Kepimpinan dari perspektif Islam

Sempena bulan Syaaban dan umat Islam akan menyambut bulan Ramadhan tidak lama lagi, tazkirah pada 31 Mac 2021, yang disampaikan oleh PM Dr Aminuddin Ruskam sangat memberi kesan. Antara intipati tazkirah beliau adalah:

  1. Elak prasangka dan bersangka buruk terhadap staf disekelilingnya. Berbaik sangka melahirkan perasaan yang gembira dan ceria dan menyebabkan persekitran kerja yang lebih kondusif.
  2. Pemimpin hendaklah menjadi contoh kepada staf lain, jangan menjadi seperti ketam .

India’s Soft Power

Besides China’s soft power, a study has also been done on India’s soft power. India is another economy tycoon, who is, at the same time, a rival to China. Philip Dodd believes that New Delhi will be the Asia’s soft superpower. Mind you, not soft power but soft SUPERpower. Is this the sign of anxiety that the westerns are facing right now?

China’s Soft Power

Soft power is referred to as ‘achieving what you want by attracting and persuading others to adopt your customs – thriving on control, but not force’. What’s wrong with practising the soft power? If it is for the good course, I personally think we should all practise soft power and we should not underestimate the power of soft power. China has apparently shown to the world that we can modernize but not westernize. Modernization and westernization are two different things.

Soft power

This morning in the BBC News, it was mentioned that China is practising soft power. That is very intriguing. I googled soft power to learn more about the term and specifically what it means by China’s soft power.

The definition of soft power found on the BBB News website is “soft power is the power to be loved. Hard power is the power to be feared”.

Socmed short videos are more than for fun

The first generation of TikTok short videos were created for fun and entertainment purposes. Nevertheless, the young people have successfully turned TikTok into an education hub. Many bite sized content videos are posted daily and it is intriguing to see how they can deliver the lesson effectively in 1 minute. Socmed has the huge potential to change its status quo from a mere entertainment to edutainment platform.