Uncorrected Proof Published Paper 2022

Agent-Based Model for Analyzing COVID-19 Infection in the Campus Using Any Logic Software by W. X. Gan and S. Amerudin M. Ben Ahmed et al. (eds.), Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 5, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 393, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94191-8_42

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Integrasi Data Geospatial Johor dengan Infrastruktur MyGDI

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pengenalan Pembangunan geospatial di Malaysia kini semakin pesat, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan keperluan untuk pengurusan maklumat yang lebih cekap di pelbagai peringkat. Negeri Johor, sebagai salah satu negeri utama di Malaysia, perlu mengambil langkah proaktif dalam mengintegrasikan data geospatial yang dikumpulkan dengan sistem yang telah ditetapkan oleh Pusat Geospatial Negara (PGN). Ini bukan sahaja memastikan data yang dikumpulkan adalah seragam dan boleh diakses oleh pelbagai agensi, tetapi juga membolehkan Johor untuk memanfaatkan infrastruktur yang telah sedia ada, seperti MyGDI (Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara), yang dibangunkan oleh PGN. Artikel ini membincangkan bagaimana pelan induk geospatial negeri Johor

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50 Tahun UTM

ANGKA 50 merupakan genap 50 tahun UTM mencapai taraf sebagai universiti terulung di Malaysia. Angka 50 turut menjadi simbolik kekuatan, kematangan dan kesuburan kehidupan. Tahun 1972-2022 menghayati nostalgia sejarah tertubuhnya UTM bermula dari tahun 1972. Emblem UTM dikelilingi bulatan berwarna emas merupakan lambang sains dan teknologi dalam memacu kecemerlangan, mengukuhkan pembangunan dan seterusnya mensejahterakan kehidupan. Percikan warna merah, jingga dan maroon melambangkan pancaran sinar kecemerlangan UTM dalam 360 darjah (iaitu ke seluruh dunia) bagi membangunkan manusia melalui pendidikan berkualiti tinggi dan kecemerlangan inovasi, serta pemantapan kolaborasi industri dan komuniti dalam memperkukuh impak penyelidikan untuk kemakmuran sejagat. Slogan “KERANA TUHAN UNTUK MANUSIA” melambangkan semangat kebersamaan

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Location Privacy

Beresford and Stajano define location privacy as “the ability to prevent other parties from learning one’s current or past location.” This definition specifies that the data subject—or the person whose location data is affected—should have control over the use and subsequent use of their data, which can be viewed as an extension of the previously presented definition of privacy. The device’s physical location can be determined using one of three methods: (1) satellite navigation systems like the Global Positioning System (GPS), (2) mobile carrier antennas, and (3) wireless networks. A device can use any combination of these three methods to

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Definition of GIS

What exactly is a GIS? Clarke (2003) contends that there is no single good definition of GIS; there are many. Various industries might be influenced by existing definitions, but below is a brief one proposed for those who are interested in applying GIS to health projects: “GIS is a computer-based, dynamic mapping system with spatial data processing, querying, and sharing capabilities.” Computer-based: Clearly, GIS is a computer technology. You will be using web technologies on your computer to learn GIS. Desktop and enterprise GIS applications are used for advanced functions. Dynamic mapping system: A GIS is not a static map

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Know about 4D GIS and its application area

Each kind of map conveys information about a particular place or event. They show how people and places are related. 4D GIS assembles a large volume of information in a simple manner to provide better decision making. Since big data and high data volumes are now changing the way we capture, process, and analyze information, it is essential to harness geospatial data in the simplest way to understand the dynamics of geographical phenomena. 4D GIS is becoming an important tool in monitoring various changes like change in weather patterns or the progress of construction work overtime. It integrates 2D,3D, and the time.

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4D Geographic Information System (GIS) Market

Geographic information systems (GIS) and geospatial technology have come a long way since their launch in the 1960s. The last 20 years have witnessed tremendous growth in GIS technologies, which are no longer used just to incorporate spatial relationships but also are used to analyze and visualize space across time. 4D geographic information systems, also known as spatial-temporal GIS, have become extremely important in fields where geographic information systems are necessary for forecasting dimensions across time. GIS is now used by a number of industries and, in particular, governments worldwide, which employ the technology for urban planning and management. GIS

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