May 1969

Perselisihan antara Melayu dan Cina dalam isu ekonomi dan politik mencapai kemuncaknya pada tahun 1969 selepas pilihan raya umum ketiga. Dalam tempoh kempen pilihan raya 1969, parti berasaskan kaum Cina mempersoalkan hak-hak orang Melayu termasuk penggunaan bahasa Melayu dan mempromosikan slogan ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ sekali gus mencabar kontrak sosial yang telah dipersetujui oleh para pengasas kemerdekaan Malaysia. Keputusan pilihan raya menunjukkan kerajaan memerintah kehilangan lebih separuh undi popular kerana majoriti pengundi Cina mengundi calon pembangkang. Pemenang terbesar ialah parti-parti Cina kerana undi Melayu terbahagi antara UMNO dan PAS.

– Muhammed Abdul Khalid (2017). Antara Dua Darjat. Selangor: Dubookpress, 117 –

History repeats itself, unfortunately, the Malays don’t learn and what is the reason for the history recurrence? To know the answer go to

In our daily life we might come across two people, who are at loggerheads, let say A and B.  The third party, C, comes in and shows favours towards B. B feels special whilst A feels dissapointed. But, neither A nor B knows the real intention of C. Without realising B  has become the prey to the cunning C.  The Malay idiom for this is ‘keluar mulut buaya masuk mulut naga’, which has the same meaning with ‘out of the frying pan into the fire’.  By which A is the buaya 🐊 or frying pan 🍳 and C is the naga 🐉 or fire 🔥.

If you were A and could see the real C, would you tell B of the C’s evil intention or would you just keep it to yourself 🤫?