Binge Reading

I have been reading my student’s PhD proposal for several days. The proposal is good, but it is sooooooo lengthy. Can you imagine the proposal is of 113 pages…. piuhhhhhhh what a laborious reading task. Alhamdulillah, I managed to finish my binge reading series.

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Binge Reading

Binge reading is a common phenomenon to all academic staff when it comes to the end of a semester. The reading list will be as lengthy as it can be:

  1. PhD proposals
  2. Masters proposals
  3. PhD theses
  4. Masters theses
  5. loads and loads of assignments

Surah Al-An’aam – سورة الأنعام


˹Consider˺ the Day He will gather them ˹all˺ together and say, “O assembly of jinn! You misled humans in great numbers.” And their human associates will say, “Our Lord! We benefited from each other’s company, but now we have reached the term which You appointed for us.” ˹Then˺ He will say, “The Fire is your home, yours to stay in forever, except whoever Allah wills to spare.” Surely your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing. 

Reading Marathon

For 3 days I was reading my students’ proposals and thesis drafts non stop. The task was really laborious and made me feel so exhausted. Since there were different topics and areas, I had to shift my mind from one to another drastically.

  1. factors for international students to study in higher institutions in China
  2. multimodal analysis of violence in cartoons
  3. ideologies of an organisation portrayed on Facebook wall
  4. representation of bank images by means of visual and textual elements on bank websites
  5. Intercultural Communication Competence among students of English Language Studies
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Engaging with students

How do you engage students through online lessons? 8 new ideas for engaging online students.

  1. Train instructors in online learning
  2. Give students a sense of ownership and control
  3. lan for delivery diversity
  4. Be a storyteller
  5. Regularly update course content
  6. Assign success coaches
  7. Encourage accountability
  8. Help students nurture intrinsic motivation

You can visit the page which has very useful information for engaging students online.


While watching the movie “Soul”, one of the characters told a very interesting story. There once was a younger fish who swam up to an older fish. The younger fish asked the older fish where he could find the ocean. The older fish looked at him and said, “The ocean? That’s where you are now”. The younger fish replied angrily that the place they were in was water not the ocean. My interpretation of this is story is that sometimes we build up high expectations of something that even when we get it, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate it as it is.