Hammamet, Tunisia 25-28 March 2015

Attending the 1st TSFLC 2015 in Hammamet, Tunisia. The view was splendid and my room was facing the Mediterranean Sea.  The sounds of the sea with splashing waves and breeze could be heard day and night. I really enjoyed my stay in Hammamet, Tunisia.





Class Debate 21 April 2015

We had a debate session in class and the motion was ‘The Government Should Spend More on Education’.

Points from the Government team:

  • need more educated people
  • send students oversea for technology transfer
  • no point of having sophisticated technology if we don’t have people to operate 

Point from the Opposition team:

  • should not just focus on education, need to strike a balance
  • spend on others as well like transportation.
  • Public transportation is important.
  • National defence needs more allocation since it is crucial to the nation

We were having fun listening to the arguments made by potential debaters.  It was such a marvellous session, BRAVO!!!

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Well done Humaiera…

My youngest daughter, Humaiera Ibrahim, won the third place in Story Telling Level 2 Competition. She is representing the southern zone to the Kulai District level on 19 April 2015. All the best myya and may Allah make it easy for you.

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English Carnival

Attending an English Carnival event, Southern Zones, as a representative of PIBG (PTA), SK Kangkar Pulai – 16 April 2015.

Some story telling contestants.

20150416_085353 1st Place20150416_0929202nd Place

Screenshot_2015-04-16-12-44-583rd Place from SK Kangkar Pulai. Humaiera Ibrahim (Year 5)