Thailand's Industrial Development Zones: A Potential Game-Changer for Southeast Asia

Thailand’s Industrial Development Zones: A Potential Game-Changer for Southeast Asia

The development of industrial development zones (IDZs) in southern Thailand is poised to have a significant impact on the economic landscape of Southeast Asia, particularly for neighboring countries like Malaysia and Singapore. These zones, which are being established along the Andaman Sea coast, aim to attract foreign investment, create jobs, and stimulate economic growth in the region. The provided image depicts a proposed development plan for the southern region of Thailand, focusing on the creation of industrial development zones along the Andaman Sea coast. The map highlights two primary zones: one near Hat Yai,covering 42,000 acres, and another in the vicinity of Songkhla, spanning 80,000 acres. The plan also outlines a future […]

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The South China Sea: A Maritime Hotspot

The South China Sea: A Maritime Hotspot

The provided image vividly illustrates the complex territorial disputes surrounding the South China Sea. This region, rich in natural resources, has become a focal point of contention among several countries, including China, Taiwan, Vietnam,the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei. The overlapping claims, marked by dashed lines on the map, highlight the contentious nature of these territorial disputes. The image also showcases key geographical features, such as the Spratly Islands, Paracel Islands, and Scarborough Shoal,which serve as strategic locations for military and economic activities. These islands and reefs are often at the center of territorial clashes, as countries vie for control over their rich fishing grounds and potential hydrocarbon reserves. The future of the South China Sea remains

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Malaysia: The Island World of the Eastern Seas, Races of Primitive Culture

Transcription of the Image Title: MALAYSIA Subtitle: THE ISLAND WORLD OF THE EASTERN SEAS RACES OF PRIMITIVE CULTURE Text: Malaysia is the general designation of a group of islands in the eastern seas, extending out in front of the south-east of Asia, forming the stepping-stone to the mainland of Australia on the one side, and to the “Malanea***” archipelagoes and the island-world in the other. It is invaluable as Indonesia, the Indian Archipelago, and the members of the group include some of the most gigantic islands on the globe, with their magnificent and navigable rivers well known, and their extensive drynesses and

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The Satellite Image of Medina: A Glimpse into the Heart of Islamic History

The Satellite Image of Medina: A Glimpse into the Heart of Islamic History

By Shahabuddin Amerudin The satellite image provided offers a breathtaking aerial view of Medina, one of the holiest cities in Islam. Located in the Hejaz region of Saudi Arabia, Medina is a city steeped in religious significance and historical importance. At the heart of this image lies Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, the Prophet’s Mosque, which is the focal point of the city both spiritually and geographically. The mosque, easily identifiable by its sprawling courtyards and multiple minarets, is one of the most revered sites in Islam, second only to the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. Surrounding the mosque, the urban layout of Medina

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Jejak Langkah Sasterawan Negara Usman Awang

Jejak Langkah Sasterawan Negara Usman Awang

Usman Awang, atau nama sebenarnya Wan Osman bin Wan Awang, adalah seorang tokoh sastera yang sangat penting dalam sejarah kesusasteraan Melayu moden. Dilahirkan pada 12 Julai 1929 di Kampung Tanjung Sedili, Kota Tinggi, Johor, beliau terkenal dengan nama pena seperti Tongkat Warrant dan diingati melalui pelbagai puisi serta karya drama yang meninggalkan kesan mendalam terhadap pembacanya. Usman Awang dikenali sebagai seorang penyair yang berjiwa rakyat, dengan karya-karya yang menyentuh isu sosial dan perjuangan kemanusiaan. Perjalanan hidupnya bermula dengan alam persekolahan di Kota Tinggi, Johor pada era kolonial Inggeris. Pada tahun 1937, beliau menyambung persekolahan di Mersing, Johor. Namun, ketika Jepun

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The World's Tallest Buildings in 2024

The World’s Tallest Buildings in 2024

In 2024, the skyline of our cities continues to be dominated by colossal structures, showcasing human ingenuity and architectural brilliance. The world’s tallest buildings are not merely feats of engineering; they are symbols of economic strength, cultural significance, and national pride. The infographic above provides an insightful overview of the tallest buildings globally, reflecting the relentless pursuit of height that defines modern urban development. 1. Burj Khalifa, Dubai (828 meters) Topping the list is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, standing at an awe-inspiring height of 828 meters. Completed in 2010, this 163-floor skyscraper has become an iconic symbol of Dubai’s

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Mohamed Salah

Mohamed Salah’s Record-Breaking Journey in the Premier League

Mohamed Salah, widely celebrated as the “Egyptian King,” has firmly established himself as one of the most prolific and influential players in Premier League history. His journey from a budding talent to a global football superstar is nothing short of extraordinary. This article delves into Salah’s achievements, examining their significance within the broader context of Premier League history, and comparing them to the feats of other footballing legends. One of Salah’s most remarkable achievements is setting the record for the most goals in a single Premier League season. Before his arrival, the record stood at 31 goals, a mark shared

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A Perfect Escape to Nature's Beauty

A Perfect Escape to Nature’s Beauty

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Imagine stumbling upon the most charming little cottage tucked away on a quiet beach. The house is a perfect getaway, painted in a soft white with a blue-gray roof that fits right in with the peaceful surroundings. It sits just steps from the sand, nestled among tall, green trees that offer a cool, shady retreat from the sun. The beach itself is breathtaking. The water is a clear, inviting turquoise, gently rolling up onto the shore and splashing against rocks covered in velvety green moss. Right in front of the cottage, two bright blue lounge chairs are

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Penduduk Malaysia mencapai 34.1 juta pada tahun 2024 berbanding 6.3 juta pada tahun 1957 dengan kadar pertumbuhan tahunan 2.5 peratus.

