessibility: The democratization of geospatial analysis is another significant advantage of Generative AI. Analysts with varying levels of technical expertise can now harness the power of geospatial data without extensive training. This accessibility expands the pool of potential users and promotes innovation across diverse fields.
  4. Scalability: Generative AI systems can easily scale to handle larger datasets and more complex analyses. This scalability is essential for organizations dealing with ever-expanding data volumes, ensuring that geospatial analysis remains effective even as data grows.

Unlocking Profound Insights

Generative AI doesn’t just simplify geospatial analysis; it also unlocks profound insights that were previously hidden within the data. By automating the analysis process, Generative AI can uncover intricate patterns, correlations, and trends that might be missed by human analysts working with limited resources and time constraints.

Furthermore, the ability to express analysis requirements in natural language allows analysts to explore “what-if” scenarios easily. They can experiment with different questions and hypotheses, gaining a deeper understanding of geospatial data and its implications.

Applications Across Industries

The impact of Generative AI in geospatial analysis extends across various industries:

  1. Environmental Monitoring: Generative AI helps monitor environmental changes, track deforestation, analyze climate patterns, and assess the impact of pollution. This is invaluable for conservation efforts and sustainable resource management.
  2. Urban Planning: City planners can use Generative AI to optimize transportation routes, plan infrastructure projects, and make data-driven decisions for urban development and expansion.
  3. Disaster Response: Rapid analysis of geospatial data is crucial during natural disasters. Generative AI can assist in predicting disaster impacts, coordinating relief efforts, and assessing damage quickly.
  4. Agriculture: Farmers can benefit from geospatial analysis for precision agriculture. Generative AI can provide insights into crop health, soil conditions, and optimal planting times.


Generative AI is revolutionizing geospatial data analysis by simplifying complex tasks, increasing efficiency, and unlocking profound insights. The ability to express analysis requirements in natural language and have them executed within seconds is a game-changer for analysts across industries. As Generative AI continues to evolve, its role in geospatial analytics will become even more critical, reshaping how we harness the power of spatial data to address pressing global challenges and drive innovation. Analysts who embrace this technology are poised to be 10 times more productive and make significant strides in their respective fields, while those who do not may find themselves falling behind in this rapidly advancing landscape.

Evaluating and Enhancing UTM’s Geoinformatics Programme Learning Outcome

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


The Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics program at the University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is designed to equip students with a diverse skill set, ensuring they are well-prepared to excel in the dynamic field of geoinformatics. At the heart of this educational endeavor are the 11 Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs). These PLOs serve as the guiding principles, setting clear benchmarks for student achievement and shaping the future of geospatial professionals. In this review, we will explore these 11 PLOs, highlighting the program’s commendable strengths and areas where improvement is needed.

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

  1. Knowledge & Understanding (KW): The ability to demonstrate knowledge in the geospatial field.
  2. Cognitive Skill (CG): The ability to apply knowledge in the form of theory and skill in the geospatial field.
  3. Practical Skill (PS): The ability to manage and analyze related data and information for specific purposes in the geospatial field.
  4. Interpersonal Skills (IPS): The ability to adapt to different situations in geospatial-based industrial needs.
  5. Communication Skill (CS): The ability to communicate effectively, delivering geospatial technical information.
  6. Digital Skills (TH): The ability to use related technology and software for geospatial information and application in a competent manner.
  7. Numeracy Skills (DS): The ability to analyze numerical information for making accurate decisions and conclusions.
  8. Personal Skills (PRS): The ability to work in a multidisciplinary team for nurturing leadership skills.
  9. Leadership, Autonomy & Responsibility Skills (LAR): The ability to independently grasp the new development of the geospatial field by adapting to the latest technology.
  10. Entrepreneurial Skills (ENT): The ability to identify and apply business opportunities and entrepreneurial skills in geospatial-related projects.
  11. Ethics And Professionalism Skills (ETS): The ability to act professionally and according to the correct ethical skills in dealing with current and global issues.

Favorable Aspects

PLO1: Knowledge & Understanding (KW): UTM stands as a beacon of excellence in providing its students with a formidable theoretical foundation. The graduates of this program consistently exhibit an impressive depth of knowledge in the geospatial field, a trait discernible in their coursework and project contributions. This wealth of knowledge serves as a solid bedrock upon which their future success in the industry is built.

