True friends

I found this quote about true friends is very intriguing.

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down

by Oprah Winfrey

Judging others

I would like to share some saying by my schoolmate.

The happiest people I know are evaluating and improving themselves. The unhappy people usually evaluating and judging others.

Don’t judge people for the choices they make when you don’t know the options they had to choose from.

Nice, aren’t they?

Quotes on Contribution

There are many quotes on contribution which I would like to share with you. But, I can’t share all at once, I will do it bit by bit. Is that alright?

The most fantastic quote on contribution is by Eleanor Roosevolt which says ‘when you cease to make a contribution, you will die”. In other words, life is purposeless without contribution.