Comparing argumentative and problem solution text genres – ULAB 2122

On 14 September 2016, we had group presentations on the comparison of argumentative and problem solution genres.  5 out of 8 groups presented their findings of the analysis done on two types of text.  We will continue with the presentations in the next class on Wednesday (21 Sept) and I will wrap up the points highlighted by all the groups. Insya Allah.

Students’ write up can be downloaded at

Watch out… you are on candid camera.


ULAB 2122 – Advanced Academic English Skills

Alhamdulillah. Our first class for Session 2016/17 Semester 1 on 4 September 2016 went well with  almost 100% attendance. We kicked off with the course introductory session and followed by students’ self introduction. They were required to introduce themselves and to state their expectations from the English class.  Most importantly is for me to know how English class can benefit them.

Here are some of the  activity photos.




Persuasive speeches

Today, 17 April 2016, students presented their analysis on persuasive texts based on types and strategies of persuasive speech.

Different types of persuasive text:

  • Facts
  • Policies

Three main strategies in developing persuasive texts are:

  • ethos
  • pathos
  • logos

I like their materials and analysis. Well done people.

Enjoy some of the materials analysed by my students.

  • Amazing Steve Jobs speech at Stanford

  • How Donald Trump answers a question.

  • Zakir Naik’s talk on Atheist

  • Some beauty product adverts

using an ethos strategy

using a pathos strategy