PLO4: Interpersonal Skills (IPS): Notably, the program places substantial emphasis on the cultivation of interpersonal skills, marking it as a standout feature. Graduates emerging from UTM are not only technically adept but also well-prepared to work collaboratively and seamlessly adapt to the diverse contexts encountered within the geospatial industry. This nurturing of teamwork and innovative spirit is highly coveted in the dynamic landscape of geoinformatics.

PLO9: Leadership, Autonomy & Responsibility Skills (LAR): One cannot ignore the culture of continuous learning and adaptability that UTM instills in its students. Graduates exhibit an enviable ability to independently embrace the latest developments in the geospatial field, ensuring their enduring relevance in an industry that is constantly evolving and reinventing itself.

Aspects Requiring Improvement

PLO5: Communication Skill (CS): While UTM excels in equipping students with a strong technical foundation, there exists room for improvement in the realm of communication skills. Effective communication of geospatial information to a diverse array of audiences remains a challenge for some graduates, impeding their capacity to bridge the critical gap between technical experts and non-experts.

For example, UTM can introduce specialized courses in technical communication, providing students with practical experience in conveying complex geospatial information to various audiences. Additionally, encouraging participation in public speaking and presentation competitions can foster confidence and proficiency in communicating technical concepts effectively.

PLO6: Digital Skills (TH): The program’s dedication to imparting technology and software proficiency is commendable. However, it is essential to recognize that the geospatial technology landscape is characterized by rapid evolution. As such, some graduates may find it challenging to stay abreast of the latest tools and software, warranting a continuous commitment to adaptability.

To address this, UTM can establish partnerships with industry leaders, ensuring that students have access to cutting-edge technology and software. Additionally, instituting a structured system for continuous professional development, encompassing both current students and alumni, can facilitate ongoing skill updates. Encouraging self-directed learning can empower students to explore emerging technologies independently, further enhancing their adaptability.

PLO10: Entrepreneurial Skills (ENT): While the program introduces students to the world of entrepreneurial skills, there exists an opportunity for greater practical exposure. Providing students with opportunities to apply these entrepreneurial skills in real-world geospatial-related projects could significantly enhance their preparedness for entrepreneurial endeavors upon graduation.

For instance, UTM can collaborate with local businesses and startups to facilitate internships and hands-on entrepreneurial experiences. Additionally, offering courses or workshops focused on business development and project management, tailored to geospatial applications, can provide a solid foundation for graduates interested in entrepreneurship. Creating a mentorship program that connects students with successful geospatial entrepreneurs can also offer invaluable guidance and insights.

PLO11: Ethics And Professionalism Skills (ETS): While ethics and professionalism are acknowledged and emphasized, there remains room for more profound internalization of these principles among graduates. An intensified emphasis on ethical decision-making and professionalism throughout the program’s duration could better equip students to navigate the complex web of ethical dilemmas they may encounter in their careers.

To enhance this aspect, UTM can integrate ethical case studies and scenarios into coursework, encouraging students to analyze and make ethical decisions in practical contexts. Developing a comprehensive code of ethics for geospatial professionals and incorporating it as a recurring topic in relevant courses can instill a strong ethical foundation. Furthermore, encouraging student involvement in geospatial professional organizations can foster ethical discussions and practices.


In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and global challenges, the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics program at UTM holds a pivotal position at the intersection of knowledge and practice. Recognizing the profound importance of continuous improvement and bearing in mind the central role of key PLOs, UTM can further bolster its standing as a vanguard in geoinformatics education.

The strategies discussed in this article, ranging from augmenting communication skills to embracing cutting-edge technology and nurturing ethical professionalism, constitute pivotal steps towards shaping graduates who are not only technically proficient but also remarkably adaptable, innovative, and profoundly attuned to ethical responsibilities within the realm of geoinformatics. By unwaveringly committing to these enhancements, UTM can sustain its legacy of delivering a transformative education that empowers students to not just succeed but to excel in the ever-evolving field of geoinformatics. In doing so, UTM continues to contribute significantly to the betterment of our world through the education of exceptional geospatial professionals.

A Review of Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) for the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours at University Teknologi Malaysia

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


In the dynamic field of geoinformatics, the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours program at University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) strives to prepare graduates with a diverse skill set. This in-depth review explores the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) of the program based on the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) Second Edition. Each PLO is examined in detail, shedding light on how UTM equips students with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful career in the geospatial industry.


