Revolutionising EV Charging

The introduction of a mobile “EV powerbank” service, such as the EV Charge Go, represents a significant advancement in the realm of electric vehicles (EVs) and their accessibility. This innovative solution seems to address one of the key concerns surrounding EV adoption – the availability of charging infrastructure and the need for fast and convenient charging options. The idea of being able to book a mobile EV powerbank and have it delivered to your doorstep is incredibly convenient. It effectively eliminates the worry of finding a nearby charging station or having to wait in line for an available charging point,

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KPpusara Website: Laman Web Tanah Perkuburan Melayu Kangkar Pulai

By Shahabuddin Amerudin URL: Presenting the remarkable and forward-thinking project developed by Muhammad Syafiq bin Mat Tahir, a final year student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics during the session 2022/2023, under the expert guidance of Dr. Shahabuddin bin Amerudin. The culmination of his academic journey resulted in the creation of an ingenious web map-based Muslim Cemetery application for Kampung Melayu Kangkar Pulai, Johor. Muhammad Syafiq’s unwavering dedication to this project is evident in the two intensive semesters he spent meticulously crafting every aspect of the application. He commenced with an in-depth user requirement analysis, engaging with the

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Dunia Geospatial II

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Di setiap koordinat yang tertulis dengan indah, Terbentang kisah tanah, laut, dan langit yang luas, Peta ini menjadi jendela ke dunia yang nyata, Melalui geospatial, semua rahasia terungkap dengan jelas. Dari hutan tebal hingga padang pasir tandus, Jejak manusia dan alam saling berpaut erat, Titik-titik data menjadi benang merah cerita, Yang menjalin sejarah, masa kini, dan masa yang akan datang. Tak hanya sekedar angka, koordinat, atau nama tempat, Geospatial membuka jendela ke kompleksiti kehidupan, Dengan teknologi kita bisa menjelajahi masa lalu, Serta meramalkan arah masa depan yang terbuka lebar. Namun jangan kita melupakan, di balik layar digital,

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Review Article: World Sees Record Heat Waves

The article by Anna Fleck discusses global heatwaves and presents preliminary data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) regarding recent temperature records. It highlights that the world has just experienced the hottest week on record (average July 3-9) following the hottest June on record. The article provides examples of temperature records being broken in various regions around the world. In South Asia, an exceptional heatwave occurred in April and May 2023, resulting in national temperature records being broken in Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. Australia and Uruguay also matched their national temperature records last year, while the UK saw its all-time

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Wujudku BayanganMu

Usah lari mengejar bayanganmuHenti langkah jika kau sedarTunduk bersimpuh hadap dirimuDirimu adalah bayanganNya Jangan tempuh sempadan LaisaPasti langkahmu akan tersasarPandanglah alam jua dirimuSemua ternyata wajahNya Wujud ku bayanganMuWujud ku wajahMuWujud ku bayanganMuWujud ku wajahMu Bukan aku DiriMuKu sekadar ceritaMuBukan aku DiriMuKu sekadar ceritaMu Kau tiada pada si butaEngkau Nyata pada yang tahuKau tiada pada si butaEngkau Nyata pada yang tahu Dibalik mata Kau yang memandangMuHilanglah aku nyata wujudMuDibalik mata kau yang memandangMuHilanglah aku nyata wujudMu Wujud ku bayanganMuWujud ku wajahMuWujud ku bayanganMuWujud ku wajahMu Bukan aku DiriMuKu sekadar ceritaMuBukan aku DiriMuKu sekadar ceritaMu Kau tiada pada si butaEngkau Nyata pada

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Understanding Location Accuracy Requirements in Various Applications

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Location accuracy plays a vital role in numerous applications, enabling precise positioning, navigation, and tailored experiences. Different applications have varying location accuracy requirements based on their specific use cases and objectives. In this article, we explore a range of applications and their location accuracy needs, spanning from high accuracy requirements in the millimeter range to general accuracy needs within a few meters. Conclusion It’s important to note that these accuracy ranges are general guidelines and can vary depending on specific application requirements and user expectations. Additionally, advancements in technology, such as the availability of higher-quality GNSS

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Understanding Location Accuracy in Consumer Smartphones

