During the question and answer session, got some good tips from PM Dr Nanthakumar Loganathan, and perhaps the potential research is to focus on B40 – golongan miskin bandar.
Thank you PM Dr Nantha for the brilliant idea.
Do not lose hope, nor be sad
During the question and answer session, got some good tips from PM Dr Nanthakumar Loganathan, and perhaps the potential research is to focus on B40 – golongan miskin bandar.
Thank you PM Dr Nantha for the brilliant idea.
How to write a good proposal that can help you secure a research grant?
Nasyid COVID-19
Let’s try
I am currently working on paranormal discourse. My data are YouTube videos on the supernatural phenomena. It is kind of intriguing but scary at the same time. Scary because I have to watch and transcribe the videos. Can you imagine what kind of hell I am getting into . Stay strong for the sake of publication. Fighting 🦾🦾🦾
Our first lesson is on local fruits. There are various local fruits such banana, mangosteen, pineapples, durian and many more. What are they called in Malay?
Is there any study done on paranormal discourse? Hmmm it is intriguing, right?
I am interested to write a paper on paranormal discourse, after watching the YouTube on Dybbuk Box by Princemeed. The main objective of the paper should be to discuss how the ideology of mythology constructs the paranormal discourse from the social semiotics perspective.