Archives for January 2017

Confidence is when you walk into a room and assume everyone already likes you

Everyone just wants to be liked, so if you pretend they already like you, you’ll like them, and then they’ll be happy that you already like them

[Serious]Socially fluent people of Reddit, What are some mistakes you see socially awkward people making?
byu/idkmanidkman inAskReddit

Stop procastinating!

Being lazy is so much more relaxing when you know you’ve taken care of all your tasks for the day.

New record set for world’s most heat resistant material

Researchers have discovered that tantalum carbide and hafnium carbide materials can withstand scorching temperatures of nearly 4000 degrees Celsius.

Materials Science Test Questions

Feel free to download.


Research proposal – Green composites

Contact me if anyone is interested to pursue phd in green composites.


Materials science exam papers

Past exam papers


Advice for new students

  1. Go to class always. It’s really easy to decide to sleep in or whatever but it can quickly become a habit.
  • the university isn’t paying you to go to class, you are paying the professor to show up to class. So why pay for something and not use it?
  1. Do your work and you’ll make it through. Become lazy and indulge in things that will distract you and you will more than likely fail.
  2. Make a friend in each of your classes. Not only will you be able to help one another with the course material, but by the end of your time you’ll have a decent sized network.
  • Especially as a freshman, everyone’s on the same page. Just stick your hand out and introduce yourself. Everyone wants to make new friends.
  • Talk to every girl (or guy). Don’t be afraid
  1. Join an organization. You get to meet like-minded people and get a solid friend base
  2. Talk to your professors. They love to help students
  • After class go chat with your professor, doesn’t really matter if it’s class related or not

The main goal here is to get them to put a face to your name, this will help you when they’re grading your exams and your borderline D/C, C/B, B/A

FRGS application form

For reference.


Guidelines on Post Course / Module Assignment (PMA)

For executive diploma programmes only.

Do not be arrogant to the weak

Tafsir ibn Kathir for Ad-Dhuhaa 93:10
وَأَمَّا ٱلسَّآئِلَ فَلَا تَنْهَرْ
And as for the petitioner, do not repel [him].


And repulse not the one who asks.
`just as you were astray and Allah guided you, then do not scorn the one who asks for knowledge seeking to be guided.’
Ibn Ishaq said,

وَأَمَّا السَّأيِلَ فَلَ تَنْهَرْ

(And repulse not the one who asks).
“This means do not be oppressive, arrogant, wicked, or mean to the weak among Allah’s servants.”
Qatadah said,
“This means respond to the poor with mercy and gentleness.”