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Consumer smartphones have become integral to our daily lives, offering a wide range of features and functionalities, including location-based services. The accuracy of location information provided by smartphones is crucial for navigation, mapping, and various location-dependent applications. In this article, we explore the general capabilities of consumer smartphones in achieving location accuracy and the factors that influence it. GPS Technology and Accuracy Global Positioning System (GPS) is a widely used positioning technology in smartphones. With high-quality GPS receivers, smartphones can achieve location accuracy within a few meters under ideal conditions. GPS relies on signals from satellites

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Understanding Location Inaccuracy in Mapping Applications

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Location accuracy plays a crucial role in mapping applications, allowing users to navigate, find points of interest, and track their movements. However, it’s important to acknowledge that location inaccuracy can sometimes occur, leading to discrepancies between the displayed location and the user’s actual position. In this article, we explore the various factors that contribute to location inaccuracy and discuss strategies to mitigate its impact on mapping applications. GPS Accuracy GPS (Global Positioning System) relies on satellite signals to determine precise location coordinates. However, several factors can affect the accuracy of GPS signals. Device limitations, such as

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Factors that can Contribute to Human Death

There are numerous factors that can contribute to human death. These factors can be categorized into various domains, including medical, environmental, behavioral, socioeconomic, and accidental causes. Here are some common factors associated with human death: It is important to note that the prevalence and significance of these factors may vary across regions and populations. Understanding and addressing these factors play a crucial role in public health initiatives, healthcare planning, and mortality risk reduction strategies. In the context of Malaysia, a diverse and rapidly developing country, various factors influence the mortality patterns and health outcomes of its population. By examining these

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Technical Analysis of Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT) – Unraveling the Blueprint of Success

Introduction Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT) has established itself as a dominant force in Malaysian football, showcasing a potent blend of technical prowess and tactical acumen. In this technical analysis, we will delve into the intricacies of JDT’s playing style, examining their key strengths, tactical approach, and individual contributions that have propelled them to their remarkable success. Possession-based Play JDT is known for their emphasis on possession-based football. They display exceptional technical skills, maintaining a high passing accuracy and intelligent movement off the ball. The team’s ability to circulate the ball efficiently across the pitch allows them to dictate the tempo

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Strategies to Challenge Johor Darul Ta’zim: A Blueprint for Success

Introduction Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT) has emerged as a dominant force in Malaysian football in recent years, boasting an impressive track record and a formidable squad. However, every strong team has its vulnerabilities, and with a well-prepared game plan and strategic execution, it is possible to overcome the challenge posed by JDT. In this article, we will explore a range of strategies that teams can employ to stand a fighting chance against this football powerhouse. Thorough Analysis The foundation of any successful strategy is a comprehensive understanding of the opponent. Studying JDT’s playing style, strengths, weaknesses, and patterns of play

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Achieving Multiple Professional Titles: Exploring the Multifaceted Career of an Accomplished Individual

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In certain professional fields, individuals have the opportunity to accumulate multiple professional titles, representing various levels of expertise and qualifications. These titles, such as “Sr” “Ts.” “Ir.” and “Dr.” are indicative of significant achievements and expertise in specific domains. In this discussion, we will explore the multifaceted career of an accomplished individual who has attained multiple professional titles, and the implications of such achievements. The Significance of Multiple Professional Titles When an individual possesses multiple professional titles, it showcases a diverse range of accomplishments and qualifications. Each title represents a distinct level of expertise within a

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The Impact of the “Sr” Title in Academic Circles: Assessing Its Significance in Professional Communication

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction As an academic, the use of professional titles holds importance in establishing credibility and recognition within your field. The “Sr” title from the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) is often seen as a mark of expertise and professional standing. However, it is essential to critically assess the impact of incorporating the “Sr” title when presenting oneself in academic contexts, such as on business cards, email signatures, or letters. In this discussion, we will explore the experiences and perceptions surrounding the utilization of the “Sr” title in academic communication and assess its actual significance in shaping

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Navigating the Path to Professional Recognition: Choosing Between the “Sr” or “Gs” Title for a Graduate in GIS Program

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction For graduates in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) programs, the journey towards professional recognition often includes the decision of whether to pursue the “Sr” title from the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) or the “Gs” title from the Institute of Geospatial and Remote Sensing Malaysia (IGRSM). Both titles carry significance within the GIS field, but understanding their nuances and benefits is essential for making an informed choice. In this article, we will explore the factors to consider when deciding between the “Sr” and “Gs” titles for GIS graduates. Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) – “Sr”

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