How to avoid being a Narcissistic Leader

A friend of mine shared a very good link, that is, 9 behaviours of a narcissistic leader. It is a good reminder NOT only for leaders, but to everyone.

The 9 behaviours below are leadership strengths, however, don’t let them get overwhelmed.

  • Confident – Self-centered, talk mainly about their agenda, discount others
  • Decisive – Opinionated–sometimes wrong but never in doubt
  • Initiating – Too aggressive to get what they want
  • Outgoing – Need to be the center of attention
  • Accurate – React strongly to constructive feedback
  • Take charge – Controlling, believing that they are smarter, superior
  • Strategic – Manipulative of others to get what they want
  • Logical and Objective – Insensitive to the feelings and needs of others
  • Visionary – Blame others when something goes wrong

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