Identifying Your Own Leadership Strengths


Leadership is needed to help people achieve people what they are capable of, to establish a vision for the future, to encourage, to coach and to mentor, and to establish and maintain successful relationships. – Carnegie, D: 16

Good communication, interpersonal skills, the ability to coach, model, and build teams – all of that requires more and better leaders. – Carnegie, D: 16

The idea isn’t just to identify the most successful leader you can find and then slavishly model yourself after him or her. That strategy is doomed from the start. You are unlikely ever to rise above a poor imitation of the person you are pretending to be. The leadership techniques that will work best for you are the ones you nurture inside. Carnegie, D: 20

Don’t try to imitate others…. Never stop being yourself.

Askyourself the question in a straightforward way: What personal qualities do I possess that can be turned into the qualities of leadership? Carnegie, D: 21

Well-focused, self-confident leadership like that is what turns a vision into reality. Carnigie, D: 23.


Human-Relation Skills for a Winning Organisation

The winners will be the organisations with smart and creative leaders who know how to communicate and motivate effectively – inside the organisation and out.

“Good human-relations skills have the ability to change people from managing others to leading others” say John Rampey, the director of management development at Miliken & Company.

PeoplePeople can learn to move “from directing to guiding, from competington collaborating, from operating under a system of veiled secrecy to one sharing information as it’s needed, from a mode of passivity to a mode of risk taking, from one of viewing people as an expense to one viewing people as an asset”

They can learn how “to change lives from resentment to contentment, from apathy to involvement, from failure to success.”

Carnegie, D. 1993: 8.