Maya Angelou – Quote of the day

I find Maya Angelou’s quotes fascinating. The quotes show how observant and sensitive she is to her surroundings.

To get more her quotes visit the link below

Why is writing difficult?

I always try to find excuses not to write. Certainly, I enjoy reading but NOT writing. One paper is due today, and I still don’t have the mood to write. Would like to share a quote on writing and hope it will motivate me and others to write.

Write until it becomes as natural as breathing.

Write until not writing makes you anxious.

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Day 3 – Augmented Reality for Educators

In this lesson, we learnt how to make things move . The focus was on behaviours. I was having trouble to follow this session, since I used iPhone not iPad. The interface is not the same and I need to explore looking for the buttons to click. It was really time consuming. Fortunately, the session was recorded and could be viewed later.

Hybrid Classroom

We can apply all sort of technology into our teaching, like e-learning, augmented reality and hybrid, but the crucial question is how do we get students engaged in the learning process?

Read the article on Making the Most of the Hybrid Classroom and find 6 ways to effectively manage class discussion. Unlike ODL or Open Distance Learning, in Hybrid classroom, some students are in person and others are online. This thus suggests that teachers require new skills to enable them to cater both, face-to-face and online, learners concurrently.