Kepimpinan dari perspektif Islam

Sempena bulan Syaaban dan umat Islam akan menyambut bulan Ramadhan tidak lama lagi, tazkirah pada 31 Mac 2021, yang disampaikan oleh PM Dr Aminuddin Ruskam sangat memberi kesan. Antara intipati tazkirah beliau adalah:

  1. Elak prasangka dan bersangka buruk terhadap staf disekelilingnya. Berbaik sangka melahirkan perasaan yang gembira dan ceria dan menyebabkan persekitran kerja yang lebih kondusif.
  2. Pemimpin hendaklah menjadi contoh kepada staf lain, jangan menjadi seperti ketam .

China’s Soft Power

Soft power is referred to as ‘achieving what you want by attracting and persuading others to adopt your customs – thriving on control, but not force’. What’s wrong with practising the soft power? If it is for the good course, I personally think we should all practise soft power and we should not underestimate the power of soft power. China has apparently shown to the world that we can modernize but not westernize. Modernization and westernization are two different things.

Socmed short videos are more than for fun

The first generation of TikTok short videos were created for fun and entertainment purposes. Nevertheless, the young people have successfully turned TikTok into an education hub. Many bite sized content videos are posted daily and it is intriguing to see how they can deliver the lesson effectively in 1 minute. Socmed has the huge potential to change its status quo from a mere entertainment to edutainment platform.

I would like to end posting on communication but accidentally came across a quote which is worth mentioned.

You can’t compete globally unless you have appropriate communication skills.

-John Wolfensohn-

What do you think? Do you agree with John?

How to communicate according to Al-Quran

“O you who believe! Guard your duty to Allah, and speak words straight to the point”. (Surah al Ahzaab 33: 70)

While talking with people, don’t act smart or beat around the bush but come to the point and be straightforward in your expression. Use apt words and speak directly. Don’t play with words.

Also one should draw a clear line between being straightforward and being rude.

To read more go to

What is communication?

Before you learn to communicate, you need to know what communication is. What is communication? Communication is the ability to deliver information, news or thoughts to others.

How we react depends on our emotions not intelligence.

In a meeting, my colleague was complaining about the amount of work that her department had to deal. Nevertheless, she did not make it crystal clear the source of the over work. Since we are from the same academy, I jumped to conclusions, thinking that she was complaining about my department. Based on the previous experience with her, I was a bit emotional and defended my department. I gave her a call after the meeting with the intention to confront her. And guess what I got. She was not pointing to my department but other department and I spoiled her plan. The past experience and emotions do influence our decisions and reactions. Luckily, there was no hard feeling. This is what I have to practise

Open my mind before I open my mouth

Each emotion offers a distinctive readiness to act; each points us in a direction that has worked well to handle the recurring challenges of human life. as these eternal situations were repeated and repeated over our revolutionary history, the survival value of our emotional repertoire was attested to by its becoming imprinted in our nerves as innate, automatic tendencies of the human heart.

intelligence can come to nothing when the emotions hold sway

(Daniel Goleman, 1995: 4)

Charity and Poorness

It will be interesting to see how charity can eradicate poorness. As Allah’s promise in the holy Quran that charity will not make one poor, instead will make one gain more.

Those who spend in charity will be richly rewarded.

Al-Quran (57:10)

And this is a related quote by Anne Frank which has the similar meaning.

No one has ever become poor by giving

Therefore, keep on giving so that we can keep on gaining.