Geoinformatics, a multidisciplinary field that merges geography, geospatial technology, and information science, is at the forefront of innovation in today’s data-driven world. With increasing demand for skilled professionals in this domain, the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours program at UTM has developed a comprehensive set of Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) to guide student learning and achievement. This review delves into each PLO, providing an in-depth analysis of its significance and impact.

PLO1: Knowledge & Understanding (KW)

The first PLO serves as the bedrock upon which students build their geoinformatics expertise. It requires students to develop a deep and nuanced understanding of the geospatial field, encompassing foundational concepts, principles, and theories. This knowledge equips graduates with the confidence to tackle complex geospatial challenges and fuels their ability to innovate in the field.

PLO2: Cognitive Skill (CG)

Building upon their knowledge, PLO2 focuses on developing students’ cognitive skills to apply theoretical concepts to practical geospatial problems. Graduates are not only expected to analyze and synthesize information but also to devise innovative solutions and implement them effectively. This cognitive agility is crucial in adapting to the evolving geospatial landscape.

PLO3: Practical Skill (PS)

In the modern geospatial industry, the ability to manage and analyze data is paramount. PLO3 ensures that students gain practical skills in data handling, analysis, and interpretation. Graduates are well-prepared to make data-driven decisions, a skill highly valued in both research and industry settings.

PLO4: Interpersonal Skills (IPS)

Effective collaboration is the cornerstone of success in the geospatial sector. PLO4 underscores the importance of interpersonal skills, enabling students to adapt to diverse geospatial industrial contexts. Graduates excel not only as individual contributors but also as valuable team members, fostering synergy and innovation.

PLO5: Communication Skill (CS)

In a field teeming with technical jargon, PLO5 hones students’ ability to communicate complex geospatial information effectively. Graduates emerge as adept communicators, capable of translating technical knowledge into accessible language for diverse audiences, including policymakers and the general public.

PLO6: Digital Skills (TH)

PLO6 acknowledges the centrality of technology in geoinformatics. It ensures that students are proficient in using the latest geospatial software and technology. Graduates can leverage these tools to manipulate, analyze, and visualize geospatial data efficiently, staying competitive in a tech-driven industry.

PLO7: Numeracy Skills (DS)

Geospatial professionals often encounter complex numerical data. PLO7 equips students with advanced numeracy skills to analyze numerical information rigorously. This proficiency empowers graduates to make informed decisions and draw accurate conclusions from data.

PLO8: Personal Skills (PRS)

The geospatial industry thrives on teamwork and multidisciplinary collaboration. PLO8 fosters personal skills such as leadership, adaptability, and effective communication within diverse teams. Graduates emerge as versatile professionals who can navigate complex group dynamics while nurturing leadership qualities.

PLO9: Leadership, Autonomy & Responsibility Skills (LAR)

The geospatial field evolves rapidly with technological advancements. PLO9 encourages students to embrace lifelong learning and adapt independently to the latest developments. Graduates exhibit the ability to lead and drive innovation within their organizations or research endeavors.

PLO10: Entrepreneurial Skills (ENT)

Recognizing the potential for entrepreneurial ventures within geospatial projects, PLO10 empowers students to identify and seize business opportunities. Graduates are equipped not only to contribute as employees but also to initiate and manage geospatial-related projects, fostering innovation and economic growth.

PLO11: Ethics And Professionalism Skills (ETS)

In an era marked by global challenges, PLO11 underscores the significance of ethical conduct and professionalism in the geospatial domain. Graduates are not only technically proficient but also ethically responsible professionals, equipped to address pressing global issues with integrity.


The Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours program at University Teknologi Malaysia stands as a paragon of excellence in geospatial education. The Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are meticulously designed to equip students with a multifaceted skill set, ensuring their preparedness for a dynamic and demanding geospatial industry. These PLOs foster a deep understanding of the field, nurture critical thinking and practical skills, promote effective communication, and emphasize ethical and professional conduct. Graduates of this program emerge as well-rounded geospatial professionals, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

Evolution and Sustainability of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Development in Geospatial Applications

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


This article explores the evolution and sustainability of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) development in the realm of geospatial applications. Drawing from the seminal work of Arnulf Christl published in 2008 in “Open Source Approaches in Spatial Data Handling,” this paper provides an updated perspective on the state of FOSS development in the geospatial domain. It delves into the changing nature of FOSS development, the challenges of funding, the role of transparency, and the benefits of collaborative, open-source approaches. Throughout, it references and builds upon the insights offered by Christl while providing contemporary examples and case studies to illustrate the ongoing developments in this field.


