You are obsessed by greed for more and more, until you visit your graves
The Quran 102-1-2.
Hope this news is not true.
Stay away from greed
Kisah Rezeki
Betul tu, rezeki tidak pernah tersalah alamat.
Karena sesungguhnya sifat Rezeki adalah mengejar, bukan dikejar.
Rezeki akan mendatangi, bahkan akan mengejar,
hanya kepada orang yang pantas didatangi.
-Ustadz Zainal Abidin bin Syamsuddin-
Options in life
There are always options in our life. But, sometimes the options are limited. We have TWO options in battling the COVID 19 pandemic. The options are
- Fight the COVID 19 until we win, OR
- Stabilise our economy
If we choose the first choice, then we have to act accordingly. Take all precautionary measures to ensure the COVID 19 virus is totally eliminated.
The question now is, can we choose the second option? Ironically, the first option is needed before we can get the second one. Therefore, WE DON’T HAVE ANY CHOICE.
Please combat the COVID 19 before dreaming to stabilise our economy. We can do one at a time.
PhD Viva Voce- Omairi Hamid Tarad Lafta

My PhD student, Hamid, successfully defended his thesis on 6 May 2021. He was awarded with an A for his thesis, what an excellent result. His thesis is on Multimodal Representations of Islamic State Organization’s Ideology on Facebook. Well done Hamid!
Special thanks to:
- Prof Dr Yeo Kee Jar – Chairperson
- Dr Kang Myoung Sook – Assistant Chairperson
- PM Dr Normah Mustafa (UKM) – External Examiner
- PM Dr Hadina Habil – Internal Examiner
- Mr Muhammad Arafat – secretariat
Love your job
The most important thing is to love your job. Otherwise, you will never find peace and happiness in your job. You need to have passion for your work.
COVID 19 Vaccines
Some say if you take the vaccine, you can live the most up to 2 years. Nonetheless, either you take the vaccine or not, you will ultimately DIE. When Allah says it is time for you to die, you will surely die. Death is inevitable.
I have taken the vaccine and what about you?
I agreed to be vaccinated because it is for my own safety and also others. Insya Allah, the sound intention will definitely be rewarded.
Quote of the day
There are people who bring you down by just being them
Malebo Sephodi
Watch out, be vigilant of your surroundings.