Which is the best way to cheat in an exam?

By Jeff Erickson, CS professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign I remember this one kid who pulled the absolutely perfect scam. First, he got a copy of the book that the class was based on, since he knew from past students that the exam would cover material directly from that book. Then, every other day, starting at the very beginning of the semester, he would sneak into the room where the professor was teaching and take notes. Occasionally, he would even ask questions! Then later that same day, he would review his notes to make sure he understood everything. At least once a week he

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Saving GIS Data to Another File Format using Python

In this example, the data is read from a shapefile and written to a geojson file. The properties, crs, and schema of the new file are defined from the source file using the src.schema and src.crs attributes. It’s important to note that when saving the data to a new file, the file format and the driver must be specified correctly, and the schema and properties must match the data being written. You can also use the same approach to save the data to other file formats such as KML, CSV, or any other format supported by Fiona. You just need

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