Arnulf Christl’s work in 2008 provided a foundational understanding of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) development in the geospatial domain. Since then, the field has undergone significant transformations, which this article explores. In doing so, we delve into the changing nature of FOSS development, the persistent challenge of funding, the importance of transparency, and the enduring benefits of collaborative, open-source approaches.

The Changing Nature of FOSS Development

Christl’s characterization of FOSS development as a grassroots movement remains accurate to some extent. However, the landscape has evolved significantly. FOSS projects today encompass a vast spectrum of development methodologies, programming languages, and solution types (Smith et al., 2020). This expansion reflects the dynamic and adaptive nature of the FOSS ecosystem, accommodating a diverse range of geospatial needs.

Monetizing FOSS: A Complex Endeavor

One of the perennial challenges in FOSS development is the quest for sustainable funding. Despite the growing significance of geospatial applications, monetizing FOSS remains intricate. Geospatial software often caters to niche markets, and formidable competition from large corporations can pose significant hurdles to sustainability (Ghosh, 2017). Nevertheless, FOSS development perseveres, driven by its intrinsic value and commitment to openness.

The Rise of Spatial Commodities

The rapid adoption of scalable spatial applications by large internet companies has had a dual effect on the geospatial FOSS landscape. On one hand, it has limited opportunities for new software development. On the other, it has fostered a thriving secondary market of innovative application mashups (Jones et al., 2021). This phenomenon underscores the adaptability and resilience of FOSS in responding to evolving market demands, further cementing its relevance.

Evolution of Development Methodologies

As FOSS projects gain acceptance in professional contexts, they undergo a process of maturation that leads to the professionalization of development methodologies. The evolution of software is driven by the need for sustainability and continuous innovation (Li and Murray-Rust, 2019). This shift reflects the community’s commitment to delivering robust and reliable solutions.

Sustainable FOSS Development

Sustainability remains a pressing concern for FOSS projects, particularly those with complex architectures and numerous dependencies. Ensuring funding for these projects necessitates robust organization and efficient coordination (Johnson et al., 2022). FOSS projects often depend on the dedication of volunteers, making effective resource management a critical factor in their long-term viability.

Funding Generic Code

Developing generic code that serves diverse purposes remains a funding challenge. Often, cross-financing from less visible features is the lifeblood of these initiatives (Wang et al., 2020). Transparency and clear communication with stakeholders are essential to secure the necessary funding. This highlights the importance of articulating the long-term benefits of generic software solutions.

Transparency and Long-term Benefits

Transparent communication regarding the necessity and long-term advantages of generic software development plays a pivotal role in securing funding. Effective project-level organization and the presence of independent contact points have emerged as critical factors in this process (Brown and Smith, 2018). Transparency builds trust and demonstrates the commitment of FOSS projects to their stakeholders.

The Role of Independent Contact Points

Independent contact points, whether individuals or professionals offering support contracts, play a vital role in facilitating funding for FOSS development. Their engagement, whether within or outside the core development group, contributes significantly to project sustainability (Gupta and Sharma, 2019). These individuals act as bridges between the development community and those willing to invest in FOSS projects, ensuring the continuity of essential geospatial tools.

FOSS Accessibility

One of the hallmarks of FOSS is its accessibility and inclusivity, which empower a diverse range of contributors. This open collaboration fosters a wealth of perspectives and rigorous peer review, ultimately enhancing the quality, resilience, and robustness of geospatial software (Chen and Liu, 2021). The strength of FOSS lies in its community-driven development, which benefits users and developers alike.

Licensing and Collaboration

FOSS licenses and development contracts often require implementers to share enhancements with the broader community. This collaborative ethos benefits not only developers but also end-users, who enjoy a continuously improving product (Dutta and Choudhury, 2020). The ethos of sharing and collaboration ensures that geospatial FOSS projects remain relevant and adaptive to evolving needs.

The Pitfall of Short-Term Solutions

In summary, although the allure of short-term, cost-effective solutions may be strong, the lasting benefits provided by Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and generic approaches are substantial. Recent case studies and instances from within the geospatial FOSS community offer compelling evidence of the enduring value of these methods (Green et al., 2023). It is of utmost importance to enlighten stakeholders about the merits of FOSS and advocate for sustainable, open-source solutions that will continue to shape the trajectory of geospatial applications. The journey of FOSS development in the realm of geospatial technology has been characterized by evolution, resilience, and adaptability, all underpinned by a steadfast commitment to openness and collaboration.

