BIG DATA🤔 Have you heard about it? Can we use Big Data in English Language Teaching? Let’s explore how we can use big data in language classroom.

There are a lot more articles on big data in language learning which  you can find on the internet. It is really big data 😃

Language, Context and Text – a new semiotics journal.

The journal encourages the presentation and critique of new theoretical proposals through careful scholarly analysis, testing of the implications of proposals and presentation of alternative viewpoints broadly within the SFL framework.

The link to a sample issue is given here

Meeting the Mr President of Asia to Japan

Met with Mr Masato Sampei, President, Asia to Japan Co. Ltd. on 27 December 2018.

A to J is responsible to recruit graduates who intend to work in Japan. And students who wish to follow the A to J programme must obtain a certain level of Japanese language. Language Academy (LA), UTM offers courses on Japanese Language and LA is also a centre for JLPT. For more information kindly email to

Thank you so much Mr Sampei for the delicious Yoku Moku. It is like Malaysian love letters wafer.





LA Annual Dinner 2018

Language Academy Annual Dinner – 27 December 2018 with Multiethnic Theme.  Alhamdulillah, everyone looked great and had a good time. The objectives are not only to gather and have fun, but more to appreciate LA staff for their hard work, to celebrate staff who are retired, and the most important is to bridge the gap between senior and junior academic staff, last but not least to strengthen the cooperation between academic and support staff. In other words, to rapatkan saf. We did it, yeay and I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the Task Force team and all involved for the briliiant job.



How to be direct and handle people who are not?  Hmmmm… a question to ponder.

The invaluable lesson I get from watching The Empress of China is that to stay happy ones need to get rid of jealousy and greedy.

As mentioned in the Al-Quran, we have to be content with what Allah provides us and fear Allah at all time, as mentioned in the Al-Quran

Which means: And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.” (Al-Talaq, 2-3)