18 Leadership Communication Trends to Look for in 2021

The advancement of technology has some how affected the leadership styles. Leaders are not expected to behave the same way as leaders in the 20th century. Being leaders in the new millennia era is very demanding, as leaders have to catch up with the tremendous changing that takes place especially with the booming of social media. Leaders have to be vigilant with every word they utter. As there is a saying in Bahasa Melayu that goes ‘terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya’, which means once we make mistake with our words, there is no way to retract.

What are the leadership communication trends in 2021?


How to Stay Happy

Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest


Thank you to my old classmate, Aminuddin Busra, for sharing this quote. To stay happy is much more important than anything else. Don’t get yourself trapped in negative vibes.

Stay happy to stay healthy, and always remember, health is wealth.

Discussion on Teaching and Learning

We had a very short discussion on teaching and learning at Language Academy. Things highlighted were the importance of ePPP and content blended learning, which contribute marks to the teaching component of ELPPT. Staff need to ensure that more than 30% of the students do the ePPP and get at least the score of 4.0 or P3. They also need to comply to Level 4 or Level 5 of content blended learning, to be awarded with certificates. Good luck to LA staff and hope the session was fruitful.

Professor Theo van Leeuwen – The Master of Social Semiotics and Multimodalilty

I felt so delighted when one of my PhD students shared this video with me. Professor Theo van Leeuwen was my supervisor when I did my PhD at Cardiff University, UK. My research was on the Generic Structure of Cooperate Websites. The focus was on the multimodal design of multinational company websites. And I am currently supervising PhD studies on applying Systemic Functional Linguistics and Multimodality to various social contexts, for example, education, media, tourism, advertisements and you name it.

Being Positive

Work Hard Play Positive

# Optimistic

# Encouraging

# Servant Leader

# Heart for others

# Admit imperfections

# Always give 100%

# Put TEAM first