Populasi dan Kepadatan Penduduk Malaysia Tahun 2024

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pendahuluan Penduduk Malaysia telah mencapai 34.1 juta pada tahun 2024, satu peningkatan signifikan berbanding 6.3 juta pada tahun 1957. Dengan kadar pertumbuhan tahunan 2.5 peratus, Malaysia telah melalui transformasi demografi yang besar dalam tempoh 67 tahun ini. Infografik yang disediakan oleh Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia memberikan gambaran terperinci tentang taburan penduduk di seluruh negara. Peningkatan Populasi dan Kepadatan Penduduk Populasi Malaysia yang berkembang pesat adalah hasil daripada pelbagai faktor termasuk peningkatan kualiti hidup, kesihatan, dan ekonomi. Jika dilihat dari perspektif geografi, negeri-negeri yang terletak di Semenanjung Malaysia seperti Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, dan Pulau Pinang menunjukkan kepadatan penduduk yang

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boids simulation

Boids Algorithm for Simulating Crowd Movement in Urban Planning and Disaster Management

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract The ability to accurately simulate crowd movement during emergencies is critical in urban planning and disaster management, as it helps design effective evacuation strategies and minimizes the potential for casualties. The Boids algorithm, initially developed to replicate the flocking behavior of birds, provides a versatile framework for modeling the dynamics of crowd movement. This paper explores the application of the Boids algorithm in simulating crowd movement during emergency situations such as floods, analyzing its strengths and limitations. Supported by a comprehensive literature review, this discussion examines the algorithm’s effectiveness in various scenarios, its potential for integration

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Algoritma Boids: Pemodelan Tingkah Laku Kolektif dalam Sistem Multi-Agen

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin 1. Pengenalan Algoritma Boids, yang diperkenalkan oleh Craig Reynolds pada tahun 1986, adalah model simulasi yang direka untuk meniru tingkah laku kawanan burung, ikan, atau entiti lain yang bergerak secara koheren dalam kumpulan besar. Algoritma ini menjadi salah satu contoh utama bagaimana tingkah laku kompleks dapat muncul dari peraturan yang mudah, dengan setiap individu dalam kumpulan mengikuti peraturan tempatan tertentu tanpa keperluan untuk koordinasi pusat. 2. Prinsip Asas Algoritma Boids Pada asasnya, algoritma Boids beroperasi berdasarkan tiga peraturan utama yang mengawal tingkah laku setiap individu (atau “boid”) dalam kumpulan. Peraturan-peraturan ini bertujuan untuk memastikan bahawa setiap boid

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cellular automota

Penggunaan Automata Selular dalam Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS)

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Automata selular adalah model matematik yang digunakan untuk memodelkan sistem yang terdiri daripada entiti individu yang berinteraksi mengikut peraturan mudah tetapi menghasilkan tingkah laku kompleks. Konsep automata selular pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1940-an oleh ahli fizik Stanislaw Ulam dan ahli matematik John von Neumann. Pada asasnya, automata selular terdiri daripada grid sel yang setiap satunya boleh berada dalam salah satu daripada beberapa keadaan, dan keadaan ini dikemaskini secara serentak berdasarkan keadaan sel-sel bersebelahan menurut peraturan yang ditetapkan. Prinsip Asas Automata Selular Prinsip asas automata selular melibatkan grid dua dimensi di mana setiap sel boleh berada dalam

Penggunaan Automata Selular dalam Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) Read More »

cabaran PSM UTM

Pengkategorian Tahap Cabaran Projek Sarjana Muda dalam Bidang GIS

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Dalam bidang Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) boleh dikategorikan mengikut tahap cabaran, iaitu rendah, sederhana, dan tinggi. Memahami perbezaan antara tahap cabaran ini adalah penting untuk membantu pelajar memilih topik yang sesuai dengan kemahiran dan minat mereka serta mencapai hasil yang lebih memuaskan. Berikut adalah penjelasan mendalam mengenai setiap tahap beserta contoh yang relevan. Tahap Cabaran Rendah Tahap cabaran rendah dalam PSM GIS melibatkan tugas-tugas asas yang memfokuskan kepada pembangunan pangkalan data dan pengumpulan data geospatial. Projek pada tahap ini biasanya merangkumi beberapa aktiviti berikut: Tahap Cabaran Sederhana Tahap cabaran sederhana melibatkan analisis yang

Pengkategorian Tahap Cabaran Projek Sarjana Muda dalam Bidang GIS Read More »


