I am intrigued with the story of dybbuk box. It has become the world phenomena. Dybbux box is said to contain evil spirits and once opened, the spirits would be free and start attacking/haunting the box’s owner, who turns to be the new master of the spirits.
Publication will help build up your knowledge
Prof Dr Zuraidah Mohd Don (21 January 2021)
Multimodality – 2
This is the second part of multimodality. It discusses the representation meanings. Happy watching.
Multimodality -1
This video introduces you to the multimodality. If you are interested to venture into the multimodal research area, you are welcome to watch the video. Happy watching.
Lesson Learnt from the COVID-19 Pandemic – 2
Apparently, the COVID-19 Pandemic is the corner stone for the blooming of infographics in Malaysia. Such fantastic infographics were introduced by the Ministry of Health as a quickest and easiest way to relay information and as well as to educate public on the importance of breaking the chain of COVID-19.

Lesson Learnt from the COVID-19 Pandemic – 1
Malaysians are pretty obedient. I went to the Hospital Sultanah Aminah on 13 January 2021 for an appointment and found that Malaysians, regardless age, gender and ethnicity, strictly followed the SOP imposed by the government. This is a good sign. If everybody does his or her own bits, we can together fight the COVID-19.
Supervision Telelog
There is an influx of postgraduate students recently at Language Academy due to an aggressive promotion in China by SRAD, thank you SRAD. The ratio of supervisor and students at Language Academy, in 2020, is 1:15. Managing a big number of supervisees requires good organisational skills. The following video will show supervisors how to organise meeting videos, notes, attendance and materials for your supervision sessions using Telegram channels and groups. And it is called Supervision Telelog.
Systemic Functional Linguistics – MOOCS
If you are interested to learn Systemic Functional Linguistics or SFL, please sign up for the MOOCS course at the following link
Thank you.
Terima Kasih Datuk Wahid Omar (UTM 67)
Saya mewakili warga Akademi Bahasa – Language Academy, UTM – merakam setinggi2 penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada Ybgia Prof Datuk Dr Ir Wahid Omar yg telah memimpin UTM dengan cemerlang selama 7 tahun sebagai Naib Canselor Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Semoga Allah saja yang membalas budi Datuk dan merahmati Datuk sekeluarga.
Dari kami semua;
Akademi Bahasa
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
30 Ogos 2020.
Syukur Saya Anak Malaysia ❤️🇲🇾
Pada 30 Ogos saya ambil cuti, pergi settle semua hutang2 dgn kerajaan. Minta hubby drive me around, dah lama x jadi mem besar 💁🏻♀️. Destinasi 1: JPJ. Hmmm ada saman lama belum bayar 🤭. Chuak juga, brp lah nak kena. Pegawai JPJ tanya ‘dekat TBS pun boleh kena saman ka Puan’, sambil tersenyum sipu (pegawai tu x nampak la sebab pakai 😷 kan) terus jawab ‘cari jalan keluar x jumpa terus masuk tempat bas, apalagi kenalah saman’. Sampai kat kaunter nak bayar saman ‘RM90 Puan’. Alhamdullilah ada diskaun Hari Kebangsaan 🇲🇾. Terima kasih JPJ 😍.
Destinasi 2: Pejabat Tanah Johor Bahru. Aduuuh brp la nak kena bayar, rasa2 sejak 1998 x pernah bayar. Nasib baik Dr Mahani Stapa ingatkan, ‘kena bayarlah nita, rumah u bukannya buat atas angin’, hmmm kawan yg prihatin 🤨. Masa staf PTJ nak bg bil ‘RM227 Puan’. Aik murahnya. Bila tengok bil rupanya cukai tertunggak dr 2016, denda lewat x cecah pun RM40. Mmg mampu sgt insya Allah. Terima kasih PTJ, kos yg amat berpatutan 😍.
Rasa sgt2 bersyukur hari ni tinggal di bumi Malaysia. ‘Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan’ (Surah Ar-Rahman).
Happy Independence Day 2020 everyone. Merdeka, Merdeka tetaplah Merdeka. Ia pasti menjadi sejarah. 🇲🇾