Jinn and Demon in Islam

Do Muslims believe in supernatural or paranormal? From the site that I shared below, it seems Muslims who observe their prayers tend to believe in the existence of Jinn. There are also Muslims who believe in witchcraft and Talismans. As a Muslim, we have to believe in the existence of Jinn and demons. But, we should not forget that Allah is our great PROTECTOR. Only Allah alone can keep us safe from all evils.


How the Dybbuk box travelled to Malaysia

Dybbuk box is now in Malaysia. The box was bought on ebay by the popular youtuber, Princemeed. Since opening the box, the spirits have not stopped haunting him. Trowing the box away at Karak did not solve the problem, but the demon was said to become more aggressive. You can follow the Princemeed’s story at his youtube.