Crisis Communication

Any organisation is bound to face crises which ofter occur due the absence of internal and external communications. Good leadership will anticipate and prepare for the crisis before it gets out of control.

What you should do in the state of crises:

  1. Anticipate crises – by anticipating crises, you will be more prepared and proactive to face the crises. Several measures can be taken, for example, change your modus operandi and plan for how to address the problems when they occur.
  2. Monitor what is happening around you. Gather essential information as a way to prevent crisis. Take note of what is being said about you and having this information will allow you to catch a negative perception toward you, which if not treated will turn into uncontrollable crisis.
  3. Some good leaders are not effective in-person communicators. Training is needed and get used to all forms of communication either traditional or social media platform.
  4. Avoid a classic strategy that is ‘shoot first and ask questions afterwards’. The best thing to do is to respond with adequate information. Ensure that you have gathered and delivered the adequate information before responding.
  5. There are chances where your communication might be misunderstood or misinterpreted by your colleagues and your duty is to plan your talk to minimise this from happening. Keep your message as simple as you can.
  6. The importance of preparing and rehearsing your responses in advance is to avoid unnecessary delays in reacting and an inefficient communication strategy due to hastiness.
  7. Analyse the feedback you get during crises and this will enable you to adapt your strategy and tactics. The most important is what you can learn form the crisis.

One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty counsels. The thing to do is to supply light and not heat.

Woodrow Wilson



Harta adalah rezeki yang paling rendah,

kesihatan adalah rezeki yang paling tinggi,

anak yang soleh adalah rezeki yang paling utama,

mendapat keredhaan Allah adalah rezeki yang paling utama

Syekh Mutawalli Sya’rawi

Rezeki itu adalah milik Allah, dan Dia akan memberinya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakinya. Semoga kita semua dimurahkan dengan rezeki dari Allah.

A spotlight stealer

I got this term from my son. He was telling me a story about his friends. And the funny thing was that there was a friend labelled as a spotlight stealer. According to my son, it is okay to steal the spotlight once a while but don’t do it all the time. Hence, this friend of his was not in a good book of others since he was an attention seeker and I guess he was not a good team player.

People who shine from within don’t need the spotlight

Managing Anger

My daughter wrote on her IG status about her regret for being angry and she was disappointed when her heart betrayed her brain. Two best quotes to calm your anger are

Manage your anger since people can’t manage their stupidity


You cannot see your reflection in boiling water

Similarly you cannot see truth in a state of anger

Keep a gratitude journal

I was looking for something to read on how to be positive toward others. And I came across this website entitled Benefits of Thinking Positively, and How to Do It

One tip that struck me was keep a gratitude journal. This is something new to me. Yes, I agree with the article. Look at the good side and be content with what Allah has given us. That will keep us positive.

فَبِأَيِّ آلَاء رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ ﴿١٦﴾

So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?


Taubah Verses 128-129

The benefits of these two verses:

  • If you want someone to re-pay/ pay back your money; you have to recite the Ayat No128 & 129 two verses of Surah Taubah after every prayer. You can recite verses throughout the day as well.
  • If you are facing your job issues, you have to recite these two verses of Sura Taubah as much as you can throughout the day. For this wazifa you have to recite Durood Sharif at the end and start and at intervals as well.
  • If you are facing mountains of difficulties this Surah, It would be very helpful for you, but you have to recite it with complete concentration and full faith.
  • Its last two verses of Sura Taubah are also for the cure of any disease. For this purpose you have to recite it as much time as you can.