
Preparing for the Dynamic Geospatial Industry: Insights for Academia and Research Organizations

By Shahabuddin Amerudin The geospatial industry is experiencing rapid evolution, driven by technological advancements and expanding applications across various sectors. This evolution has significant implications for academia and research organizations, which play a crucial role in preparing the next generation of geospatial professionals. This essay explores the prevailing job roles within the geospatial industry, the evolving skill sets and academic requirements, sectors showing significant employment growth potential, and the best practices employed by leading educational […]

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Lessons from Corporate Decisions and the Power of Perseverance

In the dynamic world of business and innovation, decisions made by companies and individuals often shape their destinies. The stories of Nokia, Yahoo, and Kodak, on one hand, and Facebook, Grab, Colonel Sanders, Jack Ma, and Lamborghini on the other, provide valuable insights into the importance of embracing change, seizing opportunities, and the relentless pursuit of success. Stories of Missed Opportunities One of the most striking examples of a missed opportunity is the story of

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Pendapatan Bawah RM5,249 Dikira B40, T20 Atas RM11,820

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Artikel ini membahaskan tentang pembaharuan had pendapatan untuk kategori B40, M40, dan T20 dalam Laporan Survei Pendapatan dan Perbelanjaan Isi Rumah 2022 yang diterbitkan oleh Jabatan Perangkaan. Laporan ini mengungkapkan peningkatan had pendapatan untuk ketiga-tiga kategori tersebut dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019. Pada tahun 2022, had pendapatan untuk kategori B40 naik menjadi RM5,249 dari RM4,849 pada tahun 2019. Had pendapatan M40 juga meningkat menjadi RM11,819 dari RM10,969, sementara had pendapatan T20 kini mencapai

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Flood Hotspot Identification and Implications for Flood Preparedness

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article presents a comprehensive analysis of flood hotspots, areas highly susceptible to recurrent or severe flooding. It delves into the considerations for identifying these hotspots, focusing on the role of timeframes and frequency thresholds. The article explores various methodologies, data sources, regional variations, and the implications for flood risk mitigation and management, with a specific focus on Malaysia’s flood hotspot scenario until September 2023. Introduction Floods are complex natural phenomena

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Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Banjir di Malaysia: Menganalisa Hotspot Banjir Sehingga September 2023

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pendahuluan Banjir adalah satu ancaman semulajadi yang melanda Malaysia dari semasa ke semasa, terutamanya semasa musim monsun timur laut. Kesan-kesan banjir boleh merosakkan harta benda, infrastruktur, dan mengancam keselamatan penduduk. Oleh itu, adalah penting untuk memahami hotspot banjir, iaitu kawasan-kawasan yang berisiko tinggi mengalami banjir secara berulang. Maklumat terkini yang diperoleh dari Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia (JPS Malaysia) mengenai jumlah hotspot banjir dan statistik mengikut negeri memberi gambaran mengenai kesiapsiagaan Malaysia

Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Banjir di Malaysia: Menganalisa Hotspot Banjir Sehingga September 2023 Read More »

Sejarah HMS Malaya: Peranan Maritim dalam Konteks Empayar British

Kapal HMS Malaya. Pada tahun 1912, Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu mengambil inisiatif untuk “menghadiahkan” British sebuah kapal perang kelas pertama yang merupakan yang paling canggih pada masanya, di atas cadangan Sultan Perak Sultan Idris. Dana sebanyak £2,945,709 (bersamaan dengan $25,000,000 pada zaman tersebut) telah diperuntukan untuk pembinaan kapal ini. HMS Malaya kemudiannya memainkan peranan penting semasa Perang Dunia Pertama. Namun demikian, kapal ini juga mempunyai sejarah kontroversial dalam hubungannya dengan kejatuhan Umat Islam. Pada tahun 1922,

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Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy to Geoinformatics Education

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article explores the practical application of Bloom’s Taxonomy within the field of Geoinformatics, offering detailed examples at various proficiency levels within each of its three domains: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor. Bloom’s Taxonomy, initially developed in the 1950s by Benjamin Bloom and colleagues, classifies educational objectives into these domains, providing a structured approach to designing curricula, assessing student progress, and cultivating comprehensive learning experiences. In Geoinformatics, where spatial data is of

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Revolutionizing Geospatial Data Analysis Through Generative AI

Introduction In recent years, Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force in various industries, transforming the way data is analyzed, interpreted, and leveraged for actionable insights. Nowhere is this transformation more evident than in the realm of geospatial data analysis. The integration of Generative AI into the analysis of sensor and machine datasets has ushered in a new era of efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. This article explores the groundbreaking role of Generative

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Evolution and Sustainability of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Development in Geospatial Applications

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article explores the evolution and sustainability of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) development in the realm of geospatial applications. Drawing from the seminal work of Arnulf Christl published in 2008 in “Open Source Approaches in Spatial Data Handling,” this paper provides an updated perspective on the state of FOSS development in the geospatial domain. It delves into the changing nature of FOSS development, the challenges of funding, the role

