Magnificent Century

Watching this drama made me feel distressed. But yet, there are so many lessons can be learnt from this drama. One thing for sure is, what goes around comes around. Hurem Sultan, who was vicious, cunning but intelligent, did everything she could to gain power. Her sons learnt from her and did the same thing, fighting and killing each other maliciously just because to stay in power. What they got in the end was just their own DESTRUCTION. There is a saying in Malay that explains this situation,

Menang sorak kampung tergadai

18 Leadership Communication Trends to Look for in 2021

The advancement of technology has some how affected the leadership styles. Leaders are not expected to behave the same way as leaders in the 20th century. Being leaders in the new millennia era is very demanding, as leaders have to catch up with the tremendous changing that takes place especially with the booming of social media. Leaders have to be vigilant with every word they utter. As there is a saying in Bahasa Melayu that goes ‘terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya’, which means once we make mistake with our words, there is no way to retract.

What are the leadership communication trends in 2021?

Being Positive

Work Hard Play Positive

# Optimistic

# Encouraging

# Servant Leader

# Heart for others

# Admit imperfections

# Always give 100%

# Put TEAM first

One of the Best Motivational Speeches by Admiral McRaven

10 lessons from SEAL basic training. If you want to change the world:-

  1. Start the day with a task completed
  2. Find someone to help you through life
  3. Respect everyone
  4. The life is not always fair, move forward
  5. Don’t afraid to fail often
  6. Take risks
  7. Face down the bullies
  8. Step up when times are toughest
  9. Lift up the downtrodden
  10. Never give up

Love your job

The most important thing is to love your job. Otherwise, you will never find peace and happiness in your job. You need to have passion for your work.

Storms in your life

Sharing a wonderful saying from a school-mate of mine.

Not all storms come to disrupt your life,

some come to clear your path.

You cannot avoid storms in your life and no matter how ferocious the storms are, you have to always be positive. Face the storms with an open mind and be certain that the great rewards await you.
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Every cloud has a silver lining