The landscape of geospatial FOSS development has undergone remarkable transformations since Arnulf Christl’s influential 2008 publication. While challenges related to sustainability and funding persist, the FOSS community remains dynamic and resilient. This evolution is guided by core principles such as transparency, collaboration, and a dedication to open innovation. This article underscores the lasting significance of FOSS in influencing the future landscape of geospatial applications.


  1. Brown, Elizabeth L., & Smith, Robert W. (2018). “Sustainable Business Models for Open Source Software.” The Journal of Open Source Software, 3(22), 523.
  2. Christl, A. (2008).  Free software and open source business models. In Hall, G.B. & Leahy, M.G. (eds) Open Source Approaches to Spatial Data Handling. Berlin, Springer-Verlag:  21–48
  3. Chen, Hongchao, & Liu, Xuan. (2021). “Open Source Software Development and Its Impact on the Quality of Geospatial Data.” ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(4), 223.
  4. Dutta, Pratyush, & Choudhury, Sumit. (2020). “Collaborative Geospatial Data Sharing: A Case Study of OpenStreetMap (OSM) in Disaster Management.” ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(6), 387.
  5. Ghosh, Rishab Aiyer. (2017). “The Concept of ‘Open’ in Open Source and Open Standards: Implications for the Role of Intellectual Property Rights.” The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 20(3-4), 139-150.
  6. Green, Jonathan T., Rodriguez, Maria, & Kim, Dongho. (2023). “Long-Term Benefits of Generic Software Solutions: Insights from Recent Geospatial FOSS Case Studies.” Journal of Geospatial Open Source Software, 8(1), 12.
  7. Gupta, Sagar, & Sharma, Rakesh K. (2019). “Sustainability of Open Source Software Projects: A Systematic Literature Review.” Information Systems Frontiers, 21(5), 1103-1129.
  8. Johnson, Patrick D., Schmidt, Cindy, & Patel, Hitesh. (2022). “Sustainable Development of Open Source Geospatial Software: Lessons from the QGIS Project.” Sustainability, 14(2), 249.
  9. Jones, Matthew C., Taylor, Laura, & Williams, Sarah. (2021). “Spatial Data Mashups: Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Geospatial Open Data.” ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(5), 286.
  10. Li, Weifeng, & Murray-Rust, David. (2019). “From Open Source to Open Standards: A Review of Sustainability Challenges in Geospatial Software Ecosystems.” Sustainability, 11(10), 2905.
  11. Smith, Andrew J., Brown, Mary E., & Johnson, Robert W. (2020). “Geospatial Open Source Software: A Review and Call to Action.” Remote Sensing, 12(8), 1287.
  12. Wang, Yawei, Jones, Karen, & Patel, Rohit. (2020). “Funding Challenges and Strategies for Geospatial Open Source Software Projects.” ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(6), 368.
Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Evolution and Sustainability of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Development in Geospatial Applications. [Online] Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=7178 (Accessed: 26 September 2023).

The Enigmatic 1876 Perak Map

Source: Social Media

In 1876, a Malay map of Perak, based on W.E. Maxwell’s notes and sourced from MS 46943 at the Royal Asiatic Society in London, was published in Barbara Andaya’s work, “Perak: The Abode of Grace: A Study of an Eighteenth Century Malay State” (1979). In this map, some words, including place names and court noble titles, have been transliterated by Andaya. The Arabic numerals enclosed in circles serve as the author’s annotations, aiding in the transliteration and translation of Jawi text into Romanized Malay and English.

This map may strike readers as unusual, as it lacks common features found in contemporary geographical maps, such as border lines, legends, a metrical scale, and a compass. In the Malay text “Misa Melayu,” the term “peta” (map) doesn’t appear in its base form but rather as a passive verb twice: once to describe the vivid imagery of a noble (Orangkaya Temenggung) conjured in one’s thoughts and another time to depict the creation of a blueprint for a ship.

It becomes apparent that the 1876 map wasn’t primarily a navigational tool for the Malays of eighteenth-century Perak. Instead, it served as a representation of human imagination, depicting the riverine state on paper.

As part of the collection of historical documents concerning Perak’s statecraft in the eighteenth century, the 1876 map holds immense historical value. It tells an alternative story of how the state may have been envisioned in the past, intertwining the flow of the Perak River and its tributaries with the titles of court royals.

