While reading a student’s thesis on developing critical reading using a reader response strategy, I was asking myself what is critical thinking and how can we develop students’ critical thinking? This TedTalk by Erick Wilberding on the Socratic Method is really helpful. It explains how Socrates, who was the philosopher, developed his students’ critical thinking by asking a series of questions and most importantly, every answer leads to further problems. It is intriguing and a must watch video.
This is how Gen Z learns #1
Benchmarking CEFR Public University Practices #2
It was such a great sharing session. We need more of this kind session for us to learn from each other in developing and implementing CEFR informed curriculum. Proud to announce that we, in UTM, have implemented CEFR informed curriculum in the 2019/2020 session. The first course of CEFR informed curriculum is UHLB 1112 , that is, English Communication Skills, followed by the second course which is UHLB 2122, Academic Communication Skills and lastly, UHLB3132 Professional Communication Skills.
MPPZ 1353 SEMINAR – A starter kit
Link to the Padlet.
India’s Soft Power
Besides China’s soft power, a study has also been done on India’s soft power. India is another economy tycoon, who is, at the same time, a rival to China. Philip Dodd believes that New Delhi will be the Asia’s soft superpower. Mind you, not soft power but soft SUPERpower. Is this the sign of anxiety that the westerns are facing right now?
China’s Soft Power
Soft power is referred to as ‘achieving what you want by attracting and persuading others to adopt your customs – thriving on control, but not force’. What’s wrong with practising the soft power? If it is for the good course, I personally think we should all practise soft power and we should not underestimate the power of soft power. China has apparently shown to the world that we can modernize but not westernize. Modernization and westernization are two different things.
Socmed short videos are more than for fun
The first generation of TikTok short videos were created for fun and entertainment purposes. Nevertheless, the young people have successfully turned TikTok into an education hub. Many bite sized content videos are posted daily and it is intriguing to see how they can deliver the lesson effectively in 1 minute. Socmed has the huge potential to change its status quo from a mere entertainment to edutainment platform.
How to communicate according to Al-Quran

“O you who believe! Guard your duty to Allah, and speak words straight to the point”. (Surah al Ahzaab 33: 70)
While talking with people, don’t act smart or beat around the bush but come to the point and be straightforward in your expression. Use apt words and speak directly. Don’t play with words.
Also one should draw a clear line between being straightforward and being rude.
To read more go to
What is communication?
The importance of communication skills to your career
The following quote is very intriguing. Connotatively it means no matter how good you are academically or professionally, without good communication skills, success will never be yours.
No matter what job you have in life, your success will be determined 5% by your academic credentials, 15% by your professional experiences, and 80% by your communication skills
It is true, I always remind my postgraduate students, no matter how good your research is or your findings are, but if you can’t present them well in writing, you will never be able to graduate. The assessment for postgraduate, especially full research, is entirely on written dissertations or theses. Written communication skills are thus the key to success.