Data alone is not persuasive, weave it with stories
Data doesn’t change behaviour, but emotions do.
Data never speaks for itself, that is why you need stories to go with the data.
Don’t wait for a perfect story. Take your story and make it perfect.
Allyship at the workplace
This is something new to me. Basically, Melinda Epler stresses the way forward to build a better team, in which the team members support each other. I agree with her, it is more essential to create allies in an organisation rather than competitors. Competition will drive employees to be more self-centred and for allies, on the other hand, what matters is contribution.
Persuading through designs
This is very interesting, the talk is on how to change people’s behaviour using technology and design. What is moral and immoral persuasion? How ethical can we be in persuading others through our design?
The power of Silence
Confidence is silent.
Insecurities are loud.
A spotlight stealer
I got this term from my son. He was telling me a story about his friends. And the funny thing was that there was a friend labelled as a spotlight stealer. According to my son, it is okay to steal the spotlight once a while but don’t do it all the time. Hence, this friend of his was not in a good book of others since he was an attention seeker and I guess he was not a good team player.
People who shine from within don’t need the spotlight
Managing Anger
My daughter wrote on her IG status about her regret for being angry and she was disappointed when her heart betrayed her brain. Two best quotes to calm your anger are
Manage your anger since people can’t manage their stupidity
You cannot see your reflection in boiling water
Similarly you cannot see truth in a state of anger
Quote of the day
Keep a gratitude journal
I was looking for something to read on how to be positive toward others. And I came across this website entitled Benefits of Thinking Positively, and How to Do It
One tip that struck me was keep a gratitude journal. This is something new to me. Yes, I agree with the article. Look at the good side and be content with what Allah has given us. That will keep us positive.
فَبِأَيِّ آلَاء رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ ﴿١٦﴾
So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?
Those who trust Allah never lose hope
“Do not give up and do not be downhearted. You shall be uppermost if you are believers” (Qur’an, 3:139)