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The Enigmatic 1876 Perak Map

In 1876, a Malay map of Perak, based on W.E. Maxwell’s notes and sourced from MS 46943 at the Royal Asiatic Society in London, was published in Barbara Andaya’s work, “Perak: The Abode of Grace: A Study of an Eighteenth Century Malay State” (1979). In this map, some words, including place names and court noble titles, have been transliterated by Andaya. The Arabic numerals enclosed in circles serve as the author’s annotations, aiding in the

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A Light-hearted Quest to Locate the Elusive Parking Spot of a Blue Beetle Car

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Imagine embarking on a quirky adventure, where you’re on a mission to locate a peculiar parking spot – the place where a Blue Beetle car is casually chilling near a highway. Our goal? To uncover the coordinates of this enigmatic spot. But fret not, this quest is not to be taken too seriously. We’re about to explore how a bit of math and a touch of imagination can lead us to

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Ants, Books, and World Domination

In a shocking turn of events, the most unsuspecting threat to humanity has emerged right under our noses, or should we say, under our books. It all starts innocently enough with a sign that reads, “Please Do Not Eat in the Library. The ants will get in.” But what if those ants aren’t just looking for crumbs? What if they’re after something much bigger—knowledge, power, and world domination? Picture this: you stroll into your local

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Muhammad al-Idrīsī: The Forgotten Genius of Medieval Geography and Cartography

Introduction In an age long before digital navigation apps and satellite imagery revolutionized the way we perceive the world, a brilliant scholar and cartographer named Muhammad al-Idrīsī emerged as one of history’s greatest geographers. In the 12th century, a staggering 900 years ago, he unveiled a masterpiece of cartography known as the Tabula Rogeriana, an extraordinary map that showcased the world in unprecedented detail. Yet, despite his significant contributions to the field of geography, al-Idrīsī’s

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Assessing Your Readiness for GIS Undergraduate Studies: A Review of the GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Are you considering a future in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and contemplating pursuing your undergraduate studies at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)? The GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz, hosted at, offers an insightful and user-friendly way to determine your readiness and suitability for GIS undergraduate programs. Let’s take a closer look at this engaging quiz designed to guide prospective students on their academic journey. Ease of Access The GIS Interest and Qualification

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Unlock Your GIS Potential with the GIS Postgraduate Quiz – Developed Just for You!

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Are you ready to take your passion for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to the next level? Look no further than the GIS Postgraduate Quiz, a powerful tool developed specifically to help you assess your readiness for advanced studies in GIS. Access the quiz right here: GIS Postgraduate Quiz As the developer of this innovative tool, I’m excited to share how it can set you on an exciting academic journey in the world

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Assess Your GIS Early Career Potential with the GIS Career Assessment Quiz

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Are you considering a career in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or looking to evaluate your potential in this exciting field? Look no further! The GIS Career Assessment Quiz is here to help you gauge your skills, knowledge, and experience to determine the most suitable GIS career path for you. GIS, a technology that combines geography with information technology, has a wide range of applications across industries such as environmental science, urban

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Batasan Antara Kerja dan Rumah; Majikan dan Pekerja

Dalam dunia pekerjaan, hubungan yang baik antara majikan dan pekerja adalah kunci kejayaan sesebuah organisasi. Di dalam artikel ini, kita akan melihat situasi yang sering berlaku di tempat kerja dan di rumah yang melibatkan interaksi antara bos dan pekerja. Di Tempat Kerja Seringkali, majikan dan pekerja berinteraksi dalam situasi yang memerlukan profesionalisme dan tumpuan sepenuhnya kepada kerja. Contoh yang sering berlaku adalah apabila bos menasihatkan pekerjanya dengan berkata, “Hal di rumah jangan dibawa ke pejabat…”

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The Unconventional Malay Map

By Shahabuddin Amerudin In the world of cartography, where precision and accuracy are highly valued, there exists a fascinating anomaly known as the “Malay Map.” This mysterious map, devoid of proper cartographic and geographical elements, offers a remarkable insight into the past when technology and orientation played a very different role in mapping the world. The origins of the Malay Map are shrouded in mystery, with no known cartographer to claim authorship. What sets it

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Unraveling the Power of Multi-Dimensional GIS

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have undergone a remarkable transformation since their inception, revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with spatial data. Historically, GIS primarily operated in two dimensions (2D) for basic mapping or ventured into three dimensions (3D) for modeling terrain and structures. However, as our comprehension of complex spatial phenomena has evolved, so too has the need for more advanced GIS capabilities. This brings us to the fascinating world

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Navigating the Future: Autonomous Driving and the Crucial Technologies Behind It

Introduction The concept of autonomous driving, once relegated to science fiction, is rapidly becoming a reality in the automotive industry. This transformative technology has the potential to reshape our daily lives, making transportation safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of autonomous driving and explore the various technologies required to make it a viable and reliable mode of transportation. The Vision-Based Foundation At the heart of autonomous driving

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