Maya Angelou – Quote of the day

I find Maya Angelou’s quotes fascinating. The quotes show how observant and sensitive she is to her surroundings.

To get more her quotes visit the link below

Why is writing difficult?

I always try to find excuses not to write. Certainly, I enjoy reading but NOT writing. One paper is due today, and I still don’t have the mood to write. Would like to share a quote on writing and hope it will motivate me and others to write.

Write until it becomes as natural as breathing.

Write until not writing makes you anxious.

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Moral compass

If you have a moral compass, and you stay with it, people will always gravitate towards you

Carol Alt

Moral compass is used in reference to a person’s ability to judge what is right and wrong and act accordingly. And the moral compass distinguishes human beings from animals, as mentioned in the Al-Quran, unlike animals, men are given brain to enable them to differentiate between right and wrong.

Salam Maal Hijrah

Salam Maal Hijrah! - Inspirational Islamic Quotes
A nice Surah, An-Nisa. Hijrah should not only happen once a year, but Hijrah is a continuous process, just like CQI – Continuous Quality Improvement. We should strive for betterment. From a state of not knowing (jahil) to the state of having the knowledge (berilmu)