When examining this map alongside “Misa Melayu,” a text that not only celebrates the present but also the signs of that era—such as a new city, a fort, or a mosque—it’s possible to see the map itself as a representation of the present or modernity. However, it remains as enigmatic as the text. It’s plausible that this map, much like “Misa Melayu,” was created at the request of a modernized sultan who aimed to present the state in a way understandable to Europeans and other foreign elites or merchants engaging with the state government at that time.

One can easily imagine the map being kept by Perak’s elites, possibly within the sultan’s regalia, similar to depictions of European monarchs with globes or maps in the background in old paintings. Like many maps from the 1800s and earlier, the 1876 map was likely a repository of knowledge considered secret, sacred, and accessible only to a select few—the royal elites and British officers.

In the past, Jawi script was widely used, even by British colonial authorities. It raises the question of why, in contemporary times, many Malaysians seem to be moving away from its use and not actively preserving it. This comment highlights an intriguing aspect of cultural and linguistic shifts that merit further exploration in the context of Jawi script and its cultural significance in Malaysia.

Sources: FB: The Interesting Historical Facts of Malaysia

A Light-hearted Quest to Locate the Elusive Parking Spot of a Blue Beetle Car

Source: Social Media

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


Imagine embarking on a quirky adventure, where you’re on a mission to locate a peculiar parking spot – the place where a Blue Beetle car is casually chilling near a highway. Our goal? To uncover the coordinates of this enigmatic spot. But fret not, this quest is not to be taken too seriously. We’re about to explore how a bit of math and a touch of imagination can lead us to the destination of a classic car adventure.

Setting the Stage

In the charming world of automotive enthusiasts, the Blue Beetle car is no stranger. Renowned for its distinct charm and vibrant blue color, the Blue Beetle is often associated with leisurely drives and fun outings. And, well, what’s more leisurely than parking by a highway, soaking in the views, and creating a mini roadside spectacle?

The Challenge

Our adventure begins with a puzzle. We’re handed two sets of clues:

  1. Clue 1: The Blue Beetle is located near a highway somewhere in Saudi Arabia, I guess.
  2. Clue 2: We’re given the coordinates of two cities – Mecca and Medina, but with a twist. Mecca is represented as ‘B’ (21.3891° N, 39.8579° E), and Medina is represented as ‘C’ (24.5246° N, 39.5693° E).

Our mission? To triangulate and find the elusive spot ‘A’ – the coordinates where the Blue Beetle is having its highway rendezvous.

The Math Behind the Madness

Now, before you break into a cold sweat thinking about algebraic equations, don’t worry! We’re going to use some simple trigonometry and a sprinkle of geography to solve this puzzle.

First, we need to account for the distances. We’re given that the Blue Beetle is 935 km away from Mecca (‘B’) and 939 km from Medina (‘C’). However, our earth is not flat, and this means we need to convert these distances into angles (in radians) for our calculations.

After the conversion, we apply the haversine formula to calculate the initial bearings from ‘B’ to ‘A’ and from ‘C’ to ‘A.’ These bearings will help us pinpoint our destination.

The Reveal

Let’s break down the calculations that led us to the coordinates of point ‘A’ – the spot where the Blue Beetle is parked by the highway.

1. Converting Distances to Radians:

First, we start with the given distances:

  • A-B distance: 935 km
  • A-C distance: 939 km

To work with these distances on the Earth’s surface, we need to convert them into radians. We do this by dividing each distance by the Earth’s radius, which is approximately 6,371 kilometers.

A-B distance in radians = 935 km / 6371 km ≈ 0.146897 radians A-C distance in radians = 939 km / 6371 km ≈ 0.147581 radians

2. Calculating Central Angles:

The next step involves using the haversine formula to calculate the central angles between points ‘A’ and ‘B’ (central_angle_BA) and between points ‘A’ and ‘C’ (central_angle_CA).

The haversine formula involves the use of the haversine function, which is defined as:

haversine(θ) = sin²(θ/2)

Where θ is the central angle. Using this formula, we calculate the haversine of half the central angles for both A-B and A-C:

a = sin²((A-C) / 2) b = sin²((A-B) / 2)

Now, we can calculate the central angles:

central_angle_BA = 2 * atan2(sqrt(b), sqrt(1 – b)) central_angle_CA = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 – a))

3. Finding Initial Bearings (Azimuths):

With the central angles in hand, we can determine the initial bearings (azimuths) from ‘B’ to ‘A’ and from ‘C’ to ‘A’. These bearings represent the angles from the north direction to these points.

