It takes me almost 3 years to see the true colours.
say something nice
I need to refrain myself from saying something, unless it is nice to others
If you can’t say something nice
Don’t say anything at all
Can I really do that? BUT, there are times when you have to be cruel in order to be kind. Be direct and be honest.
![Image result for emoticon curious face](
Set priorities in life
Had a discussion with my dear daughter recently. She was confused with what she really wants in her life. Of course, everyone wants to get the best in this life. Unfortunately, we are not entitled for all the best in this world. So, we have to set priorities in our life.
Know your priorities and how to keep them straight
An introvert, extrovert or ambivert
Which type are you? Try this test and see the results. Have fun.
Building Trust
I shared some tips on how to build trust relationships through communication taken from Dale Carnegie in 2015. This is the link to the post
And today I would like to share a TED Talk video on building trust. Building trust is extremely important in our daily life and we need to trust others first before we can gain trust.
Leading with honour
To lead with honour, we need to differentiate between winning and success.
How to avoid being a Narcissistic Leader
A friend of mine shared a very good link, that is, 9 behaviours of a narcissistic leader. It is a good reminder NOT only for leaders, but to everyone.
The 9 behaviours below are leadership strengths, however, don’t let them get overwhelmed.
- Confident – Self-centered, talk mainly about their agenda, discount others
- Decisive – Opinionated–sometimes wrong but never in doubt
- Initiating – Too aggressive to get what they want
- Outgoing – Need to be the center of attention
- Accurate – React strongly to constructive feedback
- Take charge – Controlling, believing that they are smarter, superior
- Strategic – Manipulative of others to get what they want
- Logical and Objective – Insensitive to the feelings and needs of others
- Visionary – Blame others when something goes wrong
How a good leader communicates
Not through loud words but through passionate actions.
People will forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.