Being a mother and supervisor.

Apparently, a mother and supervisor share one most crucial role that is being a sorter. As a mother, we have to sort dirty clothes which our kids dump in a big laundry basket. Upon washing, the mother has so sort school uniforms, office shirts, towels, bedsheet, pillow cases, outdoor attires, coloured, whites and the list goes on and on. Mothers wash item by item accordingly.

Similarly, as a supervisor, we have to do the same. Not to sort dirty clothes BUT information. PhD candidates tend to add all kinds of information in their writing, even though the information is not necessary. There is a big tendency for them to repeat the same information again and again. While reading my PhD student’s drafts (the fourth draft) I got annoyed with the info recurrence and I ended up become a sorter with the aim that the final thesis is readable. Therefore, dear PhD candidates, please help your supervisor by being organised. Organise your study, data, findings and most importantly your thought. Thank you for reading 😊


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