UTM faces serious parking problems

It was annoying to find someone who parks his/her car at your parking space, isn’t it?  It was a long meeting day and when I came back from a PGSS meeting, guess what? I found this car in my parking space. The driver was a pathetic young lady who has no respect for others. There is a sign board clearly notifies others it is a designated parking lot.  On top of that, students are not allowed to park their car along Lingkaran Ilmu. Hmmmmmm feeeling grumpy  😠!!!!


Then I purposely blocked the car so she got to wait for me muah hahahahahaha ….. a vendetta 😆


15 September 2015.


This information board tells Langkawi visitors about the traditional game called Tengteng, which was my favourite game when I was a kid. In English, it is called hopscotch.


what a day…

I walked all the way from D05 to B09 just to find an empty classroom.


It reminded me of the song entitled ‘Ghost Town’.  Woooo spoooookyyyyyy😢😢😢

13 September 2015… 2.26pm

Meeting an old fren: My housemate

With Faridah Hanim, my housemate when we did our degree at UTM KL. We lived at AU, UK 😍. The picture below was taken in front of the UTM mosque on 1 September 2015.  Hanim came to UTM, after 26 years, sending her son for the new student registration. He is doing Mechanical Engineering.
