India’s Soft Power

Besides China’s soft power, a study has also been done on India’s soft power. India is another economy tycoon, who is, at the same time, a rival to China. Philip Dodd believes that New Delhi will be the Asia’s soft superpower. Mind you, not soft power but soft SUPERpower. Is this the sign of anxiety that the westerns are facing right now?

China’s Soft Power

Soft power is referred to as ‘achieving what you want by attracting and persuading others to adopt your customs – thriving on control, but not force’. What’s wrong with practising the soft power? If it is for the good course, I personally think we should all practise soft power and we should not underestimate the power of soft power. China has apparently shown to the world that we can modernize but not westernize. Modernization and westernization are two different things.

LAK-UTM FSSH LA Linguistics Seminar Series- Part II

Guest Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hanita Hassan

Chair of Language Academy,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Member of LAK Board of Directors

Topic: Multimodality: Communicating with Eyes, Ears and Heart

Link: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 6680 8916

Passcode: LAK-UTM
Date and time: 18 March, 4:00 p.m. (Malaysian time)

CPD will be recorded

The attendance link to be shared during the session.

Subtle Charity – Story 2

My friend and I were eating in a restaurant. Here came a lady with her blind husband and she had a bunch of tissues in her hand. This is a normal scenery in Malaysia. Blind people will go from one restaurant to the other selling tissues. Of course, they don’t go alone, they are accompanied by someone.

This weird friend of mine called up for the lady. and said she needs the tissue. She bought a pack of tissue which did not even cost RM1. But she paid RM20, since she said she didn’t have small change and as usual she asked the lady to keep the change. This time I did not ask anything, since she did not force me to take the tissue.

Helping people by charity is the most human thing we can do

Oprah Winfrey