Quote of the day

Always have a unique character like SALT,

Its presence is not felt but its ABSENCE make everything TASTELESS.

If it is too much, it will be too salty and not good for your health.

Persuasion Skills

There are 6 essential persuasion skills for leaders, and the skills are

  1. Understanding and navigating organizational politics:  Leaders adjust to the reality of corporate politics and are sensitive to how the organization functions.
  2. Creating visibility: To create new opportunities, effective leaders stand out and get noticed by others while staying authentic. They are careful to allow their team members to shine while not over-promoting themselves.
  3. Building and maintaining personal trustworthiness:  Leaders must show integrity and be widely trusted.
  4. Leveraging networks: Networking allows leaders to generate new experiences, develop persuasion skills, and to tap into the skills and vision of others.
  5. Clear communication: Writing and speaking clearly and briefly and applying a variety of communication styles helps leaders to get the message across and to ensure the right impact.
  6. Motivating others: Leaders understand the needs, styles, and motivators of others.

To read more kindly visit


Science of Persuasion

6 factors to influence others:

  1. reciprocity – give and take
  2. scarcity – people want more of things which are less of
  3. authority – credibility, knowledgeable and expert
  4. consistency
  5. liking – similar to us, compliments and cooperative
  6. consensus – people will look to the actions of others to determine their own

By: Robert Cialdini & Steve Martin

How do we integrate the 6 factors and communication skills? A question to ponder.

A great Doa

Surat Taubat Ayat 59

وَلَوْ أَنَّهُمْ رَضُوْاْ مَا آتَاهُمُ اللّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَقَالُواْ حَسْبُنَا اللّهُ سَيُؤْتِينَا اللّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِ وَرَسُولُهُ إِنَّا إِلَى اللّهِ رَاغِبُونَ

Dan (amatlah baiknya) kalau mereka berpuas hati dengan apa yang diberikan oleh Allah dan RasulNya kepada mereka, sambil mereka berkata: “Cukuplah Allah bagi kami; Allah akan memberi kepada kami dari limpah kurniaNya, demikian juga RasulNya; sesungguhnya kami sentiasa berharap kepada Allah”

( How much more seemly ) had they been content with that which Allah and His messenger had given them and had said : Allah sufficeth us . Allah will give us of His bounty , and ( also ) His messenger . Unto Allah we are suppliants .

Taken from: https://www.mymasjid.net.my/al-quran/surah/9/At-Taubah/59/

Wu Zetian

I love watching historical dramas, either from Chinese, Korean or Turkish history. As I wrote earlier, watching Magnificent Century gave me the sadness feeling looking at how the ladies at that time were full of jealousy and hatred. The next drama will be Wu Zetian: The Only Female Emperor in Chinese History, with the hope that good lessons could be learnt from it.

Great leadership usually starts with a willing heart, a positive attitude, and a desire to make a difference

-Mac Anderson-

Magnificent Century

Watching this drama made me feel distressed. But yet, there are so many lessons can be learnt from this drama. One thing for sure is, what goes around comes around. Hurem Sultan, who was vicious, cunning but intelligent, did everything she could to gain power. Her sons learnt from her and did the same thing, fighting and killing each other maliciously just because to stay in power. What they got in the end was just their own DESTRUCTION. There is a saying in Malay that explains this situation,

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