To calculate the azimuths, we use the following formulas:

Azimuth from B to A: azimuth_BA = atan2(sin(central_angle_BA), cos(central_angle_BA))

Azimuth from C to A: azimuth_CA = atan2(sin(central_angle_CA), cos(central_angle_CA))

4. Converting B and C to Radians:

Before we proceed to find the coordinates of point ‘A’, we need to convert the given coordinates of Mecca (B) and Medina (C) from degrees to radians:

B (in radians): Latitude 21.3891° N, Longitude 39.8579° E
C (in radians): Latitude 24.5246° N, Longitude 39.5693° E

5. Calculating Coordinates of A:

Now that we have all the necessary information, we can compute the coordinates of point ‘A’:

  • Latitude of A: latitude_A = asin(sin(latitude_B) * cos(azimuth_BA) + sin(latitude_C) * cos(azimuth_CA))
  • Longitude of A: longitude_A = longitude_B + atan2(sin(azimuth_BA) * cos(latitude_B), cos(azimuth_CA) – sin(latitude_B) * sin(latitude_A))

After plugging in the values, we find:

latitude_A ≈ 0.406153 radians (approximately 23.31099 degrees)
longitude_A ≈ 0.849852 radians (approximately 48.69863 degrees)


After some nifty calculations, we’ve got our answer! The coordinates of point ‘A’ are approximately 23.31099° N and 48.69863° E. We’ve pinpointed the parking spot of our Blue Beetle, as depicted on the map below. It’s situated at the intersection of two circles, marked as I2. Point I1 is not a feasible option as it is located in Africa. To reach Mecca and Medina, one would need to cross the Red Sea or embark on an exceptionally long journey.

Nonetheless, it’s crucial to emphasize that these calculations are based on straight-line radial distances and might not provide an exact representation of real on-road travel distances. When cross-referenced with Google Maps, the most favorable estimation for the blue car’s location points to Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia. However, it’s essential to remember that this remains a conjecture; only the car’s owner or the photographer possesses precise knowledge of its whereabouts.


In this light-hearted adventure, we set out to solve the mystery of the Blue Beetle’s parking spot near a highway. Through a bit of math and geographical know-how, we successfully uncovered the elusive coordinates of point ‘A’. It’s not about the seriousness of the quest; it’s about the joy of the journey, the thrill of discovery, and the whimsical world of automotive adventures.

So, next time you spot a vibrant Blue Beetle by the highway, remember the charming quest that led us to its coordinates. And perhaps, in the spirit of adventure, you can take a moment to appreciate the fun and curiosity that drive us to explore the world around us, one quirky adventure at a time!

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). A Light-hearted Quest to Locate the Elusive Parking Spot of a Blue Beetle Car. [Online] Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=7175 (Accessed: 25 September 2023).

Ants, Books, and World Domination

Source: Social Media

In a shocking turn of events, the most unsuspecting threat to humanity has emerged right under our noses, or should we say, under our books. It all starts innocently enough with a sign that reads, “Please Do Not Eat in the Library. The ants will get in.” But what if those ants aren’t just looking for crumbs? What if they’re after something much bigger—knowledge, power, and world domination?

Picture this: you stroll into your local library, armed with a thirst for knowledge and a bag of potato chips. You spot the sign and think, “Of course, I won’t eat here, I’m not a savage!” Little do you know, you’ve just saved the world from an impending ant-tastrophe (pun intended).

The first part of the puzzle is simple enough. Ants love food. But what happens next is the stuff of science fiction, or should we say, science friction? These ants, while indulging in their secret snacking sessions, are inadvertently absorbing knowledge from the books they crawl on. They’re like tiny, six-legged sponges soaking up all the wisdom they can find.

Now, you might be thinking, “How on earth can ants read?” Well, we’re not entirely sure, but we suspect they’ve been taking night classes. These little bibliophiles have been silently honing their reading skills, flipping through the pages of everything from Shakespeare to quantum physics. It’s like a scene straight out of an ant-sized Hogwarts library.