Projek Sarjana Muda dalam Bidang GIS: Pilihan dan Tahap Kesukaran

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Dalam bidang Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) boleh dikategorikan mengikut tahap kesukaran, dari yang tinggi hingga sederhana. Memahami perbezaan antara tahap-tahap ini membantu pelajar membuat pilihan yang lebih sesuai dengan kemahiran dan minat mereka. Projek tahap tinggi melibatkan penggunaan teknik dan teknologi yang lebih kompleks. Ini termasuk aplikasi model matematik, simulasi, dan penginderaan jauh yang memerlukan pemahaman mendalam mengenai teori GIS dan algoritma analisis. Projek pada tahap ini sering memerlukan kemahiran pengaturcaraan yang lebih maju, seperti dalam bahasa Python atau R, serta penggunaan perisian GIS khusus seperti ArcGIS Pro atau ENVI. Pelajar perlu membangunkan kod

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university student

Key Traits for Success in GIS Final Year Projects

By Shahabuddin Amerudin A Final Year Project, especially in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), is a crucial milestone that demands a blend of technical expertise, critical thinking, and a range of personal qualities. Success in these projects isn’t just about technical skills; it’s about how students leverage their traits and strategies to overcome challenges. In this article, we’ll explore the essential traits that GIS students need to excel in their projects, while also examining the impact of these traits through practical examples. 1. Diligence and Intelligence: Navigating Geospatial Data Wisely Diligence is foundational in GIS, particularly when dealing

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pelajar universiti

Ciri-Ciri Pelajar Cemerlang dalam Projek Sarjana Muda

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) merupakan langkah terakhir dan paling kritikal dalam perjalanan akademik seorang pelajar di peringkat ijazah sarjana muda di universiti. Ia adalah satu projek yang bukan sahaja menuntut pelajar untuk menerapkan segala pengetahuan yang telah dipelajari, tetapi juga memerlukan pelajar untuk menunjukkan pelbagai ciri yang mampu menjamin kejayaan mereka. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan meneliti ciri-ciri utama yang diperlukan oleh pelajar untuk berjaya dalam PSM serta bagaimana ciri-ciri ini boleh dioptimumkan untuk menghasilkan hasil kerja yang cemerlang. 1. Rajin dan Bijak: Dua Sisi yang Sama Rajin adalah asas kejayaan dalam PSM. Pelajar yang rajin sentiasa

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pelajar universiti

Kunci Kejayaan dalam Projek Sarjana Muda: Sifat dan Sokongan yang Diperlukan

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) adalah satu batu loncatan penting dalam perjalanan akademik seorang pelajar di universiti. Ia bukan sekadar satu tugasan akhir, tetapi merupakan manifestasi kebolehan pelajar dalam menyerap ilmu, mengaplikasikan pengetahuan, dan menyumbang kepada bidang kajian mereka. Untuk berjaya dalam PSM, terdapat beberapa ciri penting yang perlu ada dalam diri pelajar, serta sokongan yang boleh diharapkan dari penyelia. Sifat-Sifat Pelajar yang Cemerlang Pertama sekali, sifat rajin adalah asas kepada kejayaan dalam PSM. Rajin di sini bukan hanya bermaksud kerap melakukan tugasan, tetapi juga tekun dan konsisten dalam usaha mencapai objektif kajian. Namun, mempunyai sifat rajin sahaja

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Student-Supervisor Matching Application

Development of a Web-Based Application for Matching Students with Supervisors Using a Weighted Scoring Algorithm

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This paper presents the development of a web-based application designed to automate the matching process between students and supervisors. The application leverages a weighted scoring algorithm to evaluate compatibility based on various academic and professional criteria. The system aims to improve the efficiency and fairness of assigning supervisors by using a data-driven approach. The implementation involves PHP for server-side logic, JavaScript for client-side interaction, and JSON for data storage. This paper provides an overview of the development process, details of the algorithm, and examples demonstrating the application’s functionality. Introduction The process of assigning students to supervisors

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The Student-Supervisor Matching Application

Developing an Automated Student-Supervisor Matching System for Academic Institutions: A Case Study

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract The allocation of supervisors to students for research guidance is a critical process in academic institutions, particularly at the undergraduate level. This paper presents the development of an automated matching system designed to streamline the process of assigning students to supervisors based on their research interests and competencies. The system leverages JSON-based data storage and a weighted matching algorithm implemented in PHP, ensuring that the matching process is efficient, transparent, and data-driven. The study discusses the system’s design, implementation, and potential impact on academic administration. 1. Introduction The process of matching students with supervisors is often

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spatial computing

Spatial Computing: The Next AI-Driven Business Revolution

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Spatial computing is rapidly emerging as a revolutionary force in the business world, merging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), extended reality (XR), and computer vision to create immersive, interactive environments that bridge the physical and digital realms. This advanced form of computing enables businesses to visualize, simulate, and interact with data in unprecedented ways, enhancing everything from operations and decision-making to customer experiences. The Paradigm Shift in Human-Computer Interaction Spatial computing represents a significant departure from traditional human-computer interactions. Instead of relying on 2D screens and interfaces, spatial computing introduces a 3D-centric approach where virtual and

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