You are obsessed by greed for more and more, until you visit your graves
The Quran 102-1-2.
Hope this news is not true.
Stay away from greed
Quote of the day
Magnificent Century
Your real enemy is your never ending greed.
You will be the victim of your own greed.
Said Ibrahim Pasha to Hurrem Sultan
Total Lockdown
Binge Reading
Audit of Generic Programmes
We had the audit for the NEC220 code on 27 May 2021. Alhamdulillah, it was a smooth session. We were not grilled or roasted by the internal and external reviewers. The accreditation is crucial for the recognition and sustainability of our programmes. And, the fate of our students depends on the accreditation. Pray to Allah, may the result be good.

Kisah Rezeki
Betul tu, rezeki tidak pernah tersalah alamat.
Karena sesungguhnya sifat Rezeki adalah mengejar, bukan dikejar.
Rezeki akan mendatangi, bahkan akan mengejar,
hanya kepada orang yang pantas didatangi.
-Ustadz Zainal Abidin bin Syamsuddin-
Magnificent Century
This is a television series featuring the golden years of the Ottoman empire. It is intriguing to learn how Sultan Suleiman managed to conquer the Europe with his strong faith in Islam. No doubt that he was a good ruler. BUT, he was not a good husband (based on this movie, not his real life). He failed to pay attention to the struggles between his wife and concubine. He practised favouritism and he was not being fair to his wife. And this was eventually the reason for the fall of his great empire.