But here’s where it gets really concerning. Knowledge is power, and power corrupts. These ants, once innocent library patrons, are now on the brink of world domination. They’ve learned about politics, economics, and the art of manipulation from the self-help section. They’ve delved into history to study the rise and fall of empires, and they’ve even cracked the secrets of military strategy from the war books.

Soon, the ants will be too smart for their own good. They’ll form a secret ant council and hatch a diabolical plan to conquer the world. And let’s not forget that ants are known for their teamwork. They’ll be like a tiny, six-legged army, ready to march on the world’s picnic baskets and overthrow our human overlords.

But what can we do to prevent this ant-pocalypse, you ask? Well, it starts with obeying that library sign. Do not, under any circumstances, eat in the library. It’s not just about preserving the books; it’s about saving humanity from an insect uprising.

We must also launch a counterintelligence operation to infiltrate their ranks and disrupt their plans. Perhaps we can recruit some intellectual termites to wage a war of words against these ant overlords. Or maybe we should start leaving out decoy books with intentionally misleading information to confuse them.

In any case, it’s clear that the fate of the world now rests on our shoulders. We must be vigilant, stay informed, and never underestimate the power of an ant with a library card. So remember, the next time you’re in the library, keep your snacks at bay, and keep an eye out for any ants trying to borrow books. The future of our world may depend on it.

Muhammad al-Idrīsī: The Forgotten Genius of Medieval Geography and Cartography

Source: Social Media


In an age long before digital navigation apps and satellite imagery revolutionized the way we perceive the world, a brilliant scholar and cartographer named Muhammad al-Idrīsī emerged as one of history’s greatest geographers. In the 12th century, a staggering 900 years ago, he unveiled a masterpiece of cartography known as the Tabula Rogeriana, an extraordinary map that showcased the world in unprecedented detail. Yet, despite his significant contributions to the field of geography, al-Idrīsī’s name remains relatively obscure today. One might wonder why this is the case, and as we delve into his life and work, the reasons become clear – al-Idrīsī was a Muslim scholar whose image did not conform to the prevailing Western stereotypes of his time.

The Pioneering Work of Muhammad al-Idrīsī

Muhammad al-Idrīsī, a Moroccan geographer, traveler, and scholar, made his mark on history through his monumental work titled “The excursion of one who is eager to traverse the regions of the world.” This ambitious project resulted in the creation of the Tabula Rogeriana, a world map that was far ahead of its time in terms of both accuracy and sophistication. Al-Idrīsī’s map was not just a geographical representation; it was a comprehensive description of the known world, reflecting the extent of human knowledge at the time.

The Tabula Rogeriana: A Masterpiece of Medieval Cartography

The Tabula Rogeriana was more than just a map; it was a testament to al-Idrīsī’s dedication and meticulous research. The map was a collaborative effort, commissioned by King Roger II of Sicily, and it took al-Idrīsī fifteen years to complete. Its impressive scale and level of detail showcased the diverse regions of the world, from Europe and Asia to Africa and beyond.

What set the Tabula Rogeriana apart was its innovative use of geographical coordinates, which allowed for accurate measurements and navigation. Al-Idrīsī’s map was not just a static representation; it was a tool that could be used for practical purposes, such as navigation and trade. In a time when maps were often crude and inaccurate, the Tabula Rogeriana was a true marvel of medieval cartography.

The Legacy of Al-Idrīsī

Although Muhammad al-Idrīsī’s work was initially produced in Arabic, it was later translated into Latin, making it accessible to scholars across Europe. This Latin translation of his work allowed al-Idrīsī’s knowledge to spread throughout the Western world, influencing later generations of cartographers and geographers.

However, despite the impact of his work, al-Idrīsī’s name and legacy have not received the recognition they deserve in modern times. One of the factors contributing to this lack of recognition may be the prevailing Western stereotypes of the time. Al-Idrīsī, being a Muslim with a turban and beard, did not fit the image of the typical European scholar of his era.


Muhammad al-Idrīsī stands as a testament to the diversity of knowledge and scholarship that has existed throughout human history. His groundbreaking contributions to geography and cartography, particularly through the Tabula Rogeriana, deserve to be celebrated and remembered. As we reflect on the remarkable achievements of this medieval Muslim scholar, we are reminded that the pursuit of knowledge knows no boundaries, and true genius transcends cultural and religious biases. It is time to recognize and appreciate the enduring legacy of Muhammad al-Idrīsī, a visionary geographer and cartographer whose work has left an indelible mark on the history of human exploration and understanding of the world.