What is the importance of literature review?

To conduct a literature review, researchers must first find all previous research done on the topic they are studying. This review of the literature provides a thorough introduction to the reader on the topic and presents all the analyses and findings of previous studies. Current researchers use these findings to develop their own research questions and eventually to create their own hypotheses on the topic that provides a focus for their explorations and analyses. The

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Bidang Tugas Seorang Pensyarah (DS45/DS51/DS52)

DS45/DS51/DS52 – Pensyarah JAWATAN: Pensyarah SENARAI TUGAS : 1. PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN Bidang kerja ini ditumpukan pada perkara yang berkaitan dengan pengendalian sesuatu matapelajaran yang merangkumi: Menyediakan jadual rancangan semester yang diedarkan kepada pelajar; Memeriksa jawapan; Mengadakan perkhidmatan bimbingan dan pemulihan; Memberi kuliah antara 2 kredit (30 jam) hingga ke-8 kredit (120 jam) setiap semester; Membuat penilaian keberkesanan pengajaran; Menyediakan alat bantu kuliah; dan Menyediakan rancangan dan bahan untuk penilaian bagi matapelajaran yang dikendalikan lengkap dengan

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GIS research topics to explore

spatial computing infrastructure, spatial cognitive assistance, volunteering geographic information (VGI), GPS-denied environment, statistically significant spatiotemporal pattern mining, mobile economy, mobile recommender systems, spatial network routing, spatial optimization, web-based GIS (industry perspective), location-based recommendation systems, linear anomaly window detection, intelligent transportation, GPU-based spatial computing, spatiotemporal analysis of climate data, geospatial weather and climate nexus, spatial statistics, concepts in spatial statistics, data science for GIS applications, 3D modeling and analysis, geometric nearest-neighbor queries, modelling of spatial relations,

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