Mastering Event Protocols at UTM: Insights from Pn Suzalpha’s KSJ Workshop

In the heart of KSJ, Pn Suzalpha, our fellow, delivered an enlightening lecture on the protocols of event management at UTM. Her talk, part of the JKM KSJ Formation Camp, was a deep dive into the nuances of successful event execution, stressing adherence to university protocols. The attendees, engrossed and eager, soaked in her guidance, poised to apply this newfound knowledge to future UTM events. It was an empowering session, encapsulating the essence of learning beyond the classroom.

To visually capture the essence of the event and to complement the textual content. It showcases the interactive and educational environment of Pn Suzalpha's lecture, providing readers with a snapshot of the active engagement and learning experience at the JKM KSJ formation camp. The image helps to convey the context, the speaker's connection with the audience, and the overall atmosphere of the session, enhancing the reader's understanding and interest in the event being discussed.

TNC (A&A) Engagement with Academic Management Staff of Razak Faculty

Prof. Dr. Zainuddin came to our faculty today. Interesting points he put forward. I am particularly looking forward to employing his TRIC strategy which is Teaching-Reseach-Innovation-Commercialization.


UTM VC’s Monthly Engagement August 2018

The first engagement in the era of synergy 4.0 for UTM. Now UTM has only 7 faculties.

Pembangunan polisi pendidikan tinggi negara

Syarahan perdana oleh  Datin Paduka Ir. Dr. Siti Hamisah.

Launch of Ihya’ Ramadhan UTMKL

Ramadhan is just around the corner, so today we at UTMKL has launched Ihya’ Ramadhan UTMKL program. The program today consists of a tazkirah by Ustaz Dr. Azahar Yaakub and the launch of Tabung Ihya’ Ramadhan.

Slides – UTM’s VC Monthly Engagement March 2018


Faculty of Razak’s Protem Chairman Meeting with Academic Staff

Razak School is transforming into Razak Faculty by combining with AIS and Perdana School. Good times ahead of us.

UTM VC’s Monthly Engagement March 2018

Time for our monthly engagement.

Peranan pemeriksa dalam dan sesi viva

Hari ini berlangsung sesi perkongsian berkenaan peranan pemeriksa dalam dan sesi viva. Disampaikan oleh Prof Sha’ri dan Datuk Zainai.

Pengurusan harta menurut Islam

Mengikut tazkirah dari Ustaz Mohd Azrul, pengurusan harta dalam Islam melibatkan 4 perkara:

  1. Perolehan harta
  2. Penyucian harta
  3. Pembahagian harta
  4. Perlindungan harta