Karoshi #2

Karoshi is becoming common in Japan and more women are suffering. Working at the risk on one’s life is part of Japanese social culture and it is known as selfless devotion. 24 year old Matsahuri Takahashi who was a victim of Karoshi, worked 20 hours a day. Can you imagine how much time she had for sleeping and resting? Miwa Sado who was the journalist of NHK, who did not have enough sleep which was less than 6 hours a day, died of karoshi at the age of 31. Hence, don’t overwork and make sure you have enough sleep and rest. Take a good care of your health, since health is wealth.

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Ghost Kitchens #1

Have you heard the term ghost kitchens? When I first heard this term on BBC, I was like wondering what it means. The discussion was on the survival of dine-in restaurants in the event of COVID 19 Pandemic. Food industry was one of the industries which was badly hit by the COVID 19, but at the same time, this has been the corner stone to the blooming of food delivery services. A ghost kitchen refers to a delivery-only restaurant or virtual kitchen, or in other words, a ghost kitchen specialises in delivery-only meals.

Click on the link below, to read more on ghost kitchens

India’s Soft Power

Besides China’s soft power, a study has also been done on India’s soft power. India is another economy tycoon, who is, at the same time, a rival to China. Philip Dodd believes that New Delhi will be the Asia’s soft superpower. Mind you, not soft power but soft SUPERpower. Is this the sign of anxiety that the westerns are facing right now?


Soft power

This morning in the BBC News, it was mentioned that China is practising soft power. That is very intriguing. I googled soft power to learn more about the term and specifically what it means by China’s soft power.

The definition of soft power found on the BBB News website is “soft power is the power to be loved. Hard power is the power to be feared”.

Different types of sea water do not mix

When I first looked at the title of this video, my feeling was oooh this is not new to me. In the holy Quran, it is stated that

 He has set free the two seas meeting together.  There is a barrier between them.  They do not transgress.  (Quran, 55:19-20)

 He is the one who has set free the two kinds of water, one sweet and palatable, and the other salty and bitter.  And He has made between them a barrier and a forbidding partition.  (Quran, 25:53)

Nevertheless, it is interesting to listen to the scientific explanation on why different types of sea water do not mix.



In the early centuries, England was the first country to invent this colour. However, during that time emerald was then associated to death. The reasoning behind this being that one of the chemicals used to create the colour was poisonous. Therefore, after a while those who bought items with the colour emerald would shortly die.


The colour blue was founded by the ancient Egyptians. Before that time period, they referred to the colour blue as being a wine-deep colour.