Maya Angelou – Quote of the day
Why writing is difficult?
To wait or to bulldoze when it comes to writing.
Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration,
the rest of us just get up and go to work
Stephen King
Are you an amateur or a professional?

Why is writing difficult?
I always try to find excuses not to write. Certainly, I enjoy reading but NOT writing. One paper is due today, and I still don’t have the mood to write. Would like to share a quote on writing and hope it will motivate me and others to write.
Write until it becomes as natural as breathing.
Write until not writing makes you anxious.
Day 2 – Augmented Reality for Educators
Moral compass
If you have a moral compass, and you stay with it, people will always gravitate towards you
Carol Alt
Moral compass is used in reference to a person’s ability to judge what is right and wrong and act accordingly. And the moral compass distinguishes human beings from animals, as mentioned in the Al-Quran, unlike animals, men are given brain to enable them to differentiate between right and wrong.
Persuasive Communication Skills for Leaders
How to be persuasive
There are 7 basic principles of persuasion. Read the latest book by Dr Robert Cialdini entitled Influence, New and Expanded : The Psychology of Persuasion
Doa orang yang teraniaya atau dizalimi

Doa orang yang teraniaya mahu pun dizalimi adalah di antara doa yang mustajab. Ambillah kesempatan di dalam keadaan kita teraniaya atau dizalimin dengan bermunajat kepada Allah swt. Doalah yang baik-baik semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kita di dunia, di alam barzahk, dan di alam akhirat. DOA ADALAH SENJATA ORANG YANG BERIMAN
Salam Maal Hijrah